Status Update
Comments <> #2
This is something we've investigated a couple of years ago already and that we revisit
regularly. Of course we thought of using the GPU, but there are non-trivial issues on
many Android devices (a G1-class device for instance supports only one OpenGL
context at a time, which would prevent you from using any OpenGL based app like
games or augmented reality apps.) In our past experiments we even found many
cases in which using the GPU was slower than normal rendering.
New devices might allow us to overcome the past limitations that made GPU support
a not-so-good solution.
The "choppiness" and "lagginess" you are mentioning are more often related to heavy
garbage collection than drawing performance.
regularly. Of course we thought of using the GPU, but there are non-trivial issues on
many Android devices (a G1-class device for instance supports only one OpenGL
context at a time, which would prevent you from using any OpenGL based app like
games or augmented reality apps.) In our past experiments we even found many
cases in which using the GPU was slower than normal rendering.
New devices might allow us to overcome the past limitations that made GPU support
a not-so-good solution.
The "choppiness" and "lagginess" you are mentioning are more often related to heavy
garbage collection than drawing performance. <> #3
Thanks for your answer. I do have to say though that the constant choppiness i currently experience
when browsing on my droid/milestone has little to do with garbage collections. Things like anti aliasing,
text smoothing, fast zooming are currently handled by the cpu only.
The difference becomes especially clear when one compares the iphone 3gs to the droid. We are talking
about the exact same hardware, yet the smooth, constant high fps seen on the iphone is not seen on
the droid. I understand that most phones before the n1 and droid were not capable of much hardware
accelerated functions, but i really expected phones like the droid to offer a much smoother experience.
when browsing on my droid/milestone has little to do with garbage collections. Things like anti aliasing,
text smoothing, fast zooming are currently handled by the cpu only.
The difference becomes especially clear when one compares the iphone 3gs to the droid. We are talking
about the exact same hardware, yet the smooth, constant high fps seen on the iphone is not seen on
the droid. I understand that most phones before the n1 and droid were not capable of much hardware
accelerated functions, but i really expected phones like the droid to offer a much smoother experience. <> #4
I agree with jakkoterborg,
I can understand from Google's point of view the difficulties in writing and
incorporating drivers for all the various gpus from the different manufacturers. But
there should be something done. It's pretty ridiculous to have phones with such
power and it's wasting the gpu almost completely. who is responsible for the gpu
coding for drivers or graphics in the kernel? are these closed sourced video chips?
I can guarantee give access to any rom dev and you'll see 300%
improvement in speed overall in 1 week or less haha.
This is the cause of the problems with live wall papers and the 2.1 launcher and
we've already seen it proven in logs on alldroid. it tries and uses cpu only for the
UI and bogs down trying to use these new features, features that should barely make
it raise a sweat if properly coded to use the gpu like any decent os would.
android is doing the equivalent of windows 7 running aero full settings using only
cpu power.
I understand older phones will lose out and start to fall by the wayside, but that is
life and just how things are. Not incorporating full gpu functionality into android
is just holding us back. It's not like every android phone is getting updated to 2.1
and beyond and soon enough neither the droid nor the nexus will be receiving updates
either as their next gen replacements come out.
The problem is I don't really know who to point the finger at, google for not forcing
hardware acceleration into the new products or the manufacturers for not adding full
support of their hardware into android or opening the source for drivers for the
hardware so the community can do the job for them.
It's just crazy to see phones with such massive specs and it's all being wasted. We
have to turn to rom hackers and other community developers instead of Google and
phone manufacturers to actually realize the potential of our phones. frankly I'd be
rather ashamed of myself if I were Google or Motorola.
community devs and hackers have managed to not only allow overclocks of over 100% on
the droid in some cases, STABLE btw with not much increase in temps (which we can now
monitor because of these devs) but seemed to have done a better job of getting live
wallpapers and even the 2.1 launcher to work than either of you. There are roms for
2.0.1 even that run these things already and we're still waiting for the ota for 2.1
on the droid... what was supposed to be the cutting edge Google experience phone.
Will Google pull the same crap on the nexus next time a new phone comes out?
completely turn its back? seems like it from the droid communities perspective.
anyways, I'm going off topic.. just had to let of steam.
Full hardware acceleration of the operating system and it's apps by the GPU should be
a PRIORITY for incorporation into the next maintenance update of android and should
come out asap.
I can understand from Google's point of view the difficulties in writing and
incorporating drivers for all the various gpus from the different manufacturers. But
there should be something done. It's pretty ridiculous to have phones with such
power and it's wasting the gpu almost completely. who is responsible for the gpu
coding for drivers or graphics in the kernel? are these closed sourced video chips?
I can guarantee give access to any rom dev on
improvement in speed overall in 1 week or less haha.
This is the cause of the problems with live wall papers and the 2.1 launcher and
we've already seen it proven in logs on alldroid. it tries and uses cpu only for the
UI and bogs down trying to use these new features, features that should barely make
it raise a sweat if properly coded to use the gpu like any decent os would.
android is doing the equivalent of windows 7 running aero full settings using only
cpu power.
I understand older phones will lose out and start to fall by the wayside, but that is
life and just how things are. Not incorporating full gpu functionality into android
is just holding us back. It's not like every android phone is getting updated to 2.1
and beyond and soon enough neither the droid nor the nexus will be receiving updates
either as their next gen replacements come out.
The problem is I don't really know who to point the finger at, google for not forcing
hardware acceleration into the new products or the manufacturers for not adding full
support of their hardware into android or opening the source for drivers for the
hardware so the community can do the job for them.
It's just crazy to see phones with such massive specs and it's all being wasted. We
have to turn to rom hackers and other community developers instead of Google and
phone manufacturers to actually realize the potential of our phones. frankly I'd be
rather ashamed of myself if I were Google or Motorola.
community devs and hackers have managed to not only allow overclocks of over 100% on
the droid in some cases, STABLE btw with not much increase in temps (which we can now
monitor because of these devs) but seemed to have done a better job of getting live
wallpapers and even the 2.1 launcher to work than either of you. There are roms for
2.0.1 even that run these things already and we're still waiting for the ota for 2.1
on the droid... what was supposed to be the cutting edge Google experience phone.
Will Google pull the same crap on the nexus next time a new phone comes out?
completely turn its back? seems like it from the droid communities perspective.
anyways, I'm going off topic.. just had to let of steam.
Full hardware acceleration of the operating system and it's apps by the GPU should be
a PRIORITY for incorporation into the next maintenance update of android and should
come out asap. <> #5
A related issue, android currently does not use the NEON floating point part of the cortex a8. Is there
any reason why this is not the case?
any reason why this is not the case? <> #6 <> #7
I believe one of the barriers for many people that I have talked to is the relative
choppiness in scrolling and various animations... most importantly the browser.
Always when I talk to someone that's on the fence between Android and iPhone the
choppy scrolling is something they point out to me as a concern.... which is
frustrating to me as I see how powerful + free Android is. To have such a visual
element be a stumbling block is annoying.
I have both a Nexus One and a iPhone 3gs (although 3gs soon to be sold)--- and one is
simply blind if they think the nexus one's browser (and other areas) scrolls as
smoothly as the 3gs. I am most definitely an Android advocate. I'm someone that
appreciates function over form, which is why I chose Android again going forward, but
I think smoother visual GPU integration would do wonders for non-technical peoples'
perception of Android. (which is quite frankly only the pretty pretty flowing UI they
Please reconsider this again. :)
choppiness in scrolling and various animations... most importantly the browser.
Always when I talk to someone that's on the fence between Android and iPhone the
choppy scrolling is something they point out to me as a concern.... which is
frustrating to me as I see how powerful + free Android is. To have such a visual
element be a stumbling block is annoying.
I have both a Nexus One and a iPhone 3gs (although 3gs soon to be sold)--- and one is
simply blind if they think the nexus one's browser (and other areas) scrolls as
smoothly as the 3gs. I am most definitely an Android advocate. I'm someone that
appreciates function over form, which is why I chose Android again going forward, but
I think smoother visual GPU integration would do wonders for non-technical peoples'
perception of Android. (which is quite frankly only the pretty pretty flowing UI they
Please reconsider this again. :) <> #8
I switched from the iPhone 3G to a Droid. I would never go back, but I'm still
stunned at how much smoother the UI is on the iPhone. It feels so much more
interactive when there is virtually no lag between your finger movements and the
movements on the screen. I've gotten used to the lag and I don't notice it as much
now, but whenever I use an iPhone, I'm reminded of it again.
It would be a gigantic boon if it were possible to use the GPU on the N1 or the
Droid. I realize it's a bit complicated, but the current situation is extremely
inefficient and a waste of available resources that could greatly enhance the user
stunned at how much smoother the UI is on the iPhone. It feels so much more
interactive when there is virtually no lag between your finger movements and the
movements on the screen. I've gotten used to the lag and I don't notice it as much
now, but whenever I use an iPhone, I'm reminded of it again.
It would be a gigantic boon if it were possible to use the GPU on the N1 or the
Droid. I realize it's a bit complicated, but the current situation is extremely
inefficient and a waste of available resources that could greatly enhance the user
experience. <> #9
I just got my milestone a week ago without trying it out first (bad idea), after
selling my 3gs. Sadly just like everybody here, I am disappointed with the fluidity
of its UI. It's even more disappointing to know that my milestone actually has what
it takes to match iphone's user experience, but isn't doing it.
"New devices might allow us to overcome the past limitations that made GPU support
a not-so-good solution."
So, there is the answer, new devices. I like android alot, but until this UI thing is
sorted out, i'm going back to 3gs and wait for "new devices" as suggested.
selling my 3gs. Sadly just like everybody here, I am disappointed with the fluidity
of its UI. It's even more disappointing to know that my milestone actually has what
it takes to match iphone's user experience, but isn't doing it.
"New devices might allow us to overcome the past limitations that made GPU support
a not-so-good solution."
So, there is the answer, new devices. I like android alot, but until this UI thing is
sorted out, i'm going back to 3gs and wait for "new devices" as suggested. <> #10
is the nexus one/desire/incredible/EVO 4G not "new devices"?
its really sad that android offers so much, but reality dictates that whoever has the
best presentation (UI in this case), wins in the real world regardless of features.
so yeah, the world is shallow and getting android up to par (GPU accel UI) is by far
the biggest leap you could do for android in the eyes of the masses right now (and i
doubt it would take as much time as the other planned features).
my suggestion, put this into maximum priority
but time will tell, and you will see im right ;)
its really sad that android offers so much, but reality dictates that whoever has the
best presentation (UI in this case), wins in the real world regardless of features.
so yeah, the world is shallow and getting android up to par (GPU accel UI) is by far
the biggest leap you could do for android in the eyes of the masses right now (and i
doubt it would take as much time as the other planned features).
my suggestion, put this into maximum priority
but time will tell, and you will see im right ;) <> #11
Yes, I agree. Please add this. <> #12
I have a N1 and so disapointed about the jerky ui.
