Ajax Filtered Fields
Author: Francesco Banconi <francesco.banconi@gmail.com>
1 Introduction
Theese fields may be used in a many to many or foreign key relation, where the user may want to apply filters to the listed objects, because of they being too many, or just for usability reasons.
1.1 Technical details
When the user clicks on the chosen filter, an Ajax request is sent. It returns the matching elements in JSON format. The jQuery Javascript library is used.
2 Installation
The ajax_filtered_fields
package, included in the distribution, should be placed on the Python path.
3 Usage
As a usage example, let's put the MyModel model in a many to many relation with the RelatedModel one, via the related_models
copy to your media directory the Javascript file ajax_filtered_fields.jsincluded in media/js/
within the distribution;
add this line to your Django project's urls.py
(r'^ajax_filtered_fields/', include('ajax_filtered_fields.urls')),
in the model form, choose the field you want to use, reference the formerly copied Javascript file, the jQuery library and the django admin's Javascript code that mutates the select widget into a selectfilter one:
``` from ajax_filtered_fields.forms import AjaxManyToManyField from django.conf import settings
class MyModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
# lookups explained below
related_objects = AjaxManyToManyField(RelatedModel, lookups)
class Meta:
model = Model
class Media:
js = (
settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX + "js/SelectBox.js",
settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX + "js/SelectFilter2.js",
if the form is being used outside of the auto generated django admin, you have to load several django admin's Javascript files from the page where the field will be shown:
``` {% load adminmedia %}
if your form is used by non-staff users (e.g. in the frontend of your site)
then <script type="text/javascript" src="/admin/jsi18n/"></script>
not work (due to permission problems).
A simple work around to resolve the problem is to directly point a url to the view by including the following line in the urls.py:
(r'^dynamic-media/jsi18n/$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog'),
(r'^dynamic-media/jsi18n/$', 'django.views.i18n.null_javascript_catalog'),
depending on whether or not you use the i18n
and then referencing the new url in place of
in the page where you need an ajax filtered field.
if you want i18n for ManyToManyByLetter, ForeignKeyByLetter, ManyToManyByStatus, ForeignKeyByStatus, ManyToManyByRelatedField and ForeignKeyByRelatedField fields (see below for details about available fields), add 'ajax_filtered_fields'
in your settings.py. The only languages currently available are English and Italian.
4 Available fields
4.1 AjaxManyToManyField
Base many to many form field class that displays filter choices using jQuery Ajax requests.
``` from ajax_filtered_fields.forms import AjaxManyToManyField
in the form
related_objects = AjaxManyToManyField( model, lookups, default_index=0, select_related=None, *args, **kwargs) ```
model: the related model
lookups: a sequence of
(label, lookup_dict)
specifying object filtering, e.g.:
('active', {'is_active': True}),
('inactive', {'is_active': False}),
you may specify what you want in
, give multiple filter lookups for the same choice and also set a choice that gets all unfiltered objects, e.g.:
('some stuff', {'field1__startswith': 'a', 'field2': 'value'}),
('all stuff', {}),
if only one choice is specified, then that one is applied to the listed objects and no choices links are displayed in the html output. This makes the field useful if you want to limit available choices.
New in version 0.5:
can also be a callable that returns a sequence of (label, lookup_dict)
(this is useful when your lookups must be evaluated at runtime).
default_index: the index of the lookup sequence that will be the default choice when the field is initially displayed. Set to None if you want the widget to start empty;
select_related: if not None, the resulting querydict is performed using
, allowing foreign keys to be retrieved (e.g. useful when the unicode representation of the model objects contains references to foreign keys).
You may also pass all the other args and kwargs accepted by the Django Field class.
4.2 ManyToManyByLetter
A subclass of AjaxManyToManyField that displays filters based on initials of a field of the objects, as they are typed by the user.
``` from ajax_filtered_fields.forms import ManyToManyByLetter
in the form
related_objects = ManyToManyByLetter(model, field_name="name") ```
model: the related model;
field_name: the name of the field where the initial letters are looked up.
