
OWL plug-ins for the Protege ontology development platform

OWL plug-ins for the Protege ontology development platform, created by members of the CO-ODE team and other associates at The University of Manchester. General instructions for installing plug-ins are available on the wiki.

PluginDescription Annotation Search View Find/filter/text search annotations across all active ontologies Annotation Template View
An easy to edit metadata set
Beanshell View
Direct access to Protege ontologies through a scripting tab
Bookmarks A list of useful classes/properties, saved with your ontology Cardinality ViewAlternative (cardinality focused) restrictions view for OWL classes Change View A useful debugging tool that shows all changes to the ontology since startup Cloud Views Class/property browsing by various measures of "importance" DL Query Get sub/superclasses of arbitrary class descriptions Excel Import Create class descriptions from Excel tables Matrix Views Tabular views of classes, properties and individuals OBO Tools
A selection of tools for OBO ontologies
OPPL (Ontology Pre-Processing Language) Support for transformations in OWL Outline/Existential Tree Views Views tracing down existential hierarchies for given properties OWL Calculations Support for arithmetic computation in OWL OWL Lint Support for a test framework for OWL OWLDoc JavaDoc style HTML export and view for your ontology OWLViz Graph view of the ontology SKOSEd View and edit SKOS vocabularies Taxonomy Cut+Paste Two example plug-ins for showing class descendants for pasting into documentation TerMine Extract candidate terms from a corpus The Nerd Just for fun! The Protege version of "Clippy" that everyone loves to hate! URI Tools Display the URI of the selected entity

Funded by JISC.

Project Information

OWL Protege Plugins Java Ontologies Ontology ODE Editor