Google, please do something! PLEASE!
Google, please do something! PLEASE! <> #13
Add it! <> #14
If you star the bug, it counts as a vote. Please refrain from posting "I agree" or "Add
it" or "Me too" as it spams everyone who has starred this bug.
Please only post comments if you have some additional technical knowledge that you wish
to share.
(Sorry for spamming the list myself!)
it" or "Me too" as it spams everyone who has starred this bug.
Please only post comments if you have some additional technical knowledge that you wish
to share.
(Sorry for spamming the list myself!) <> #15
If Android is aiming at the tablet/pad market this must be a top priority. Tablets will use resolutions if
1024x720 and higher. There is no way to push that much data using the CPU and still keep the overall
system performance at a high level. A multitasking system needs a Ul that doesn't halt the system while
scrolling homescreens and windows. Besides it really hurts to see unused hardware inside my gadget. ;)
1024x720 and higher. There is no way to push that much data using the CPU and still keep the overall
system performance at a high level. A multitasking system needs a Ul that doesn't halt the system while
scrolling homescreens and windows. Besides it really hurts to see unused hardware inside my gadget. ;) <> #16
romain... talked about hardware limitations on some android device.
WE know that, differently from iPhone, Android runs on many different platforms..But i don't think that it's too hard for you to enable GPU Acceleration only on some capable devices!
Moreover, Google doesn't release an unique update for all devices, but each one has its own. So it isn't hard to code each update in order to use GPU Power.
We want to be the No. 1 in the world..and this is where to start from, imho.
WE know that, differently from iPhone, Android runs on many different platforms..But i don't think that it's too hard for you to enable GPU Acceleration only on some capable devices!
Moreover, Google doesn't release an unique update for all devices, but each one has its own. So it isn't hard to code each update in order to use GPU Power.
We want to be the No. 1 in the world..and this is where to start from, imho. <> #17
Please Google Use the GPU acceleration for the GUI please! <> #18
The choppiness on the N1 is what makes the experience lacking. The UI is great but it's just not fluid.
Google need to pay more attention to UI smoothness as it seems that's what gives non-techy people trust in the system they're using.
Don't get me wrong, I love my N1 and wouldn't have any other phone, but it would be so much better with fluidity!
The choppiness on the N1 is what makes the experience lacking. The UI is great but it's just not fluid.
Google need to pay more attention to UI smoothness as it seems that's what gives non-techy people trust in the system they're using.
Don't get me wrong, I love my N1 and wouldn't have any other phone, but it would be so much better with fluidity! <> #19
Google should listen to us customer and consumer. Please don't be Microsoft scared to implement new thing to avoid conflict with older device.
Not the future we want (you said this in Google I/O)
Walk the talk please.
Not the future we want (you said this in Google I/O)
Walk the talk please. <> #20
that weird i thought it was gpu accelerated i guess that's just custom roms :( wtf? <> #21
Well if android was gpu accelerated it was way better..
We can have more UI effect, more fluidity more responsivness since the GPU can render the screen while CPU is working hard..
As i said before, Google release an AOSP source code that then is modified by vendor for each device..
So i can't see any problem! Just add GPU acceleration to capable devices only!
Hope to see a reply from Google soon...
We can have more UI effect, more fluidity more responsivness since the GPU can render the screen while CPU is working hard..
As i said before, Google release an AOSP source code that then is modified by vendor for each device..
So i can't see any problem! Just add GPU acceleration to capable devices only!
Hope to see a reply from Google soon...
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #22
I agree also, Romain guy your have been listening to the community implementing such features this should be one of them to really listen to. I can't even enjoy the standard launcher i have to use launcher pro or ADW just to have smooth scrolling even in froyo(pre-release) at times. There should be a simple switch to enable or disable 3d accelerations like how ubuntu does it with Compiz. Your seriously telling me your cannot implement a auto-detection feature to see if the phone can handle it and if it can, then the 3d accel is enabled for that phone?
Completly agree with MykeB.NYC..
You must install ADW or LauncherPro to have better scrolling experience..using them everything becomes smooth..really smooth and fluid..!!
I Don't think this as implementation problem..i think it's just a feature to add..
Would be awesome to read something from Google about it :)
You must install ADW or LauncherPro to have better scrolling experience..using them everything becomes smooth..really smooth and fluid..!!
I Don't think this as implementation problem..i think it's just a feature to add..
Would be awesome to read something from Google about it :) <> #24
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #25
""Completly agree with MykeB.NYC..
You must install ADW or LauncherPro to have better scrolling experience..using them everything becomes smooth..really smooth and fluid..!!
I Don't think this as implementation problem..i think it's just a feature to add..
Would be awesome to read something from Google about it :)"""
- Thanks for backing me up i think this feature outweigh the positives more than the negatives...couldn't google implement a feature where if a game is loaded that requires 3d, 3d on the desktop is disabled until the game exited?
You must install ADW or LauncherPro to have better scrolling experience..using them everything becomes smooth..really smooth and fluid..!!
I Don't think this as implementation problem..i think it's just a feature to add..
Would be awesome to read something from Google about it :)"""
- Thanks for backing me up i think this feature outweigh the positives more than the negatives...couldn't google implement a feature where if a game is loaded that requires 3d, 3d on the desktop is disabled until the game exited? <> #26
Surely if someone can do it with something like Launcher Pro, Google could do it! If not, hire the guy! <> #27
Well i think that this should be easy to do..
As i understood, the GPU must be used by one process at time so Using Priority, scheduler(maybe) and semaphore do the job.
If you run a game, it get exclusive use of GPU while all other app are rendered using CPU. As soon as you come back home, the game lose it's access to GPU that return to Home application.
This shouldn't be so different from the mechanism of giving CPU to each process :)
Google did a perfect job with multitasking..that's why i really want gpu acceleration!
As i understood, the GPU must be used by one process at time so Using Priority, scheduler(maybe) and semaphore do the job.
If you run a game, it get exclusive use of GPU while all other app are rendered using CPU. As soon as you come back home, the game lose it's access to GPU that return to Home application.
This shouldn't be so different from the mechanism of giving CPU to each process :)
Google did a perfect job with multitasking..that's why i really want gpu acceleration!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #28
"""Well i think that this should be easy to do..
As i understood, the GPU must be used by one process at time so Using Priority, scheduler(maybe) and semaphore do the job.
If you run a game, it get exclusive use of GPU while all other app are rendered using CPU. As soon as you come back home, the game lose it's access to GPU that return to Home application.
This shouldn't be so different from the mechanism of giving CPU to each process :)
Google did a perfect job with multitasking..that's why i really want gpu acceleration!"""
Cool, also doesn't ubuntu use this method if im not mistaken with compiz?
As i understood, the GPU must be used by one process at time so Using Priority, scheduler(maybe) and semaphore do the job.
If you run a game, it get exclusive use of GPU while all other app are rendered using CPU. As soon as you come back home, the game lose it's access to GPU that return to Home application.
This shouldn't be so different from the mechanism of giving CPU to each process :)
Google did a perfect job with multitasking..that's why i really want gpu acceleration!"""
Cool, also doesn't ubuntu use this method if im not mistaken with compiz? <> #29
Well if i'm not wrong, ANY hardware component can do 1 job at time..
The user feel that Pc does 20/30 things at time..But it's just the abrstraction given by Operative System..a CPU can execute just 1 instruction at time.. (Ofcourse we are talking about single core architecture..)
It's the software implementation that changes everything..Google engineers surely know what to do :)
The user feel that Pc does 20/30 things at time..But it's just the abrstraction given by Operative System..a CPU can execute just 1 instruction at time.. (Ofcourse we are talking about single core architecture..)
It's the software implementation that changes everything..Google engineers surely know what to do :)
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #30
lol okay thanks for your responses ... welp guess last thing is if google implements it or not GO GOOGLE! <> #31
Star this issue folks. Android will never be able to compete with iPhone UI-wise w/o GPU acceleration. <> #32
Is there any phone today that runs android that doesn't feature a GPU (either buitin or dedicated)?
I mean, the MSM7200A/MSM7201A which is used in Dream, Magic, Hero aswell as a bunch of other phones should contain a builtin GPU, what other plattforms is it actually run on?
I mean, the MSM7200A/MSM7201A which is used in Dream, Magic, Hero aswell as a bunch of other phones should contain a builtin GPU, what other plattforms is it actually run on? <> #33
I've seen a lot of review about new Samsung Galaxy S i9000..
Despite it's running Eclair 2.1-R1, i think that samsung enabled gpu acceleration..Why?
Scrolling is so smooth and wherever you scrool, you also got additional effect like on the iPhone.. (you can check out this )
Check when he scrools in Gmail or just in settings menu..
Despite it's running Eclair 2.1-R1, i think that samsung enabled gpu acceleration..Why?
Scrolling is so smooth and wherever you scrool, you also got additional effect like on the iPhone.. (you can check out this
Check when he scrools in Gmail or just in settings menu.. <> #34
Compare default Launcher App window->window scrolling and app launch animation with the ADW Launcher. The latter is waaay smoother. I haven't yet examined why that's the case.
It makes me wish the rest of the phone's apps were like it. :) Unfortunately it's still affected by touch input flood. (compare animation with "flicking" a screen vs "dragging" a screen)
It makes me wish the rest of the phone's apps were like it. :) Unfortunately it's still affected by touch input flood. (compare animation with "flicking" a screen vs "dragging" a screen) <> #35
I agree with the common opinion here... It is very hard to pitch Android to someone who is not tech savy, simply because of the choppy and sluggish UI. This has also become the talk of the masses, most people who haven't even used Android say the following: "I've seen Android, its cool, but its not as smooth and stable as the iPhone."
The iPhone's hardware fails a lot (I've exchanged my 3Gs twice in less than a year), it also freezes at times and drops calls, but what do people see and remember!? UI!! If android wishes to ever compete seriously with iOS, GPU acceleration is a must!
On a side note, who cares about the older phones!? they can keep being sluggish... There's less than a handful of Android phones that won't support GPU acceleration, there's more than 30 that do...
Conclusion: MAKE THIS A PRIORITY, its time to put the choppy UI days behind us, this year is going to bring amazing hardware to the table, and the new iPhone is good, but not THAT good... As it stands, all iOS has on Android is a "smoother experience", why hesitate to fix it!?
The iPhone's hardware fails a lot (I've exchanged my 3Gs twice in less than a year), it also freezes at times and drops calls, but what do people see and remember!? UI!! If android wishes to ever compete seriously with iOS, GPU acceleration is a must!
