Apache2::REST provides a simple and flexible micro-framework which allows developers to implement their application RESTful's API in Perl, using apache2 and mod_perl2/mod_apreq2.
Find the code and more documentation at CPAN
Here's a quick tutorial:
1. Install it
$ cpan -i Apache2::REST
2. Write your first API root handler
``` package MyApp::REST::API ; use warnings ; use strict ;
use base qw/Apache2::REST::Handler/ ;
Implement the GET HTTP method.
sub GET{ my ($self, $request, $response) = @_ ; $response->data()->{’api_mess’} = ’Hello, this is MyApp REST API’ ; return Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK ; }
Authorize the GET method.
sub isAuth{my ($self, $method, $req) = @_; return $method eq ’GET’;} 1 ; ```
3. Configure apache
Make sure you
LoadModule apreq_module modules/mod_apreq2.so LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
Load Apache2::REST
PerlModule Apache2::REST
Let Apache2::REST handle the /
and set the root handler of the API
SetHandler perl-script PerlSetVar Apache2RESTHandlerRootClass "MyApp::REST::API" PerlResponseHandler Apache2::REST ```
4. Access your brand new API
At http://yourhost/
Now read the CookBook and perldoc Apache2::REST to go further.