
A mobile phones (or small devices capable of running Java ME) port of the classical Digger game.

Digger Mobile Edition (DiggerME) is a port of the classical Digger game from 1983 for mobile phones. It is written in JavaME. The port is based on the Java port Digger Remastered project. For more on Digger Remastered and the Java port see http://www.digger.org/. I have tested it mainly on Sony Ericsson phones (K530i to be specific), but I did some testing on Nokia phones too.

Some credits:
The original Digger game was written by Rob Sleath, the primary developer of Windmill games in 1983.
It was remastered by Andrew Jenner in 1998.
The Java port was written by Marek Futrega.

A note on game music:
There are two modes for music in the game: TONE and MIDI.
TONE is a better: it has special effects (when eating an emerald etc.).
Unfortunately, it seems to work well only on Sony Ericsson (that's my phone...), so the default mode is MIDI. You are welcome to try TONE too!


Project Information

games digger retro classicgames JavaME Mobilephones