On a side note, who cares about the older phones!? they can keep being sluggish... There's less than a handful of Android phones that won't support GPU acceleration, there's more than 30 that do...
Conclusion: MAKE THIS A PRIORITY, its time to put the choppy UI days behind us, this year is going to bring amazing hardware to the table, and the new iPhone is good, but not THAT good... As it stands, all iOS has on Android is a "smoother experience", why hesitate to fix it!? <> #36
Android is starting to follow the steps of windows mobile concerning user interface acceleration, a lot of 2007+ windows mobile devices had on board gpu's witch could render user interface, but MS never even bothered into making windows mobile user interface Hardware accelerated, even tho most of its new devices have on board gpu capable of rendering open gl es 1.0/2.0, Android sadly seems to be following this very same ideology, most if not all of current mid/high end devices are fully capable of rendering Open GL ES 2.0, this been said why is google crippling its UI to only software rendering is beyond my comprehension <> #37
Reviews are complaining about the Droid X's slightly jerky UI. GPU acceleration should be a high priority. <> #38
Star this issue folks. Android will never be able to compete with iPhone UI-wise w/o GPU acceleration. <> #39
to the people comparing android to the iphone os if you like it so much get one back on topic now gpu acceleration can help with battery life and on nevermind because i have a sneaking suspicion your already working on that since i know you have Nvida terga 2 devices coming out soon so I'll shut up and eat my gingerbread now with some froyo <> #40
[Comment deleted] <> #41
I also don't see why it is a problem to implement this if old devices can't use it, just make the old software renderer a fallback option and everything will be ok. Although if I think about that solution there is a big possibility that hardware vendors won't adapt their drivers etc. and update their android version on existing devices because they would want to use this feature as an argument for selling new phones. So on second thought maybe it would be better to make this feature mandatory for all Android phones from 2.2 on or so, that way there is a higher possibility that more users would profit from it.
In general I think it would greatly improve the user experience in general and after all that's a huge point in making a phone appealing to users. Users don't care _why_ something doesn't work the way they like (especially if they don't know and don't want to know about the technical stuff behind it), they just see it doesn't look as fluid as <competitors handset> so they won't buy it.
In my opinion Android absolutely needs this feature to fully compete in this rapidly changing market and this feature would be a huge step towards market supremacy.
In general I think it would greatly improve the user experience in general and after all that's a huge point in making a phone appealing to users. Users don't care _why_ something doesn't work the way they like (especially if they don't know and don't want to know about the technical stuff behind it), they just see it doesn't look as fluid as <competitors handset> so they won't buy it.
In my opinion Android absolutely needs this feature to fully compete in this rapidly changing market and this feature would be a huge step towards market supremacy. <> #42
Most people who see an android phone will immediately do two things: swipe through home screens and scroll through the app list. If they see lag and choppiness they inevitably compare to the iphone and assume that the phone as a whole is not as fast and responsive, end-of-story for them.
If they know just enough to ask about what cpu/ram the phone has, they're even more amazed by the fact that a "1GHz phone" can't produce smooth enough scrolling.
This is definitely damaging to the platform; feature superiority isn't enough on its own to pull people in, especially when the competition has a "good-enough" feature-set done "better" (ok, just smoother)
i'm staying with android for a ton of reasons apart from features, but this thing bugs me.
If they know just enough to ask about what cpu/ram the phone has, they're even more amazed by the fact that a "1GHz phone" can't produce smooth enough scrolling.
This is definitely damaging to the platform; feature superiority isn't enough on its own to pull people in, especially when the competition has a "good-enough" feature-set done "better" (ok, just smoother)
i'm staying with android for a ton of reasons apart from features, but this thing bugs me. <> #43
Issues like this all belong to UX (user experience) category. Now as the article from TechCrunch ( ) points out, Google should have started spend more time on UX. Now, the question is how much more?? and how serious they are thinking about the problem. we should see some result of their effort in Gingerbread. I am a huge fun of Android but frankly speaking Android is still far behind iPhone in terms of UX. I hope Google have the confident to challenge Apple on this front. <> #44
From Anandtech's recent review of the EVO 4G ( ):
"There’s lag or choppy animations when scrolling down a page, swiping between screens and generally interacting with the phone. What’s even more frustrating is if you leave a lot of apps resident in memory there are times when the UI will stop being responsive. If you have haptics turned off there’s no way to tell whether or not a button tap was recognized, often resulting in a double or triple tap which then results in an unintended phone call or similarly frustrating action. It definitely hampers the experience."
"Scrolling isn't GPU accelerated, so a quick flick down a page will drive CPU utilization up to 40 - 50%. The only way around this is to either optimize the crap out of the code or move to dual core CPUs so there's another core ready to handle anything else you throw at it. Combined with a lightly CPU intensive app I found that scrolling can sometimes even send CPU utilization up above 70%!"
This is definitely something that needs to be resolved.
"There’s lag or choppy animations when scrolling down a page, swiping between screens and generally interacting with the phone. What’s even more frustrating is if you leave a lot of apps resident in memory there are times when the UI will stop being responsive. If you have haptics turned off there’s no way to tell whether or not a button tap was recognized, often resulting in a double or triple tap which then results in an unintended phone call or similarly frustrating action. It definitely hampers the experience."
"Scrolling isn't GPU accelerated, so a quick flick down a page will drive CPU utilization up to 40 - 50%. The only way around this is to either optimize the crap out of the code or move to dual core CPUs so there's another core ready to handle anything else you throw at it. Combined with a lightly CPU intensive app I found that scrolling can sometimes even send CPU utilization up above 70%!"
This is definitely something that needs to be resolved. <> #45
If i'm not wrong, without GPU Acceleration, we have also more battery drain due to high cpu utilization, don't we?
Dunno what they are waiting for..but i don't think that we need dual core to have fluid UI..
Can we have a reply from you, Google? :)
Dunno what they are waiting for..but i don't think that we need dual core to have fluid UI..
Can we have a reply from you, Google? :) <> #46
Everyone I talk to about android talks about how laggey the interface can be and they compare it directly to the iphone.
Sometimes when using my hero it seems alright, but often you will press something and the phone will take a little while to catch up and other times it just didn't respond to what you pressed. It improved a lot when the 2.1 update came and also when I used an overclock kernel.
Maybe there should be some sort of gpu requirement for android and phone manufactures should be developing phones which can make light work of rendering the UI.
But in terms of how the touch controls are handled Google is still going to have to do a lot of work to get this up to scratch. Lag and fluid animation are all issues at the moment.
It would be good to see this worked on, so hopefully we will see something happening about this when Gingerbread details start appearing.
Sometimes when using my hero it seems alright, but often you will press something and the phone will take a little while to catch up and other times it just didn't respond to what you pressed. It improved a lot when the 2.1 update came and also when I used an overclock kernel.
Maybe there should be some sort of gpu requirement for android and phone manufactures should be developing phones which can make light work of rendering the UI.
But in terms of how the touch controls are handled Google is still going to have to do a lot of work to get this up to scratch. Lag and fluid animation are all issues at the moment.
It would be good to see this worked on, so hopefully we will see something happening about this when Gingerbread details start appearing. <> #47
I'm using Froyo now on my Nexus One and it's still the same. When I first had my N1 I loved the water live wallpaper with leaves on it. But since I know my device is so slow cause of the wallpaper I don't use it anymore. I'm only using static wallpapers now since it's the only way to have smooth scrolling between homescreens and apps. I really hope google will do something about is cause for a lot of people it is a very big deal. <> #48
Even with Final Froyo FRF85b, There is still lag in UI with live WallPapers - only stock - without even adding more widgets or icon, What is the use of live wall paper features & other interface features if it makes everything very slow?! <> #49
The issue of lagging UI has nothing to do with live wallpapers or cpu intensive widgets. Well it has but it still lags without any of these, a little less but far from smooth. I don´t think we should discuss the technical details of double buffering, gpu-accelerated block manipulation and update frequencies of the screen in this thread.
For all you people who don´t understand the technical details of graphic manipulation at a low level and how to keep it smooth just trust us who do understand them. Android DO need GPU-accelerated UI to keep it updated at such high frequencies as needed to feel smooth. There is no way around it, period.
The GPU inside most new phones is more than capable of handling this issue and leave the cpu free for all the other tasks. The GPU:s inside Android based phones are used only for gaming wich is a shame. My Amiga 500 7Mhz 68000 had a smoother UI than Android has on my Nexus one. Why? Because it offloaded the tasks of graphics manipulation to it´s GPU. That was in the 90:s.
I do understand why Google didn´t design it that way to start with BUT, NOW is the time to fix it.
For all you people who don´t understand the technical details of graphic manipulation at a low level and how to keep it smooth just trust us who do understand them. Android DO need GPU-accelerated UI to keep it updated at such high frequencies as needed to feel smooth. There is no way around it, period.
The GPU inside most new phones is more than capable of handling this issue and leave the cpu free for all the other tasks. The GPU:s inside Android based phones are used only for gaming wich is a shame. My Amiga 500 7Mhz 68000 had a smoother UI than Android has on my Nexus one. Why? Because it offloaded the tasks of graphics manipulation to it´s GPU. That was in the 90:s.
I do understand why Google didn´t design it that way to start with BUT, NOW is the time to fix it. <> #50
I sign all what christian said right before me!
With GPU accelerated UI its much more smoother and the CPU can do other tasks.
So the UI and the HOLE system get boosted and I think the battery time will hold much longer, because of the faster and longer idle times for all, the CPU and the GPU.
With GPU accelerated UI its much more smoother and the CPU can do other tasks.
So the UI and the HOLE system get boosted and I think the battery time will hold much longer, because of the faster and longer idle times for all, the CPU and the GPU. <> #51
I do also think, that the lack of a quick responding UI destroys a lot of the user experience.
If you tap a button or a key you the response (even if not the result) must be there INSTANTANEOUS otherwise the user might repeat the action an get into other problems
the same for scrolling, as the user gets frustrated if the layer he moves with his finger, does not do what he wants.
e.g. Google Maps, it is quite fast on a Milestone, but if i compare scrolling and display of new tiles with Google Maps on my 5year old SE P1i it seems slower, because the SE interface is GPU accellerated, it can handle the task better, even with its damn slow 206MHz ARMv7 and stupid symbian backend ;)
GPU usage in the UIclasses should be a big target for google and all the android devs :)
If you tap a button or a key you the response (even if not the result) must be there INSTANTANEOUS otherwise the user might repeat the action an get into other problems
the same for scrolling, as the user gets frustrated if the layer he moves with his finger, does not do what he wants.
e.g. Google Maps, it is quite fast on a Milestone, but if i compare scrolling and display of new tiles with Google Maps on my 5year old SE P1i it seems slower, because the SE interface is GPU accellerated, it can handle the task better, even with its damn slow 206MHz ARMv7 and stupid symbian backend ;)
GPU usage in the UIclasses should be a big target for google and all the android devs :) <> #54
Would be definately great. From time to time it's stuttering while changing desktops :/
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #55
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #56
what? Rephrase that please ... in english this time.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #57
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #58
yes, GPU-acceleration is a feature which HAS to be implemented ... otherwise i wont consider using android ... really : a tablet or a phone which does software-rendering??! Methinks not, other solutions are using a GPU for several years now ...
