
Increase productivity on Django projects while using Komodo with this collection of snippets, macros, commands, toolbars, templates, and extensions.

The Django Komodo Kit intends to various utilities and plugins to enhance productivity while implementing Django-based projects using Komodo Edit or Komodo IDE. The baseline for the feature set will be the freely available Komodo Edit application.

The ActiveState Komodo editor/IDE is built on Mozilla technology and it provides a lot of easy to use hooks for customizing your environment. With a focus on Django development, this project will provide and collect:

  • snippets
  • macros
  • commands
  • toolbars
  • templates
  • extensions

Since a user of Komodo Edit will have individual preferences for which aspects of the application they are most comfortable with, features will be available via as many editor-specific hooks as makes sense. For example, a feature to create stub code for a new Model could appear as a toolbar button, a context menu item in various places, or a snippet.

One auxiliary goal of the project is to implement as much as possible in Python. Some combination of interfacing with XPCOM or possibly experimenting with Django apps that output XUL will be investigated.

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Project Information

django komodo activestate snippet macro command toolbar template extension