
A generic, easy-to-use location-awareness application built for use in Django projects.

Basic Info

In a nutshell, django-geo is a generic location-awareness application that you can use in your Django project. It allows you to easily geotag any object in your database, and is still under heavy development. Geocoding is performed in a fully automated and transparent fashion.

API Reference

As django-geo is still under heavy development, I have taken the decision not to write any exhaustive API documentation at present. There are however, brief guides as to how to use django-geo in the documents linked in the links section of this page.

In addition to this, the code for django-geo is quite self-explanatory, and in most places there are docstrings to explain a given class (or function, or whatever).

If there is something that you're stuck with however, send me an email and I'll be happy to help.

Download and Installation

The method most developers will prefer is to use Subversion to keep up to date with changes to django-geo. The SVN version will be the most current version of the code, and checkins are only done when the code is known to work fully.

A word of warning, though; the SVN version may include API changes with no forewarning for the coming months. If API stability is crucial, you must download the latest release.

To check out the latest revision from SVN, enter the following command, which will download django-geo to a directory called geo:

svn checkout geo

Once downloaded, make sure the application is listed in your INSTALLED_APPS setting and on your PYTHONPATH.


If anyone does have any code they think would be useful to django-geo, please do let me know and I'd love to make use of it in the project.



Project Information

django geo world location geographic application generic geotagging geodata geospatial