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #59
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #60
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #61
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #62
you seem confused ... you're explaining the primary aspect of a request inside the very request to people who support the request! Take a nap.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #63
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #64
mkay ... it appears that even mentally underdeveloped children are here. I thought about developing for android but since even kiddies are able to poison the project ... ill try to have you excluded of some sort because all you do is "trolling" and insulting around here - for no reason at all.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #65
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #66
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #67
I didnt criticize you, i didnt insult you, which is clearly visible for everyone :-)
You are seeing things, obviously.
You are seeing things, obviously.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #68
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #69
"the weaker minded and defeated warriors retreat to something which is older than humanity itself : irrational, unguided and constant attack"
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #70
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #71
"obsessed" ... yes, of course young one - of course. I am obsessed with everything. What else.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #72
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #73
Thread cleaned up on my end left my last post that was relevant to this topic :) <> #74
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #75
[revised my post]
Didn't know i was talking in spanish it was early /s
Anyway, basically the rumors that was set in stone is just that, rumors. Eldar from mobile-review or whatever that site name is ,was called out by google saying he was lying on the blog [in a non-direct way]. So in actuality we really don't know what will happen with gingerbread besides Revamped UI, what was displayed at Google-IO, and The music store rumors. We still need to push this issue until it is finalized and we know for sure GPU acceleration[in the browser and UI] is a FACT and not RUMOR.
Didn't know i was talking in spanish it was early /s
Anyway, basically the rumors that was set in stone is just that, rumors. Eldar from mobile-review or whatever that site name is ,was called out by google saying he was lying on the blog [in a non-direct way]. So in actuality we really don't know what will happen with gingerbread besides Revamped UI, what was displayed at Google-IO, and The music store rumors. We still need to push this issue until it is finalized and we know for sure GPU acceleration[in the browser and UI] is a FACT and not RUMOR. <> #76
Please realize this issue is being followed by almost 300 people. You are not ment to have discussions here and certainly not flamewars. Just share your view/experience once. ;-)
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #77
Yes you are right and i feel a little disappointed StefanD986 unstarred this issue im more upset by that then the rant we both displayed. I apologize.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #78
"the rant we both displayed"
allegation. <> #79
Will those that are bickering please stop! Keep the thread on topic or move
on. Please.
on. Please.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #80
I posted this earlier i deleted it by accident:
I know some people might have seen this, but this can be good news for Android if google is implementing some kind of feature set like BumpTop which clearly uses acceleration on the desktop. Hopefully Gingerbread gets something like this.
I know some people might have seen this, but this can be good news for Android if google is implementing some kind of feature set like BumpTop which clearly uses acceleration on the desktop. Hopefully Gingerbread gets something like this. <> #81
I vote for GPU acceleration. Forget the G1 devices. Particularly with the pressing need for something that rivals the ipad, this is not a trivial issue. <> #82
Just wanted to comment that I can't believe there aren't more forums posts and complaints out there about this. I had to dig to find this issue logged with Google. I am considering selling my N1 and buying a used 3GS because the scrolling performance is so poor. Outside of making calls and text messages, i spend the most time surfing the web on my phone. <> #83
Just wait for Gingerbread. That's pretty much guaranteed to have GPU acceleration. <> #84
"Just wait for Gingerbread. That's pretty much guaranteed to have GPU acceleration."
Link? <> #85
It doesn't say it explicitly; I'm just connecting the dots here: since they're heavily focusing on user experience in Gingerbread, a smooth UI will be of high priority, and a smooth UI needs GPU acceleration. <> #86
Oh God I hope it's true.
It's very frustrating to not be able to use features that have been heavily hyped because of performance issues - case in point: Live Wallpapers. As soon as one's selected, the UI becomes completely unusable, both on my Desire (all ROMs I've tried) and on my old Milestone...
Why even add such a feature (which, by the way, everyone is using to make iPhone users jealous - "Hey, my Android phone does something the iPhone can't do..." - it's just a pity they usually forget to add that this slows the whole system to a crawl and causes you to turn it off again as soon as you're done showing it off) if you can't use it? I know, I know, function over form, but if it's a function of form, whose form is inadequate, the function also goes out the window ;).
In essence: Don't make stuff with the function of "being pretty" unless you can really make it pretty (i.e. smooth!)...
I suppose GPU acceleration would solve this, but how will this affect current devices? The GPUs on current and/or last year's devices, like the Droid, the Desire and the Evo, should be more than powerful enough for simple UI acceleration, shouldn't they? Will we need new devices come winter? Or will it be possible to bake custom ROMs with GPU support as soon as Gingerbread is out? I'm sure mobile Linux programmers would be able to answer this... does it depend on the implementation? Are the currently released/built-in drivers adequate for these purposes?
It's very frustrating to not be able to use features that have been heavily hyped because of performance issues - case in point: Live Wallpapers. As soon as one's selected, the UI becomes completely unusable, both on my Desire (all ROMs I've tried) and on my old Milestone...
Why even add such a feature (which, by the way, everyone is using to make iPhone users jealous - "Hey, my Android phone does something the iPhone can't do..." - it's just a pity they usually forget to add that this slows the whole system to a crawl and causes you to turn it off again as soon as you're done showing it off) if you can't use it? I know, I know, function over form, but if it's a function of form, whose form is inadequate, the function also goes out the window ;).
In essence: Don't make stuff with the function of "being pretty" unless you can really make it pretty (i.e. smooth!)...
I suppose GPU acceleration would solve this, but how will this affect current devices? The GPUs on current and/or last year's devices, like the Droid, the Desire and the Evo, should be more than powerful enough for simple UI acceleration, shouldn't they? Will we need new devices come winter? Or will it be possible to bake custom ROMs with GPU support as soon as Gingerbread is out? I'm sure mobile Linux programmers would be able to answer this... does it depend on the implementation? Are the currently released/built-in drivers adequate for these purposes? <> #87
"I suppose GPU acceleration would solve this, but how will this affect current devices? The GPUs on current and/or last year's devices, like the Droid, the Desire and the Evo, should be more than powerful enough for simple UI acceleration, shouldn't they?"
The GPU in the Desire - the AMD Z430/Adreno 200 - can push 133Mpix/sec according to specs. If that's not good enough to push pixels on a handheld GUI... yikes.
The GPU in the Desire - the AMD Z430/Adreno 200 - can push 133Mpix/sec according to specs. If that's not good enough to push pixels on a handheld GUI... yikes. <> #88
"The GPU in the Desire - the AMD Z430/Adreno 200 - can push 133Mpix/sec according to specs. If that's not good enough to push pixels on a handheld GUI... yikes."
Specs and real-world performance are two different things :(. IIRC back in Windows Mobile days, Qualcomm GPU drivers were relatively problematic (on devices like the Touch Diamond, Touch Pro, Touch HD and their respective sequel devices) and didn't allow the GPUs to unleash their full potential at all. With the abysmal 3D performance of my Desire (it really is horrible - even the Droid/Milestone kicks its ass in terms of smoothness), I get the feeling that this is the case on Android too, and that worries me in terms of future GPU-accelerated GUI-implementations...
Specs and real-world performance are two different things :(. IIRC back in Windows Mobile days, Qualcomm GPU drivers were relatively problematic (on devices like the Touch Diamond, Touch Pro, Touch HD and their respective sequel devices) and didn't allow the GPUs to unleash their full potential at all. With the abysmal 3D performance of my Desire (it really is horrible - even the Droid/Milestone kicks its ass in terms of smoothness), I get the feeling that this is the case on Android too, and that worries me in terms of future GPU-accelerated GUI-implementations... <> #89
"Specs and real-world performance are two different things :(. IIRC back in Windows Mobile days, Qualcomm GPU drivers were relatively problematic (on devices like the Touch Diamond, Touch Pro, Touch HD and their respective sequel devices) and didn't allow the GPUs to unleash their full potential at all. With the abysmal 3D performance of my Desire (it really is horrible - even the Droid/Milestone kicks its ass in terms of smoothness), I get the feeling that this is the case on Android too, and that worries me in terms of future GPU-accelerated GUI-implementations..."
I was under the impression that TI omap has a better gpu than snapdragon.
I was under the impression that TI omap has a better gpu than snapdragon. <> #90
"I was under the impression that TI omap has a better gpu than snapdragon."
Seems so, but how much of that is actually hardware based, and how much of it is driver problems? On paper, the Snapdragon GPU actually pushes something like twice as many polygons as the OMAP CPU...
Seems so, but how much of that is actually hardware based, and how much of it is driver problems? On paper, the Snapdragon GPU actually pushes something like twice as many polygons as the OMAP CPU... <> #91
"Seems so, but how much of that is actually hardware based, and how much of it is driver problems? On paper, the Snapdragon GPU actually pushes something like twice as many polygons as the OMAP CPU..."
really? wow that's amazing. i've actually been considering switching to windows phone 7 if gingerbread is a disappointment.
really? wow that's amazing. i've actually been considering switching to windows phone 7 if gingerbread is a disappointment. <> #92
I dunno... WP7 looks a bit gimmicky - awesome but gimmicky.
Hardware acceleration or not, I'm sticking with Android... although having a smoother UI would help with feelings of inadequacy when talking to iPhone users ;)
Hardware acceleration or not, I'm sticking with Android... although having a smoother UI would help with feelings of inadequacy when talking to iPhone users ;) <> #93
I had a Nexus One, and just upgraded to the Captivate. Ubelievable difference. The A8 Processor is SOOO much smoother than the snapdragon. It bothered me too as I had come from a 3GS and the browser was stuttery. I would love to see GPU acceleration still. <> #94
Problem with Windows Phone 7 is that there's no multitasking and no copy and paste. <> #95
I know I've said this before, sorry to repeat, but if you use LauncherPro with the Nexus one, the home screen super zooms. Would still love to see GPU for maps and browser though. <> #96
"I know I've said this before, sorry to repeat, but if you use LauncherPro with the Nexus one, the home screen super zooms. Would still love to see GPU for maps and browser though."
I bought Launcher Pro Plus as soon as it came out of beta, but I don't think it uses the GPU - heavy CPU loads in other programs make it slow down too... as do live wallpapers.
