
Desktop app to control an android device remotely

Desktop app to control an android device remotely using mouse and keyboard. Should work on Windows/Linux/MacOS with any android device.

I've created a google groups HERE for support, no direct help request please.


  1. Install the android sdk (download here)
  2. Connect your device through USB cable and ensure it's detected with "adb devices"
  3. Make sure you have Java Runtime Environnement 5 or later installed
  4. Click HERE. You can launch it by typing "javaws " from a command line.

If mouse/keyboard control doesn't work, open a command line and type : * adb shell * su * chmod 777 /data/dalvik-cache * cd /data/dalvik-cache * chmod 777 ./


  • Mouse and keyboard control FOR ROOTED DEVICES ONLY
  • Landscape mode (right click)
  • Video recording
  • Basic file browser

Current limitations

  • Slow refresh rate (about 4-5 fps)
  • Not all keycode are mapped. See KeyMapping


  • Automatic screen rotation based on the device current state.
  • Improve speed
  • Audio redirection

How can i help ?

  • Donate using this button : (Thank Daniel and Tyler !)
  • Report issues, submit patch, ...

Project Information

android remote control