
blender25 exporter to OGRE 3D engine

Active Development taken over by Mind-Calamity

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developed in partnership with Adminotech

special thanks to: RealXtend dev-team

Blender to Ogre Exporter Features

Export .scene:

* pos, rot, scl
* environment colors
* fog settings
* lights, colors
* array modifier (constant offset only)
* optimize instances
* selected only
* force cameras
* force lamps
* BGE physics
* collisions prims and external meshes

Export .mesh

* verts, normals, uv
* LOD (Ogre Command Line Tools)
* export `meshes` subdirectory
* bone weights
* shape animation (using NLA-hijacking)

Export .material

* diffuse color
* ambient intensity
* emission
* specular
* receive shadows on/off
* multiple materials per mesh
* exports `textures` subdirectory
* custom shaders using nodes

Export .skeleton

* bones
* animation
* multi-tracks using NLA-hijacking' target='_blank'>' width='425' height=344 />' target='_blank'>' width='425' height=344 />

Project Information