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devdefined-tools - OAuth.wiki


After looking at a few OAuth examples for .Net I was disheartened by their limited implementations, and especially a lack of a good provider implementation.

I started DevDefined.OAuth originally to accompany my REST presentation for the local .Net user group in May - but have decided to continue it's development for a little while, in a hope that it might prove useful to others trying to implementing OAuth for .Net (and because I need it for an upcoming project).

For more information on OAuth itself check out http://www.oauth.net/ and http://wiki.oauth.net/ or the google group at: http://groups.google.com/group/oauth/


Update 4th August 2010

The code has been moved to github, and can be found here now:


All issues/patches should be logged there now, and no further commits will be made to the code on this googlecode project.


This library has been forked a few times, the forks can be found here:

The XeroAPI is adding some great new features to the DevDefined OAuth library - well worth checking it out.


  • OAuthConsumer - implementing a consumer with the library.
  • OAuthProvider - implementing a provider with the library.
  • OAuthSignatureValidation - how to use the library to validate a signature.
  • GoogleServicesWithCertificate - how to use google services requiring a certificate.
  • OpenSocial Signature Validation - how to use the library to validate an OpenSocial signed request.
  • OAuthWcfIntegration - using this library with WCF.

Blog entries referencing this library


Work with the mono team RE: getting OAuth support into Mono Olive.