2014-04-02: Google Code is closing down. This project has moved and no longer maintained here. Please go to the project home at GitHub or to the project wiki at heikkisiltala.net.
Catz is the web application engine that runs catza.net, the world's most advanced cat show photo service. Developing Catz is a non-paid hobby. It is targeted only to one specific use in one application area and to run one site, catza.net. Catz is not a general-purpose software.
The project is provided as open source because * it is an example of a Perl web application using Mojolicious MVC framework * maybe somebody learns something by checking the code out * sharing the source code should encourage me to write better code * my fans can see what happens behind the scene
If you get the code from SVN you don't get a working system since following parts are not distributed.
| /db | the SQLite database that is required by the system to run | |:------|:----------------------------------------------------------| | /lib/Catz/Data/Conf.pm | the system configuration module | | /lib/Catz/Data/Text.pm | the visible text strings for pages | | /tmpl/content | content-heavy templates to provide textual pages | | /data/newsmeta.txt | the tagged text source data file for news | | ../static | the photos and static assets served by the service |
Here are some of the key points where to start browsing the source code.
| /lib/Catz/App.pm | the Mojolicious application | |:-----------------|:----------------------------| | /lib/Catz/Ctrl | the controllers where Base.pm is the base controller | | /lib/Catz/Data | data related procedural modules providing caching functionality, page styles, search syntax handling etc. | | /lib/Catz/Load | procedural modules used only at data load time, not at runtime | | /lib/Catz/Model | the models based where Base.pm is the base model | | /lib/Catz/Util | procedural utility modules used all over the service | | /script/create_master.sql | the database creation script | | /script/load.pl | the data loading script | | /script/run.pl | the script that fires up the application | | /t | the functional tests run against the application | | /tmpl | Mojolicious ep templates | | /data | the tagged text source data files (note that they are updated only with software releases which is much lower pace than they actually change |
Project Information
The project was created on Feb 19, 2011.
- License: MIT License
- Content License: Creative Commons 3.0 BY
- 6 stars
- svn-based source control