
Mechwarrior robot

This is a project to use an android phone as the brain for a Mech-Warfare robot. The phone sends video and sensor data back via UDP and TCP to a Processing app that displays the video and accepts input from a Playstation 3 controller. The phone receives the controller data and relays it via bluetooth to an Adrunio or Basic Stamp controller which controls the servos and motors for moving the robot.

The goal is to create a semi-autonomous robot that can navigate without bumping into walls and locate special target markers visually.

Here is a video of the robot

This project would not be possible without the work of so many great open source projects:

KryoNet -- Very fast and easy to use java networking, serialization and RMI lib.

Processing -- Ultra easy to use graphics and multimedia programing environment. You wont believe it's java!

AndAR -- Android Augmented Reality -- A a port of artoolkit for android.

SipDroid -- VOIP for android.

The Android Open Source Project -- Thanks Google!

There may be other projects I am forgetting, So I will credit the open source community as a whole for making what was once impossible merely difficult! To anyone who has ever released source thank you.

Project Information

robot Android processing Adrunio KryoNet