
BCAL LiDAR Tools for processing and visualizing LiDAR data


BCAL LiDAR Tools are open-source tools for processing, analyzing and visualizing LiDAR data. They are written in IDL programming language. The tools can currently process LiDAR data up to LAS 1.2 format.

NOTICE: Google Code recently deprecated their download service. Please download the compiled zip files from HERE instead. You can still checkout the source code through Google Code SVN repository.

Installation Instructions

  • Follow the installation instructions here. Version 2.x.x can be run with free IDL Virtual Machine, and does not need ENVI software.

http://bcal-lidar-tools.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/images/ViewerScreen.jpg' align='right' width='300px'> Using the Tools

  • Please visit wiki pages for further help on using the tools.
  • Sample LiDAR Data: To download sample datasets, visit the USGS or OpenTopography websites.

Bug Report/Feature Request

  • If you have found a bug or issue with the tools, or would like to request a new feature to be added to the tool, please submit an issue or feature request in the issue tracking system.

Earlier versions

  • BCAL LiDAR Tools were originally developed by David Streutker and are distributed through http://bcal.boisestate.edu/tools/lidar/. BCAL LiDAR Tools have also been used by ITTVis to develop their own proprietary LiDAR extension for ENVI.


  • BCAL’s LiDAR tools are widely used by a variety of federal and state agencies for research and teaching by several universities throughout the world. If you are using it for research or teaching purpose, we would appreciate if you could send the link to the publication/project or course to nancyglenn@boisestate.edu. We will list them in the wiki page.


  • BCAL LiDAR Tools are under active development. If you want to contribute in code development, please feel free to contact us.

Contact Information

Department of Geosciences
Boise State University
1910 University Drive
Boise, Idaho 83725-1535
Phone: 208-426-2933
Email: nancyglenn@boisestate.edu

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v3
  • 13 stars
  • svn-based source control

LiDAR IDL remotesensing ENVI GIS geoscience ALS pointcloud 3DVisualizer HeightFiltering DEM LAS