CarShare is a software project designed to connect people who travel between cities. It's purpose is that everybody, who owns a car or any other vehicle can offer his free seats in his vehicle publicly to other people, which will travel on the same route. When anybody needs to travel somewhere, he can look up a registered user in our application which will go the same way in the same time. It will be even possible to communicate with other users, to negotiate the terms, departure time, etc.
A person who has no car or simply doesn't want to drive, can register a desired trip and will be alerted when someone else will register the same route as a driver. Then the driver will offer the time of departure, the price of the trip and other details of the trip. It will be also possible to negotiate repeated travels (to school, to work, etc.) between drivers and non-drivers.
Everytime a person needs to plan a route, he will first search our database for coresponding routes and if he don't find anything, he can search for trains or buses as he would normally do. The main benefits of this type of traveling in comparison with classic bus/train traveling is that the trip will be less expensive (for both the driver and the passengers), more comfortable and it helps protecting the environment. If you drive a car count the costs of the journey to work every day and divide them by four. This is the price that you would pay if the CarShare succesfuly finds someone in your region who travel the same route every morning.
Of course that not everybody will drive with a stranger. For this reason the application will have complex rating mechanism of registered drivers to help filter any inconvenient people. It may even happen that by using our application, you will make new friends, who share the passion for traveling. At first, the application will be useful only for routes between bigger cities, but in the future, when the application grows, smaller and smaller towns and other places will appear in our database.
CarShare will be available worldwide. It won't be focused on any country. First two languages available will be Czech and English. The first version of this application will be available for Android mobile phones due to application's convenient alerting system, but we believe that in the future it will be available on other platforms.
More information about this project will be avilable on our wiki or at this blog: http://car-share-project.blogspot.com/..
About people
Adéla Dragounová
- 2011 completed bachelor's degree in software engineering
- 2009 Junior ATM developer in Wincor-Nixdorf company
Armen Hajrapetjan
- 2010 - Passed the final state examinations for the bachelor degree in computer technology from ČVUT – FEL (Czech technical university in Prague – faculty of electronic engineering).
- 2009 - Certificate of professional qualification in electronic engineering, experience 3 years
- 2002 - 2006 Intermediate school electrotechnical, mechanical and industrial Major: automation engineering in Ústí nad Labem Finished with graduation
- 2009 - DKV Praha (Tramline vehicles depot in Prague) - electrical fitter
- 2006 - 2005 Community service, in the field of development and sale of medical equipments, I collaborated in the field of development of medical equipments
- 2005 - Community service in the field of PC sale and service
Programming Skills:
- Very good knowledge of PIC Assembler and C using MPLAB from Microchip.
- C# with Microsoft .NET Framework on Windows using Microsoft Visual Studio. WinForm, WPF, WCF, ASP.NET, MS SQL Database
- Cadence OrCAD Capture and Cadence OrCAD PCB Editor.
- Very good general knowledge of electronics.
Ladislav Záruba
- 2011 completed bachelor's degree in software engineering
- 2009- database administrator, PL/SQL developer in Total Solutions company
- skills with JAVA SE/EE, C++, OpenGL library, PHP, PL/SQL, Oracle databases
Marek Fišera
- Education
- 2011 completed bachelor's degree in software engineering
- Work
- 2007-now .NET (ASP.NET) developer
- Skills
- Other projects:
- co-owner of opensource project Bug-Track
- Windows Dock http://code.google.com/p/windows-dock
- Desktop Media Library http://code.google.com/p/desktop-media-library
- Windows Chromium Updater http://code.google.com/p/my-chromium-updater
- Neptuo OS http://www.neptuo.com/cs/projects http://beta.os.neptuo.com/webdesk
- is4wfw http://is4wfw.neptuo.com
- Some small utils at http://dev.neptuo.com/cs/software
Project Information
The project was created on Sep 26, 2011.
- License: GNU GPL v3
- 4 stars
- svn-based source control