
The Dao to programming, new generation programming language

The Dao to programming: new generation programming language

In the dao to programming, some new forms, such as 3(x+5)(4a(5b+A11)), where A11 means A[1, 1] in other programming, |x|, the absolute value of x, n!, the factorial of n, date and time format, file path, url, email address, a menu in the restaurant, and all that, would become legal source code. The language of the dao to programming will be defined through dynamic parameterize grammar, the syntax of the program can be changed at the programmer's will.

It's pity that I can't use "Dao" as the project name on code.google, because there existed a project named dao on sourceforge before. So I used "Daot", where dao means the dao to programming. "t" would be the extension name of the dao program source file. "t" can be pronounced as "tao" or "dao" as well, means English letter T t or Greek Letter τ Τ λ Λ, denotes that the way of human and the way of computerintersect. By the way, λ and Λ, or lambda, represent recursive function theory, which is an important part of the computer sciense.

Chinese description:

编程之道: 新一代编程语言

在编程之道中,象_3(x+5)(4a(5b+A11))(其中A11在别的编程语言写作A[1, 1]), |x|(x的绝对值), n!(n的阶乘), 日期时间格式, 文件路径, url, email地址, 餐馆的菜单, 诸如此类, 都将是合法的源程序代码. 编程之道的语言将通过动态参数文法定义,程序员可以根据需要任意改变程序的文法。

很遗憾,因为sourceforge已经有了一个项目叫做Dao,在code.google上我不能再用"Dao"作为项目名称。因此我选择了"Daot"作为项目名。Dao代表编程之道。"t"将用作编程之道程序源文件的扩展名。"t"也可以念作"tao"或"dao", 表示英文字母T t或希腊字母τ Τ λ Λ,象征人类之道和电脑之道的交汇。其中,λ和Λ,也就是lambda, 表示递归函数理论,是计算机科学的重要组成部分。

Project Information

python dao DevTool