
Simplified but powerful replacement for OS batch scripts and scripting languages

BetterBatch scripts are very basic - and most functionality is in external commands. This keeps BetterBatch simple - and also fosters re-use of existing components and creation of small modular components.

A 'plugin' of BetterBatch is any tool that can be run at the OS shell prompt. Additional the command should return 0 for success and any non-zero value for failure.

BetterBatch scripts halt on the first error (unless otherwise specified) and all execution is logged (once logfile is set)

Please see the documentation at:

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Here is a BetterBatch script that shows many of the features: ```

this sets the log file. The log file CAN be changed

during execution (logfile can use variables defined in file

as opposed to includes)

  • logfile <script_dir>\test_bb.log

the following two 'pseudo' variables allow you to

get directory where the script is and the directory

from which the script was executed.

  • echo script_dir pseudo variable- <script_dir>
  • echo working_dir pseudo variable- <working_dir>

betterbatch pulls in the environment variables so that these can be used

by better batch

  • echo

for example this would be a good way to include machine specific


  • if exist .bb:
    • include .bb

or user specific configuration

  • if exist .bb:
    • include .bb

you can define your own variables

  • set project_root=<script_dir>

Note - include statements cannot use variables defined in the script (because

includes are executed before variable definitions statements are)

  • include <script_dir>\betterbatch\tests\test_files\

this will not work for example because is

not defined by the time the include will be executed

- include \betterbatch\tests\test_files\

change 0 to 1 to test

  • if compare 1 = 0:

    because of the 'ui' qualifier the output of this command will not

    be captured because of the 'nocheck' qualifier the return value will

    not be checked (so you can CTRL+C)

    • dir c:\ /s /p {ui} {nocheck}

example of channging the logfile

  • logfile \test_bb2.log

finally you can pass in variables on the command line:

the following section will only be run if you pass something like:

perform_section=true at the command line

  • if defined perform_section:
    • echo ********************************************
    • echo ********************************************

qualifiers modify how the command is executed, qualifiers are:

{ui}, {nocheck} and {echo}

ui - does not capture the text, so the user can work with

the output interactively

nocheck - does not check the return value - so even if it fails

errors will be ignored

echo - output will be echoed

It doesn't make sense to have echo + ui

  • cd non_existing_directory {nocheck} {echo}

add_tools_folder will make the executable programs in the specified folder

availabe in the script without requing path or extension

  • add_tools_folder c:\ # you a folder on your machine or in your config

you can assign variables to the output of commands

it can be multiline text there is a utility built in command to

replace new lines (\r\n)

  • set boot.ini = {{{type c:\boot.ini}}}
  • set boot.ini.one_line = {{{EscapeNewlines }}}
  • echo

the code within an {{{executable section}}} can include any shell

command or any built_in commands. There can be more than one on a line

But they cannot be embedded (on the same line - if you need to embed - you

can do that by using a temporary variable)

  • set dir_to_search = {{{echo }}}
  • set found = {{{dir \win.ini}}} {{{cd nowhere {nocheck}{echo}}}}

commands can be split over many lines in two ways

using either > or | characters

> character will result in all text being on one line

  • > set long_greater=different values here and here

  • echo

| character will result in all text being on many lines (i.e. it is only

it is kept as is with leading space stripped

  • | set long_pipe=different values here and here

  • set escaped = {{{escapenewlines }}}

  • echo

scrpits can be ended at any, using an END statment

it must include error return value and can include an optional message

  • end 0, Enough for now - stopping


Project Information

Python Batch script buildautomation