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corkami - BerlinSidesX2.wiki

<< index Android/Java/x86/... opcodes tables PDF tricks Portable Executable x86 oddities (this project is done in my spare time. Support it!)

x86 & PE

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[http://www.slideshare.net/ange4771/x86-pe Slideshare]

  • a presentation on the oddities of x86 assembly and the Portable Executable format
  • presented at [http://berlinsides.org/ BerlinSides] x2, on the 28th of December 2011, at the Universal Hall, in Berlin (Germany).

Slide notes are available in the 2nd half of the [http://xchg.info/corkami/slides_with_notes.pdf PDF with notes], or on the [http://www.slideshare.net/ange4771/x86-pe Slideshare page] (not the embedded slides).


