
The Biscotti Project


The Biscotti Project extends the'>Google Collections Library (now part of'>Guava) by offering new collection types, implementations, and related components for Java 6 or higher.

This project fully adheres to all the contracts and conventions specified in the JDK and Gauva.

What's in here?


  • BoundedMap - A capacity restricted Map. The size of this map can vary, but never exceed the maximum number of entries (the bound) specified at creation.
  • BoundedQueue - A capacity restricted Queue. The size of this queue can vary, but never exceed the maximum number of elements (the bound) specified at creation.
  • SortedCollection - A collection whose elements are automatically sorted, either according to their natural ordering, or by a Comparator object. This interface is the root of all sorted collection interfaces and implementations.
  • SortedList - A List that further provides a total ordering on its elements. This interface is the List analog of SortedSet.
    General-Purpose Implementations
  • TreeList - An implementation of the SortedList interface based on a modified Red-Black Tree.
  • TreeQueue - A Red-Black Tree implementation of an unbounded priority Queue.
  • TreeDeque - A Red-Black Tree implementation of an unbounded double-ended priority queue (also known as a Deque). Extends TreeQueue.
  • SkipList - A List which maintains its elements in sorted order while providing logarithmic running time for insertion, removal, and random access lookup operations, based on a modified Skip List.
  • RankList - A List implementation optimized for efficient random access insertion and removal operations, based on a modified Skip List.
    Special-Purpose Implementations - Capacity-restricted implementations.
  • TreeBoundedDeque - An implementation of BoundedQueue backed by a TreeDeque. When this deque is full new elements are rejected or accepted based on their priority.
  • LinkedBoundedQueue - A linked list implementation of BoundedQueue. This queue orders elements in first-in-first-out (FIFO) manner; it considers the eldest element to be the least-recently-inserted element.
  • FIFOBoundedMap - A BoundedMap implementation which removes stale mappings in first-in-first-out order. Extends LinkedHashMap.
  • LRUBoundedMap - A BoundedMap implementation which removes stale mappings in least-recently-accessed order. Extends LinkedHashMap.
  • Collections3 - Convenient factory methods and synchronize and unmodifiable wrappes.
  • Iterators2 - Offering count, concat, reverse, transform with function, filter with predicate, wrappers, and convenience implementations.
  • Iterables2 - A sister class of Iterators2 containing methods which operate exclusively on Iterables.
  • Preconditions2 - Static utility methods used to verify correctness of arguments passed to your own methods.
  • CloneNotSupportedException - A runtime exception analogous to the checked java.util.CloneNotSupportedException.
    Forwarding Implementations - Collections allowing you to customize their behavior per the decorator pattern without subclassing.
  • ForwardingDeque - A Deque which forwards all its method calls to a backing deque.
  • ForwardingNavigableMap - A NavigableMap which forwards all its method calls to a backing navigable map.
  • ForwardingNavigableSet - A NavigableSet which forwards all its method calls to a backing navigable set.
  • ForwardingPeekingIterator - A PeekingIterator which forwards all its method calls to a backing peeking iterator.
  • ForwardingSortedList - A SortedList which forwards all its method calls to a backing sorted list.

Getting Started

It is assumed that you are familiar with the Java Collection Framework and the Google Guava Libraries. Please examine the Links section if you are not.

You can begin by reading the'>FAQ, looking at the'>API Documentation, and browsing the'>source code.

A very early pre-alpha release is available for'>download. You will need to have the guava-r##.jar available in your project's classpath.

Coming Soon

Why should you be interested in this project? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a TreeDeque versus java.util.PriorityQueue? A Tutorial is coming.

The next big thing I am working on is implementing a concurrent'>Skip List based algorithm.