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ardupirates - Getting_started.wiki

Getting started

The ArduPirates project focuses on speeding up development on ArduCopter especially by integrating self controlling mechanisms without any commercial interests or targets.

The base of this project is Hein's Code which is an exit of the "official" ArduCopter Code.

First project was the Arducopter Super Stable Code by Hein and Phil with GPS Hold.

Then, the further development of the "official" Arducopter NG code was taken over by the Pirates. ArduPirates are now teaming up and joining forces with the Arducopter Team. Read DIYDrones founder Chris Anderson's blog announcement here


ArduPiratesNG is the latest version and will be the Official Release for both ArduPirates Team and ArduCopter Team. The code will be released soon, stay tuned!

What the Pirates have to offer:

  • Working Sparkfun Magnetometer
  • GPS hold
  • Altitude hold with Barometer and Sonar
  • Automatic camera leveling plus an automatic camera trigger!

Even more: Hein's code applies to Hexa and Octocopter builds.

Please check the links in this wiki, they are pointing on some DIYDrones ArduCopter’s wiki which could help you.