
Cyclist's satnav for Android devices

BikeRoute is currently looking for a new maintainer, because I no longer have time to work on it. Do please get in touch if you'd be interested.

BikeRoute is an android platform application providing gps-based route planning and directions using data from OpenStreetMap and a selection of routing providers ( in the UK, Google cycle directions in the US, and MapQuest worldwide).

Features: * A to B route finding (thanks to CycleStreets, Google Directions and MapQuest) * GPS current location * Route map (thanks to OpenStreetMap and OSMDroid) * Textual & spoken directions * Bicycle stand finder (thanks to OpenStreetMap) * Remember where you parked * Back to bike route planner * Elevation charts (using achartengine) * Navigate to contact address * Live satnav

Project Information

android java gis navigation gps cyclestreets openstreetmap elevationcharts achartengine satnav osmdroid