Apple Push Notification Python Wrapper
Apple Push Notification Wrapper is very simple tool to sending your notification to your apps on iPhone / iPod Touch devices. This document doesn't describe how to generate APNS certificate.
To install APNSWrapper use setuptools. Type in your terminal:
$ easy_install APNSWrapper
Basic Usage
To send your notification you should make few things: * create APNSNotificatonWrapper (in sandbox or production mode) * create an instance or few instances of APNSNotification * set your notification type (badge, sound or alert) * send notification
deviceToken = 'Qun\xaa\xd4R\x11zu\x07\x04\x9dG\xe6\x96j&\x95Y\x9d\x91~\xcc`z\n\x88O\xc0\x9c\xf6\xca'
create wrapper
wrapper = APNSNotificationWrapper('iphone_cert.pem', True)
create message
message = APNSNotification() message.token(deviceToken) message.badge(5)
add message to tuple and send it to APNS server
wrapper.append(message) wrapper.notify() ```