A consumer is a client library which communicates with http resources secured with OAuth. The Consumer classes can be found in the DevDefined.OAuth.Consumer namespace.
To consume a service, such as google contacts you generally follow these steps:
- Create an OAuthConsumerContext - this holds information about the consumer, such as:
- ConsumerKey
- ConsumerSecret
- Key (i.e. the PrivateKey of an x509 Certificate)
- SignatureMethod (the method used to sign requests)
- Create an OAuthSession associated with the OAuthConsumerContext which includes information related to the service being consumed, this is normally the:
- RequestTokenUri (the address you can get a Request token from)
- UserAuthorizeUri (the address you send a user to on the provider site, so they can grant the consumer access)
- AccessTokenUri (the address you can submit a request token, to exchange it for an access token).
- Set some parameters that should be applied to all requests made with the session, for a google service this would normally be the "scope" parameter.
- Call Request() on the session to retrieve a request token.
- Call GetUserAuthorizationUrlForToken to create a url for user authorization, redirect the user to the url.
- Upon return, exchange the request token for an access token using the ExchangeRequestTokenForAccessToken method.
- For all subsequent requests set the AccessToken property of the session and then make requests using the Request() method.
``` string requestUrl = ""; string userAuthorizeUrl = ""; string accessUrl = ""; string callBackUrl = "";
var consumerContext = new OAuthConsumerContext { ConsumerKey = "", SignatureMethod = SignatureMethod.RsaSha1, Key = certificate.PrivateKey };
var session = new OAuthSession(consumerContext, requestUrl, userAuthorizeUrl, accessUrl)
.WithQueryParameters(new { scope = "" });
// get a request token from the provider IToken requestToken = session.GetRequestToken();
// generate a user authorize url for this token (which you can use in a redirect from the current site) string authorizationLink = session.GetUserAuthorizationUrlForToken(requestToken, callBackUrl);
// exchange a request token for an access token IToken accessToken = session.ExchangeRequestTokenForAccessToken(requestToken);
// make a request for a protected resource string responseText = session.Request().Get().ForUrl("").ToString(); ```