Or do you have info I don't? :)
I bought Launcher Pro Plus as soon as it came out of beta, but I don't think it uses the GPU - heavy CPU loads in other programs make it slow down too... as do live wallpapers.
Or do you have info I don't? :) <> #97
"I had a Nexus One, and just upgraded to the Captivate. Ubelievable difference. The A8 Processor is SOOO much smoother than the snapdragon. It bothered me too as I had come from a 3GS and the browser was stuttery. I would love to see GPU acceleration still."
How often do you upgrade your phones?!?!?!?!?!?! I still have a g1!
"I dunno... WP7 looks a bit gimmicky - awesome but gimmicky."
the main reason im considering it is the built in zune. it would be great not to have to carry both my phone and my zune with me.
How often do you upgrade your phones?!?!?!?!?!?! I still have a g1!
"I dunno... WP7 looks a bit gimmicky - awesome but gimmicky."
the main reason im considering it is the built in zune. it would be great not to have to carry both my phone and my zune with me. <> #98
just waiting for android phones with cortex a9 processor(multicore).hopefylly android will be able to benefit from the speed. gpu acceleration is still a must! <> #99
All 3 phones you mentioned have different chipsets but are all based on the same Cortex-A8 processor.
It seems that in Android the only time the GPU is used is when OpenGL ES is running. There are Live Wallpapers based on OpenGL that run smoother than those that aren't.
All 3 phones you mentioned have different chipsets but are all based on the same Cortex-A8 processor.
It seems that in Android the only time the GPU is used is when OpenGL ES is running. There are Live Wallpapers based on OpenGL that run smoother than those that aren't. <> #100
"All 3 phones you mentioned have different chipsets but are all based on the same Cortex-A8 processor."
that's what i was thinking too. either the android build on the galaxy s is much more optimized than the one on the nexus or it's just a placebo effect.
that's what i was thinking too. either the android build on the galaxy s is much more optimized than the one on the nexus or it's just a placebo effect. <> #101
[Comment deleted] <> #102
Correct me if I am wrong: I do not think adding hardware acceleration to the Android Ui is just that easy.
Google made choice with Android; to be "jack of all trades, master if none". A medium powered smartphone ano 2007 was chosen as the base line hardware. This choice is what formed the design and architecture of the UI frameworks and the graphics pipeline. Retrofitting hardware acceleration onto that is not an easy task.
Apple also made a choice, and a leap of faith, with iPhone architecture. Apple bet that GPU for mobile use would only get cheaper. And that touch was the future. By discarding low end hardware and alternative input methods they could create a leaner and more optimized graphics pipeline.
Turns out that Apples leap of faith paid back. Google bet on the safe route came back to bite them.
I think for now OpenGL is the way for high perfomant Android UI. For the future a new UI framework and graphics pipeline is needed. <> #103
Not having hardware accelerated menus and UI is incredible. I just bought my first smartphone - Samsung Galaxy S which is supposed to have better hardware than the iPhone 4 even. Still, menus are lagging - totally unacceptable.
GPU accelerated menus has been around for at least 10 years in Windows.
GPU accelerated menus has been around for at least 10 years in Windows. <> #104
GPU acceleration seem like a basic linux feture that really should be included in android too. no reson not to... looking forward to 3.0 :) thanks! <> #105
@ Google Android workers,
You people have done a fantastic job.
But i want to mention, that most of the time I use my phone i am in the UI.
The UI is pretty smooth. But still noticable less smoother then say: iOS/WebOS/WP7.
The reason is why this topic is made: GPU accelerated UI.
I am using android 2.1 on my Galaxy S. Sometimes it's choppy because the CPU is bussy while doing some graphic animations in the UI.
If you seperate those 2 with the use of the GPU, you won't have these lags.
Even average consumers say that android is more choppy and laggy then iOS.
We need GPU UI acceleration. Or atleast make a light and a heavy version for phone makers. So they can choose.
I want to show an example: We all use the Gallery in 2.1/2.2 it's GREAT. And super smooth because it uses OpenGL!
This is how the UI must be like..
I hope Gingerbread UI makes use of the GPU.
You people have done a fantastic job.
But i want to mention, that most of the time I use my phone i am in the UI.
The UI is pretty smooth. But still noticable less smoother then say: iOS/WebOS/WP7.
The reason is why this topic is made: GPU accelerated UI.
I am using android 2.1 on my Galaxy S. Sometimes it's choppy because the CPU is bussy while doing some graphic animations in the UI.
If you seperate those 2 with the use of the GPU, you won't have these lags.
Even average consumers say that android is more choppy and laggy then iOS.
We need GPU UI acceleration. Or atleast make a light and a heavy version for phone makers. So they can choose.
I want to show an example: We all use the Gallery in 2.1/2.2 it's GREAT. And super smooth because it uses OpenGL!
This is how the UI must be like..
I hope Gingerbread UI makes use of the GPU.
thanks, <> #106
"either the android build on the galaxy s is much more optimized than the one on the nexus or it's just a placebo effect."
From what I have seen the Galexy S feels much more responsive then the Desire or the N1.
But that could be more to do with how it is handling menus and scrolling - it just seemed a little more refined on the Galaxy then on any other Android phones.
As for making use of the GPU for the UI, are we even sure that is the main problem here? Sure, it seems like it is, but that doesn't mean its where the problem is.
Like stated in the first reply things like garbage collection will have a huge effect on performance and could very well be the cause of the issue. Maybe if the UI had been written in something like C or C# it would be a lot different. We can't really forget that the phone is using Java to do the UI.
From what I have seen the Galexy S feels much more responsive then the Desire or the N1.
But that could be more to do with how it is handling menus and scrolling - it just seemed a little more refined on the Galaxy then on any other Android phones.
As for making use of the GPU for the UI, are we even sure that is the main problem here? Sure, it seems like it is, but that doesn't mean its where the problem is.
Like stated in the first reply things like garbage collection will have a huge effect on performance and could very well be the cause of the issue. Maybe if the UI had been written in something like C or C# it would be a lot different. We can't really forget that the phone is using Java to do the UI. <> #107
I will go out on a limb and say: it's the lack of gpu. I don't think even their team thought gpus would be such an issue so quick. Until it's addressed it will always feel a generation behind iPhone. And for good reason- it is.
I have both the nexus one and captivate and it was depressing to look at the ui or browser performance. It significantly reduces my will to develop knowing that I can't count on the browser to deliver a smooth webview experience. What's hysterical is that the captivate gpu is so much faster than iPhone 4. You just never feel it. And at the current tech they'll need to announce a 5 ghz phone to supply the fluidity iPhone does with 1. Time for android to make UI priority one.
I have both the nexus one and captivate and it was depressing to look at the ui or browser performance. It significantly reduces my will to develop knowing that I can't count on the browser to deliver a smooth webview experience. What's hysterical is that the captivate gpu is so much faster than iPhone 4. You just never feel it. And at the current tech they'll need to announce a 5 ghz phone to supply the fluidity iPhone does with 1. Time for android to make UI priority one.
I <> #108
If I didn't make myself obvious, I'd like to formally request this issue be bumped to the highest priority. This will only get worse when tablets come into the picture and there are even more pixels to fill (scale, transform, blend, etc). <> #109
I love my Android device, but I put my hands on an iPhone 3G for the first time ever and I was blown away at how responsive it was. I never considered switching due to many factors, but after that experience I feel that I should certainly leave it as a consideration.
There have been plenty of advancements made in the past few years. I think it's time to focus on something that's very much lacking - the UI as a whole.
**mumbles to self: also... that stock dialer sure is fugly!
There have been plenty of advancements made in the past few years. I think it's time to focus on something that's very much lacking - the UI as a whole.
**mumbles to self: also... that stock dialer sure is fugly! <> #110
I'd say this is high priority.
It's pretty unacceptable!
It's pretty unacceptable! <> #111 "a G1-class device for instance supports only one OpenGL
context at a time, which would prevent you from using any OpenGL based app like
games or augmented reality apps."
as did the original iPhone apparently. Apple handled this limitation by multiplexing it in software, doing all OpenGL through an indirect context. There is of course a performance hit compared to direct rendering, but it's a lot faster than software-only-rendering.
context at a time, which would prevent you from using any OpenGL based app like
games or augmented reality apps."
as did the original iPhone apparently. Apple handled this limitation by multiplexing it in software, doing all OpenGL through an indirect context. There is of course a performance hit compared to direct rendering, but it's a lot faster than software-only-rendering. <> #112
[Comment deleted] <> #113
Reddit! <> #114
For people experiencing a lot of lag, I think it's garbage collecting related. On my rooted Evo, I installed Autokiller and used the Moderate preset, and it's been speedy every since. Autokiller tweaks Android's built task killer to be more aggressive, so garbage collecting tends not to happen when you scroll or do other things.
That being said, some of the lagginess on the Evo is caused by a 30 FPS cap HTC implemented for some reason... There's a modified kernel on xda-developers that fixes this. With combined with Autokiller, my Evo flies now. No lag at all.
That being said, some of the lagginess on the Evo is caused by a 30 FPS cap HTC implemented for some reason... There's a modified kernel on xda-developers that fixes this. With combined with Autokiller, my Evo flies now. No lag at all. <> #115
Seriously, a lot of my friends are turned off by android's the semi-lag that I get even after using LauncherPro on my N1. <> #116
My $.02 from the iPhone side of the world. I started with an iPhone 3GS when they first arrived. I made the choice after many lengthy comparisons and after buying and then returning-after-30-days an iPhone 3G about 4 months earlier. Since then, I have been looking for an Android based device that would allow me to get away from the iPhone and AT&T. I admit that it's shallow, but I have been so off-put by the sluggish performance of the UI that I'm still hanging onto my 3GS. I would have long since been an Android convert were it not for this cruddy feeling UI. Please do as this many other have asked -- make the UI hardware accelerated and stop chasing away willing (actually eager) potential users. <> #117
I'd like to vote one for this issue as well. I have been lurking around, waiting for the day when that status gets switched from "New" to "Reviewed", and it's not been much there.
So please, please, please fix this. Even with the top-of-the-line Hummingbird chipset, Android is really laggy, particularly in the browser, and even worse when Adobe Flash is enabled. Meanwhile, the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad enjoy butter-smooth scrolling in web browsing. The scrolling and the zooming experience are the only two factors holding me back from considering Android as my primary platform of choice. Please... fix it!
So please, please, please fix this. Even with the top-of-the-line Hummingbird chipset, Android is really laggy, particularly in the browser, and even worse when Adobe Flash is enabled. Meanwhile, the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad enjoy butter-smooth scrolling in web browsing. The scrolling and the zooming experience are the only two factors holding me back from considering Android as my primary platform of choice. Please... fix it! <> #118
Yeah, the jerkiness of the Gram keeps making my widgets dance. Then my chip gets all smokey and I dont know what thats all about. Im just trying to figure out which OS is should install on my Epic, because a friend of mine said I could have the chip out of his iPhone 3G, then Im all like well wait... If I install your chip in my Epic, wont I look 4G functionality???