You may also pass all the other args and kwargs accepted by AjaxManyToManyField.
4.3 ManyToManyByStatus
A subclass of AjaxManyToManyField that displays filters based on the activation status of the objects.
``` from ajax_filtered_fields.forms import ManyToManyByStatus
in the form
related_objects = ManyToManyByStatus(model, field_name="is_active") ```
model: the related model;
field_name: the name of the field that manages the activation of the object,
You may also pass all the other args and kwargs accepted by AjaxManyToManyField.
4.4 ManyToManyByRelatedField
New in version 0.5:
A subclass of AjaxManyToManyField that displays filters based on a related field (foreign key or many to many) of the object.
``` from ajax_filtered_fields.forms import ManyToManyByRelatedField
in the form
related_objects = ManyToManyByRelatedField(model, field_name, include_blank=False) ```
E.g.: you have a Band with a lot of Albums, each Album is related (using a foreign key or a many to many relation) to one or more Types ("ep", "lp", "demo"...) and, in the Band form, you want to filter albums by type.::
albums = ManyToManyByRelatedField(Album, "types")
- model: the related model;
- field_name: the name of the field representing the relationship
between the model and the related model
- include_blank: if not False is displayed a NULL choice for
objects without relation (
). The label of the choice must be specified as string.
You may also pass all the other args and kwargs accepted by AjaxManyToManyField.
4.5 AjaxForeignKeyField
Base foreign key form field class that displays filter choices using jQuery Ajax requests.
``` from ajax_filtered_fields.forms import AjaxForeignKeyField
in the form
related_objects = AjaxForeignKeyField( model, lookups, default_index=0, select_related=None, *args, **kwargs) ```
It takes the same arguments as AjaxManyToManyField, refer to AjaxManyToManyField documentation for details.
4.6 ForeignKeyByLetter
A subclass of AjaxForeignKeyField that displays filters based on initials of a field of the objects, as they are typed by the user.
``` from ajax_filtered_fields.forms import ForeignKeyByLetter
in the form
related_objects = ForeignKeyByLetter(model, field_name="name") ```
It takes the same arguments as ManyToManyByLetter, refer to ManyToManyByLetter documentation for details. You may also pass all the other args and kwargs accepted by AjaxForeignKeyField.
4.7 ForeignKeyByStatus
A subclass of AjaxForeignKeyField that displays filters based on the activation status of the objects.
``` from ajax_filtered_fields.forms import ForeignKeyByStatus
in the form
related_objects = ForeignKeyByStatus(model, field_name="is_active") ```
It takes the same arguments as ManyToManyByStatus, refer to ManyToManyByStatus documentation for details. You may also pass all the other args and kwargs accepted by AjaxForeignKeyField.
4.8 ForeignKeyByRelatedField
New in version 0.5:
A subclass of AjaxForeignKeyField that displays filters based on a related field (foreign key or many to many) of the object.
from ajax_filtered_fields.forms import ForeignKeyByRelatedField
# in the form
related_objects = ForeignKeyByRelatedField(model, field_name, include_blank=False)
It takes the same arguments as ManyToManyByRelatedField, refer to ManyToManyByRelatedField documentation for details. You may also pass all the other args and kwargs accepted by AjaxForeignKeyField.
5 Settings
in your project settings if you want to allow public access to the views.json_index view. Otherwise set it as an auth decorator callable (eg: django.contrib.auth.decorators.login_required). Default is django.contrib.admin.views.decorators.staff_member_required.
6 Javascript Events
The ajax_filtered_fields.data_loaded event is triggered (by the selector the Ajax Filtered Field refers to) when the ajax request is completed, the json data is loaded and the options are fully displayed. If you need, you can bind the event easily using jQuery, e.g.:
$("#select_id").bind(ajax_filtered_fields.data_loaded, function(e) {
// do the voodoo