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Main Admin Site

Admin Index Site with additional Navigation Area and a Bookmark-Section in the Header.

click to enlarge

Change List

Within the Changelist, we moved the Searchbar as well as the Results to a Sidebar on the right hand side of the Screen. This was done in order to group elements with a similar functionality. Moreover, the screen becomes more tidy (esp. when you use actions and list_editables).

http://vonautomatisch.at/media/uploads/grappelli/changelist_big.jpg'>http://vonautomatisch.at/media/uploads/grappelli/changelist_thumb.jpg' />
click to enlarge

Change Form

The Changeform includes enhanced collapsibles, ajax-based related lookups for foreign-keys and M2M-fields as well as ajax-lookups for generic relationships. Also included with Grappelli is a custom theme for TinyMCE.

http://vonautomatisch.at/media/uploads/grappelli/changeform_big.jpg'>http://vonautomatisch.at/media/uploads/grappelli/changeform_thumb.jpg' />
click to enlarge

Tabular Inlines

With Tabular Inlines you can add Inline-Elements with the Add-Button and you also get a Delete-Button for every element. Reordering Inlines hopefully coming soon.

http://vonautomatisch.at/media/uploads/grappelli/inlinetabular_big.jpg'>http://vonautomatisch.at/media/uploads/grappelli/inlinetabular_thumb.jpg' />
click to enlarge