These are all things that I would not have to consider, if you idiots just made Android use the GPU but because you dont know how to reimage your system, you have out a block on all of us and I dont appreciate it because I paid $800 for Epic and I went into a REALLY bad neighborhood just to get it, and if something bad were to happen to me then you guys would have been hit with a law suit all because you wont just give us the GPU functionality on our phones.
Screw the G1... We dont care if it doesnt have the ability to benefit from the GPU being active. And my grandma uses a G1, those are the only people who will be affected. No one else cares about the G1 expect for losers. So GIVE US OUR GPUs! So we can act in a way similar to all those iPhone jerks.
These are all things that I would not have to consider, if you idiots just made Android use the GPU but because you dont know how to reimage your system, you have out a block on all of us and I dont appreciate it because I paid $800 for Epic and I went into a REALLY bad neighborhood just to get it, and if something bad were to happen to me then you guys would have been hit with a law suit all because you wont just give us the GPU functionality on our phones.
Screw the G1... We dont care if it doesnt have the ability to benefit from the GPU being active. And my grandma uses a G1, those are the only people who will be affected. No one else cares about the G1 expect for losers. So GIVE US OUR GPUs! So we can act in a way similar to all those iPhone jerks.
Thanks. <> #119
This is a major issue that needs some serious attention from the Android team. I'm currently working on a project for both iPhone and Android, and it took me 2-3 times longer to implement certain UI animations on Android due to the CPU choking on blending and animation.
For example, I had to turn off filtering on bitmaps while they're being animated and then turn them back on when the animation is complete and the images are static. It's frustrating to have to implement such optimizations for phones such as the Droid which has a perfectly good SGX 530 GPU.
Why couldn't you provide an option for vendors to integrate some sort of 2D hardware acceleration? You could provide a library and spec and then vendors can implement a low level driver if they wish to.
This seems like an ongoing issue with Android that shouldn't be ignored. It won't go away.
For example, I had to turn off filtering on bitmaps while they're being animated and then turn them back on when the animation is complete and the images are static. It's frustrating to have to implement such optimizations for phones such as the Droid which has a perfectly good SGX 530 GPU.
Why couldn't you provide an option for vendors to integrate some sort of 2D hardware acceleration? You could provide a library and spec and then vendors can implement a low level driver if they wish to.
This seems like an ongoing issue with Android that shouldn't be ignored. It won't go away.
Thanks. <> #120
"Romain @ Android" i SERIOUSLY hope that your lack of response to all this is because you are sucking all this in to your brain, and going back to the drawboard to solve these issues!
Whats the point of having one of the best tech specs in a phone (galaxy s) when something as basic as smooth UI is not supported with the GPU?
I can guarrantee this: if this is NOT resolved soon (maybe a 2.3 update supporting GPU) i will sell my device and go with the mainstream= IPHONE
Whats the point of having one of the best tech specs in a phone (galaxy s) when something as basic as smooth UI is not supported with the GPU?
I can guarrantee this: if this is NOT resolved soon (maybe a 2.3 update supporting GPU) i will sell my device and go with the mainstream= IPHONE <> #121
And as you may have heard before, once you go iphone you will never go back. To this day i never considered an iphone even with all the pressure of friends and media, because of one single fact: everyone has it!
But are you willing to risk losing me (and perhaps millions of others) because you are not willing or able to implement something as postulate as gpu support in UI and browsing in todays smartphones??
But are you willing to risk losing me (and perhaps millions of others) because you are not willing or able to implement something as postulate as gpu support in UI and browsing in todays smartphones?? <> #122
It's critical that Android Gingerbread has full hardware acceleration. This will be needed to handle the higher 720p display resolution that is rumored to come to 4"+ devices.
I just hope the browser will be hardware accelerated too, but I'm afraid it won't be until Honeycomb since Chrome 7 is barely getting it now. I don't think I'll get an Android tablet until the browser is hardware accelerated.
Every little bit of extra performance helps because I don't want browsing on a tablet to be much slower than on a laptop or even a netbook. Dual Core Cortex A9 CPU's will help but it won't be enough.
I just hope the browser will be hardware accelerated too, but I'm afraid it won't be until Honeycomb since Chrome 7 is barely getting it now. I don't think I'll get an Android tablet until the browser is hardware accelerated.
Every little bit of extra performance helps because I don't want browsing on a tablet to be much slower than on a laptop or even a netbook. Dual Core Cortex A9 CPU's will help but it won't be enough. <> #123
google..we have been supporting you.please return our support .... <> #124
romain, you say that older gen phones like the G1 arent capable of using the GPU to render the UI, but newer phones are capable. But these older phones are not being supported anymore! Almost every single Android phone released this year has a GPU more than capable enough. The new Desire HD has a GPU as fast as the Galaxy S one! The hardware is moving forward, why can't the software too??
Google get your priorities straight! This is VERY important!
Google get your priorities straight! This is VERY important! <> #125
I have some questions.. (i don't understand the above talks clearly because of my bad english)
the questions are...
the chopinness and lagginess is caused by not supporting GPU?
only using CPU, making a smoothness like an iphone is possible, but the other facts
(such as garbage collection) tackle it? or impossible without GPU supports?
i'm confused. somebody help me ;)
the questions are...
the chopinness and lagginess is caused by not supporting GPU?
only using CPU, making a smoothness like an iphone is possible, but the other facts
(such as garbage collection) tackle it? or impossible without GPU supports?
i'm confused. somebody help me ;) <> #126
sorry for repeating my stupid question.
iphone 3gs is an old model comparatively, but still much smoother than most recent android phones. does it mean that iphone 3gs uses much hardware support(GPU or something) and the recent phones are not enough to cover the gap without GPU?
iphone 3gs is an old model comparatively, but still much smoother than most recent android phones. does it mean that iphone 3gs uses much hardware support(GPU or something) and the recent phones are not enough to cover the gap without GPU? <> #127
Yes it seems that the reasons Android's ui is not as smooth as iphone's are not using the gpu and the slow garbage collection. So Android's team need to tackle those 2 problems in order to make the ui smooth as butter. I hope it's coming with Gingerbread.
Yes it seems that the reasons Android's ui is not as smooth as iphone's are not using the gpu and the slow garbage collection. So Android's team need to tackle those 2 problems in order to make the ui smooth as butter. I hope it's coming with Gingerbread. <> #128
I am amazed this is still considered medium priority. I am currently typing thison my droid , which despite its increased graphics over my droid incredible, has a laggier UI. Not to mention my typing is currently lagging due to having a couple browser windows open, draining the cpu... really google, get your act together... at the very least assure those angry at the situation that you understand an are working on it. This is unacceptable in a great many ways. The fact that this issue has been open since may, and has received just one response from your team essentially stating that you could care less what we want and that you are more interested in the easy and safe way out, keeping support for older devices... there are ways around obsolecense, as has been stated in this thread. Please give some form of acknowledgment... I would hate to have to finally admit to my friend he has won the perpetual argument of iphone over android... though I would sooner jump out of a plane without a parachute, than use an iphone, win phone 7 is another option... <> #129
I managed to get a reply from Romain Guy on Twitter.
Here's what he stated:
"It's not a magic bullet, using the GPU has many drawbacks. And like I said, the bottleneck is rarely the drawing itself."
i think that we won't have GPU acceleration in the next release (Gingerbread).
So if won't, how is the new release optimized for Tablet? It will be really ugly if a tablet will get the same poor performance we get on our smartphone in the launcher and in the browser. The CPU will have to move much more pixels and the performance will drastically decrease. Remember that people looks first at the "visual performance" then at all the rest.
But honestly, i'm thinking that Google has another key to accelerate the UI and the browser performance, maybe by optimizing SKIA, the launcher or something else.
In the end, we need to have FAST and SMOOTH UI and Browser navigation, and i don't care how Android Engineers will bring it.
Thanks Romain ;)
Here's what he stated:
"It's not a magic bullet, using the GPU has many drawbacks. And like I said, the bottleneck is rarely the drawing itself."
i think that we won't have GPU acceleration in the next release (Gingerbread).
So if won't, how is the new release optimized for Tablet? It will be really ugly if a tablet will get the same poor performance we get on our smartphone in the launcher and in the browser. The CPU will have to move much more pixels and the performance will drastically decrease. Remember that people looks first at the "visual performance" then at all the rest.
But honestly, i'm thinking that Google has another key to accelerate the UI and the browser performance, maybe by optimizing SKIA, the launcher or something else.
In the end, we need to have FAST and SMOOTH UI and Browser navigation, and i don't care how Android Engineers will bring it.
Thanks Romain ;) <> #130
It's one thing tho have Apple figure out how to have a properly functioning accelerated UI, but even MS has done it (Aero, Zune HD, and now WP7). If Google can't figure out how to make it work, well, maybe it's time to hire real programmers? I just find it funny that they're running into all of these drawbacks that Apple and MS don't have.
Don't get me wrong, I love Android. I know I'm just hoping for the best of both worlds. I'll take the drawbacks of Android over the drawbacks of using the iPhone or WP7. Still, those smooth UIs are nice. Oh yea, Palm figured it out with WebOS, and Symbian^3 is also using it now.
Don't get me wrong, I love Android. I know I'm just hoping for the best of both worlds. I'll take the drawbacks of Android over the drawbacks of using the iPhone or WP7. Still, those smooth UIs are nice. Oh yea, Palm figured it out with WebOS, and Symbian^3 is also using it now. <> #131
[Comment deleted] <> #132 <> #133
Crasher - The LG Optimus 7 is using an Adreno 205 GPU, which is on par with or just shy of the PowerVR SGX 535 used in the iPhone 3Gs and iPhone 4. It is superior to the SGX 530 used in the Droid, Droid X, and Droid 2. So yes, that phone is most certainly using UI acceleration.
Also note that Microsoft REQUIRES a GPU in all WP7-based handsets capable of OpenGL ES 2.0 and DirextX 9 mobile.
Also note that Microsoft REQUIRES a GPU in all WP7-based handsets capable of OpenGL ES 2.0 and DirextX 9 mobile. <> #134
You're right jaykresge..I've just deleted my previous comment about WP7 :\
Well in these days i read a lot of rumors about Gingerbread..They rumored about "hardware acceleration" but i think that these are only rumors..
If Romain Guy is not joking us, we won't have accelerated UI in the next release...
Maybe in half 2011 with Honeycomb (since Lenovo said they will start releasing tablet with android as soon as 4.0 is available).
