
A field for the django web framework which - under the hood - versionizes its content.

Looking for a new maintainer

I'm looking for a new maintainer for django-rcsfield. If you are interested in taking over the project please send me an e-mail to arne -at-

Versionize Content of Django Model-Fields

django-rcsfield is a field (like models.TextField) for the Django web framework which - under the hood - versionizes its content. The 'rcs' in the name is short for revision control system.

The current implementation works with:

  • Bazaar
  • Git (via GitPython)
  • SVN
  • Mercurial (hg)

An abstration layer makes implementing additional backends very easy.

Currently it handles the following: On running syncdb it checks out or creates (depending on the backend) an initial working copy. If a model has an RcsTextField contents of this field are versionized in the repository.

To make it possible to fetch older versions a djangonic API is available. Plese look at the QuickStart Page for an example how the lookup API is implemented.


Please read the README file at:


| r90 | added a backend for mercurial (hg) | |:--------------------------------------------------------------------|:-----------------------------------| | r80 | added an example wiki which shows how to use rcsfield and improved documentation. | | r76 | We now have some basic unittests :) | | r64 | The output of the historytrail templatetag can now be changed in the template rcsfield/includes/historytrail.html | | r62 | Added a RcsJsonField to store and versionize arbitrary data structures in json format (as long as they are handled by the default simplejson encoder.) | | r58 | We now have a GIT backend (thanks to Jannis Leidel). |

ohloh stats

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Project Information

django field revision-control versionized history rcs vcs version-control