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django-command-extensions - sync_media_s3.wiki

Django command that scans all files in your settings.MEDIA_ROOT folder and uploads them to S3 with the same directory structure.

This command can optionally do the following but it is off by default: * gzip compress any CSS and Javascript files it finds and adds the appropriate 'Content-Encoding' header. * set a far future 'Expires' header for optimal caching.

Example Usage


Upload files to S3 into the bucket 'mybucket'

$ ./manage.py sync_media_s3 mybucket

Upload files to S3 into the bucket 'mybucket' and enable gzipping CSS/JS files and setting of a far future expires header

$ ./manage.py sync_media_s3 mybucket --gzip --expires ```

Required libraries and settings

This management command requires the boto library and was tested with version 1.4c: http://code.google.com/p/boto/

It also requires an account with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the AWS S3 keys. The keys are added to your settings.py file, for example: ```