The worse thing is that Android is the only relevant Mobile O.S. with choppiness and lagginess in browser and UI...even Microsoft and Web/PalmOS got Gpu acceleration!
I hope that they are not replying us just because they don't want to reveal new features of the upcoming least i hope.
Well in these days i read a lot of rumors about Gingerbread..They rumored about "hardware acceleration" but i think that these are only rumors..
If Romain Guy is not joking us, we won't have accelerated UI in the next release...
Maybe in half 2011 with Honeycomb (since Lenovo said they will start releasing tablet with android as soon as 4.0 is available).
The worse thing is that Android is the only relevant Mobile O.S. with choppiness and lagginess in browser and UI...even Microsoft and Web/PalmOS got Gpu acceleration!
I hope that they are not replying us just because they don't want to reveal new features of the upcoming least i hope. <> #135
I really hope that gingerbread will use the GPU accleration, if gingerbread is coming to improve the user experience, the most important thing is to implement the GPU acceleration.
See the iOS. Poor os, only few features (compared with android) but perfect user experience= many many sales.
The only think i dont like with android is the choppiness of the scrolling.
See the iOS. Poor os, only few features (compared with android) but perfect user experience= many many sales.
The only think i dont like with android is the choppiness of the scrolling.
agree, i really enjoy the smooth and perfect ios experience, i hope Android could do that...though I only have a htc magic... <> #137
Anyone who has used an iOS device can tell you how smooth and pleasant the UI is. The scrolling, browser and other area of iOS is way too smooth and pleasant to use, and yes I have used both iPhone 3GS and Samsung Galaxy S, take the browser for comparison both of the browser are webkit based, but iPhone browser is much better handling the zooming and scrolling. You can't say 3GS has better hardware than Galaxy S, but its so much better. The only difference is iOS is using hardware acceleration and Android isn't. Google can keep denying the fact that GPU acceleration are not that effective, lets wait until Opera releases their browser with hardware acceleration. I think Android should use GPU acceleration not just in their browser but every where else too. As someone has already pointed out that almost all Android devices are coming with descent GPU, It's kind of stupid not to use them because some two year old device doesn't have it. You can't punish 90% people because you want to make 10% happy. Have a look at the video that Microsoft released about IE 9 using GPU acceleration and comparing it against Google Chrome and FF, Chrome & FF were dead slow compare to IE9. I think it's all down to the mentality and the mindset of the architects at Google who are either undermining or doesn't know what a GPU can do these days, May be they haven't read last week news that China has built the fastest Super computer mainly relying on GPUs. So if Google doesn't know how to do it then hire someone who knows how to do it, and by the way I still waiting for the WiFi proxy support in Android which makes my Android device useless to use at work because the WiFi connection doesn't work on proxy. These GPU acceleration for UI and the WiFi proxy issues are not Medium priority but are HIGH. This is not just me but look in to your own forums you can find thousands of people have raised these issues, and there are countless non technical people who can't post on these forums. <> #138
GPU is just a technic. Most people do not care about how an iPhone works as long as it looks good.
Using a GPU might sound very nice for some, and it might sound like the solution, but maybe there are other solutions too. Some that let android run on all devices out there, but still be fast.
btw: I have the Moto Milestone (EU version of the droid). Since I installed Cyangenmod (6.1 / froyo) last week, it runs _very_ smooth. And they are not using gpu as far as i know. So there _are_ other ways.
Using a GPU might sound very nice for some, and it might sound like the solution, but maybe there are other solutions too. Some that let android run on all devices out there, but still be fast.
btw: I have the Moto Milestone (EU version of the droid). Since I installed Cyangenmod (6.1 / froyo) last week, it runs _very_ smooth. And they are not using gpu as far as i know. So there _are_ other ways. <> #139
Yes, it's smooth, but still not as smooth as iPhone or Windows Phone 7. When I use a live wallpaper, even on a fast phone like a Droid X, scrolling across home screens is choppy. Having the UI accelerated by the GPU would very likely solve that choppiness.
Yes, it's smooth, but still not as smooth as iPhone or Windows Phone 7. When I use a live wallpaper, even on a fast phone like a Droid X, scrolling across home screens is choppy. Having the UI accelerated by the GPU would very likely solve that choppiness. <> #140
I guess the reason why Google doesnt use the hardware acceleration is that, there are so many different cellphones, and android can not handle so many gpu drivers for those phones, and of course, some low-end phone doesnt have gpu so they can not use it to accelerate. <> #141
@Comment 136 by emanas, Oct 30, 2010
Very good point. Google should definitely learn about that. Loading a large image intensive web page is slow as hell with Android. Even with Droid X and Galaxy S, the pinch zoom and scrolling is way slower than iOS.
A lot of customers will be turned off by the slow UI and turn to iOS or Windows Mobile 7 which are both pretty responsive.
Very good point. Google should definitely learn about that. Loading a large image intensive web page is slow as hell with Android. Even with Droid X and Galaxy S, the pinch zoom and scrolling is way slower than iOS.
A lot of customers will be turned off by the slow UI and turn to iOS or Windows Mobile 7 which are both pretty responsive. <> #142
Android slow? what? choppiness and slowness are very different issue. Android is the fastest O.S. in browsing, but it isn't smooth. <> #143
I actually really do not understand google at this point! I know some people by myself who chose the iPhone instead of an android device because of it's undeniable choppiness, even overclocken and with the best roms out there android on a 1ghz device is not running as smooth as an old iphon 3g which is just a pain in the ass for the average "non-geek" user. I mean choppiness is just not the thing a HIGH-END smartphone should have to deal with in the year 2010!!! <> #144
I say we need gpu acceleration its undeniable at this point. <> #145
Despite having an old and slow browser, Windows Phone 7 provides and excellent GPU rendering backend even on the old Adreno 200 GPU, which is actually the only supported GPU on WP7:
this is the most important thing android needs IMO.
android cannot multitask as anything going on in the background (installing a load of apps, or anything more strenuous than playing music) leads to UI stuttering.
now, i hate apple so can't get an iphone, but winmo7 is an option. come update time, this will be the feature thats the deciding factor.
that's not till nov 2011. if it's not done by then, then clearly google simply can't be bothered. gpu accelerated UI would haev been more of a boost to the end uxer experience than the performance improvements in 2.2
android cannot multitask as anything going on in the background (installing a load of apps, or anything more strenuous than playing music) leads to UI stuttering.
now, i hate apple so can't get an iphone, but winmo7 is an option. come update time, this will be the feature thats the deciding factor.
that's not till nov 2011. if it's not done by then, then clearly google simply can't be bothered. gpu accelerated UI would haev been more of a boost to the end uxer experience than the performance improvements in 2.2 <> #147
I completely agree with you :"gpu accelerated UI would haev been more of a boost to the end uxer experience than the performance improvements in 2.2"
People looks first at how the device feels, then how it performs.
With 2.2 you gave us insane speed..
With 2.3, please give us a smooth experience.
People looks first at how the device feels, then how it performs.
With 2.2 you gave us insane speed..
With 2.3, please give us a smooth experience. <> #148
Same here. Sick of those Iphoners bragging off their UI all the time. <> #149
Looking at this demonstration of a Honeycomb powered tablet prototype it definitely looks like the UI is hardware accelerated. Of course that leaves the question whether that goes for current smart phones as well. I think Gingerbread is not using GPU power for the UI as far as I've read the SDK specs, that's kinda disappointing of course. High-end Android phones today can render 3D environments at 60fps, but a simple flawless UI is still not possible at the late evening of 2011. I hope Android won't lag too far behind Winmo 7 and IOS. <> #150
A GPU accelerated UI would be great. I am always frustrated by the lack of smoothness in the Android UI, especially when compared with the iphone, or even the new windows phone (both of which use gpu hardware acceleration). I was using my friends Zune HD the other day and there is such a huge difference in navigating the interface as well as scrolling and pinch-to-zooming in the web browser - everything is just butter smooth.
I just don't understand why the old iphone 3g runs more smoothly (with higher fps) with its last gen hardware than my droid X (2.2, and yes I do use launcherpro) with a 1ghz processor and 512mb of ram.
I just don't understand why the old iphone 3g runs more smoothly (with higher fps) with its last gen hardware than my droid X (2.2, and yes I do use launcherpro) with a 1ghz processor and 512mb of ram. <> #151
It's so obvious that this is a serious issue that will not simply disappear. The choppy UI completely destroys the end-user's Android experience, will (has) deter a large percentage of the market from choosing an Android device, and will become a much more prevalent problem in the future when the masses compare Android with iOS, webOS, WP7, MeeGo (et al) and questioning why it is that only Android's UI is so choppy. While Google doesn't exactly rely on Android as its main revenue stream, they are fully aware that mobile is the future. Until this issue is addressed, Android will always be "the other OS with lots of features and future potential and promise".
At present Google can afford to be complacent and completely ignore this issue, but it will come back to haunt them as consumers are given more platforms to choose from. After personally spending my hard earned cash on a Dell Streak, Galaxy S, and now HTC Desire HD, I have decided to return to iOS. I'm one of many who doesn't care too much for the super features and functions of Android, I simply want something that doesn't make be cringe every time I have to use it (a bit harsh, but I'm just being honest). I'll think about another Android handset when/if Google addresses this problem.
On another note: the Android emulator that comes with the SDK is awful.
At present Google can afford to be complacent and completely ignore this issue, but it will come back to haunt them as consumers are given more platforms to choose from. After personally spending my hard earned cash on a Dell Streak, Galaxy S, and now HTC Desire HD, I have decided to return to iOS. I'm one of many who doesn't care too much for the super features and functions of Android, I simply want something that doesn't make be cringe every time I have to use it (a bit harsh, but I'm just being honest). I'll think about another Android handset when/if Google addresses this problem.
On another note: the Android emulator that comes with the SDK is awful. <> #152
I, as an adroid user, have to vote this as the MAIN issue to be solved in the next releases...
Froyo's launcher got so stupid slow that sometimes I have to wait 5 seconds for the Icons and widgets to load, and as I install other things in my cell phone, it's starting to get REALLY slow.
It's in fact affecting my user experience, and After trying a Iphone 4, I can't help but to feel too choppy.
Froyo's launcher got so stupid slow that sometimes I have to wait 5 seconds for the Icons and widgets to load, and as I install other things in my cell phone, it's starting to get REALLY slow.
It's in fact affecting my user experience, and After trying a Iphone 4, I can't help but to feel too choppy. <> #153
I must concur with BlackOmegaTM, I currently own a Motorola Milestone, and even with it's cpu overclocked to 1ghz, the phone feels sluggish when compared to the iOS.
One thing is certain... When it come to tablets, I'm NOT going buy and android one, unless full GPU aceleration is implemented in the whole OS. I hate browsing Icons and webpages at 10 frames per second, it's ridiculous considering today's smartphone's hardware.
One thing is certain... When it come to tablets, I'm NOT going buy and android one, unless full GPU aceleration is implemented in the whole OS. I hate browsing Icons and webpages at 10 frames per second, it's ridiculous considering today's smartphone's hardware. <> #154
I bet it's not coming to Honeycomb, but I hope Google can give the mobile browser hardware acceleration, too. I don't mean just for scrolling and stuff like that. I mean the type of full hardware acceleration and WebGL that Chrome 9.0 is getting soon.
So how about it, Google? Think you can make this ready for the version after Honeycomb? I'll hold off from buying a tablet until that happens, and also maybe for a Tegra 3 chip, because I think even with a Tegra 2, page rendering will still be slower than my netbook. Since I'd like to replace my netbook with a tablet, I'll wait until tablets get powerful enough in rendering web pages. Hardware acceleration can help give rendering a boost on top of the dual core CPU performance.
So how about it, Google? Think you can make this ready for the version after Honeycomb? I'll hold off from buying a tablet until that happens, and also maybe for a Tegra 3 chip, because I think even with a Tegra 2, page rendering will still be slower than my netbook. Since I'd like to replace my netbook with a tablet, I'll wait until tablets get powerful enough in rendering web pages. Hardware acceleration can help give rendering a boost on top of the dual core CPU performance. <> #155
I agree with the general consensus here. The "Android experience" is second rate purely because of the non GPU rendered GUI. No matter how much hype or marketing you throw at Android, the ugly truth will always manifest on the form of users feeling "ewe" instead of "wow!". To increase Android up-take you will have to relegated Android to a platform mobile operators aggressively push by giving mobile operators huge incentives, instead of allowing Android to flourish as the "platform of choice" (and we all know who currently holds that title, don't we!).
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #156
... GPU support for a handful of android devices? microsoft does it for THOUSANDS of 3rd party devices ... i think dejanews could cover the spread ... <> #157
Be it via GPU or simply faster code, the Android UI responsiveness and smoothness needs to be improved. I personally find it quite distracting. <> #158
i love android but this is only issue that is annoying me... :( <> #159
oh yeah, that motorola tablet is definately accelerated. maybe 3.0 will finally bring android out of beta >.< <> #160
OR, come to think of it, maybe that's what the dual-core is for.. offloading the UI onto the second core to free up the CPU ;)
i really wouldn't be surprised. xD
i really wouldn't be surprised. xD <> #161
It's a poor rendering framework if Google can't tune to maximize available hardware. There's no reason the UI cannot auto-tune depending on available hardware. Afterall, AOSP builds are aware of which platform it's being built for!
Even the awful and extremely bloated Qt framework has software and hardware acceleration paths for its Renderer.
It's a poor, poor design choice and baggage to tune Android for the lowest hardware spec, meaning the extremely broken MSM720x baseline. You should've chose PowerVR from the beginning instead having to "grow up" with the crappy Qualcomm GPUs.
This is how Windows Mobile broke itself by relying on OEMs to implement DirectDraw/3D of which none did or did it well, and so dragged the whole platform down.
Even the awful and extremely bloated Qt framework has software and hardware acceleration paths for its Renderer.
It's a poor, poor design choice and baggage to tune Android for the lowest hardware spec, meaning the extremely broken MSM720x baseline. You should've chose PowerVR from the beginning instead having to "grow up" with the crappy Qualcomm GPUs.
This is how Windows Mobile broke itself by relying on OEMs to implement DirectDraw/3D of which none did or did it well, and so dragged the whole platform down. <> #162
I have just got the Nexus S and cant say how disappointed I am with the UI and especially browsing experience.
Still choppy.
In the browser - this page [ ] lags and chops terribly.
I have read that Samsung released a lag fix (aka GPU accelerated browser) for the Galaxy S - why on earth would this not be available to the flagship Nexus S - also made by Samsung???
I like android way more than IOS but it doesn't mean I wont jump ship if things don't improve FAST.
Please respond Google!
Still choppy.
In the browser - this page [
I have read that Samsung released a lag fix (aka GPU accelerated browser) for the Galaxy S - why on earth would this not be available to the flagship Nexus S - also made by Samsung???
I like android way more than IOS but it doesn't mean I wont jump ship if things don't improve FAST.
Please respond Google! <> #163
There are a LOT of people buying Android devices today, yet the customer satisfaction index is way behind that of iOS. Improving the user experience of EXISTING customers needs to be a priority, because when grandma is ready to get a new phone in 12-18 months, she's going to think of Android as sluggish, and iOS as smooth.
And if someone counters that "well, newer Android phones are smooth, yours is just on an older version of the OS," Grandma can counter with, "So, Apple pushes updates to all of theirs customers, but you don't?" Either way, you've just lost a customer.
Basically, the user experience should have been developed in parallel with the feature set. It wasn't, and that was a massive fail on Google's part. But to ignore it now is beyond just being a failure. It's straight up ignorant.
And if someone counters that "well, newer Android phones are smooth, yours is just on an older version of the OS," Grandma can counter with, "So, Apple pushes updates to all of theirs customers, but you don't?" Either way, you've just lost a customer.
Basically, the user experience should have been developed in parallel with the feature set. It wasn't, and that was a massive fail on Google's part. But to ignore it now is beyond just being a failure. It's straight up ignorant. <> #164
I feel this is a bigger issue than our Android devs are letting on. It really gives Android a lower-class image than it deserves. The fluidity of scrolling and animation makes a device like these feel fast. Android devices are now generally powered by quite fast hardware, but the GUI still doesn't look very fluid. I have a good friend who is still a big iPhone fan, and his number one complaint about Android is the smoothness of the UI just not coming close to the iPhone.
Please please please make this better. Add a secondary texture-cached OpenGL render path for devices that support it or something.
Please please please make this better. Add a secondary texture-cached OpenGL render path for devices that support it or something. <> #165
bah. hoped this had been fixed in gingerbread / nexus s. The nexus s is a great device, I really like it, but browsing is a pain.
Had to set Opera Mobile as my default browser for now. Much, much better.
Stock browser is terrible on sites with lots of js or heavy imagery. Friends asked me about my phone, complimented about the feel and amoled screen. Opened up tbe browser, did some scrolling and said; see, this is why I have an iPhone. Stuff is too choppy without GPU support.
Had to set Opera Mobile as my default browser for now. Much, much better.
Stock browser is terrible on sites with lots of js or heavy imagery. Friends asked me about my phone, complimented about the feel and amoled screen. Opened up tbe browser, did some scrolling and said; see, this is why I have an iPhone. Stuff is too choppy without GPU support. <> #166
This really needs to be fixed ASAP. I have plenty of friends who prefer the iPhone over Android because of this. And now that WP7 is out, it is making Android look like garbage too. Android is so superior to any other OS out there with its features, but the choppy movement and lag makes it look really elementary. I do love Android, and I thought Google would fix this sooner rather than later, that's one of the reasons why I decided to go with Android for my first smartphone. But since Google still has done nothing about this, I will definitely be getting an iPhone now that Verizon will be selling it. I know i'll miss a lot of the features of Android, but it's worth it to have a smooth UI that is above par. I can always just jailbreak the iPhone to get any of the cool features of Android that I'll miss. And getting dual core CPUs wont solve the problem either. It will help, but the GPU should be doing this work, that's what it's made for!! Not pawning it off to the other core of the CPU! Google fix this please. I thought it was going to be taken care of in 2.2, then in 2.3, now I'm pretty certain it may never be taken care of, and if finally so, it will be too late. <> #167
GPU acceleration needs to be #1 priority.
I've modded my Galaxy S. UI is extremely smooth (maybe almost Iphone4-esque). Browser is a different story.
Android users can't really 'brag' about being able to display Flash when browsing when it lags the crap out of the browser.
This is the ONLY thing iOS has on Android in my opinion.
Better battery life and smoother UI from GPU acceleration is all I want...and my guess is that Honeycomb will address this...if not, GOD help Android.
I've modded my Galaxy S. UI is extremely smooth (maybe almost Iphone4-esque). Browser is a different story.
Android users can't really 'brag' about being able to display Flash when browsing when it lags the crap out of the browser.
This is the ONLY thing iOS has on Android in my opinion.
Better battery life and smoother UI from GPU acceleration is all I want...and my guess is that Honeycomb will address this...if not, GOD help Android. <> #168
From reading #1 it sounds to me like Google may simply not have the know-how to enable GPU acceleration as it sounds like they are having problems solving what 10+ year-old well-established Design Patterns were invented to deal with. All the good GPU people are probably at Apple/nVidia/Facebook at this point, which is why they're stuck with a GUI paradigm that might have been OK 15 years ago, but has no place in this millennium. Android's are wasting hardware, wasting silicon gates, and wasting power while providing an inferior responsiveness in user interface.
In response to:
"Comment 28 by CrAsHeR.iT, Jun 13, 2010
Well if i'm not wrong, ANY hardware component can do 1 job at time..
The user feel that Pc does 20/30 things at time..But it's just the abrstraction given by Operative System..a CPU can execute just 1 instruction at time.. (Ofcourse we are talking about single core architecture..)"
In response to:
"Comment 28 by CrAsHeR.iT, Jun 13, 2010
Well if i'm not wrong, ANY hardware component can do 1 job at time..
The user feel that Pc does 20/30 things at time..But it's just the abrstraction given by Operative System..a CPU can execute just 1 instruction at time.. (Ofcourse we are talking about single core architecture..)" <> #169
I think while gingerbread and its new garbage collection scheme is a step in the right direction, it still isn't addressing a major problem. Yes, in Gingerbread, the UI interaction is much smoother, but still not smooth enough. GPU acceleration seems to be a given on every new device, even a lot of low end ones. If you really want to ensure compatability with devices that don't have advanced graphical capabiltiy, at this point I think a decision needs to be made. If possible, android should be branched to deal with these two groups of devices separately, allowing those people with higher end hardware to take advantage of their GPUs, while maintaining the current method for older devices. I hope that Honeycomb brings some of this functionality. Honestly this issue was only submitted in March, but its something I haven't understood about Android from the beginning and especially with the introduction of 2.0 devices and its priority should be far higher than medium. An overhaul of the way the UI is drawn is long overdue, and its inability to take advantage of the GPU and subsequently the higher CPU and RAM usage makes no sense. We can't keep relying on manufacturers and hardware designers to make up for such a serious design flaw. <> #170
I've just had a play with a Nexus S handset - laggy as f..k!! Scrolling is terrible. Quite frankly, I'm stunned that anyone in the UK would part with £430 for something that feels so jittery and unprofessional. Since this request seems to be falling on deaf ears, I'm voting with my wallet... <> #171
I second voting with your wallet. Don't buy another android device until it has smooth scrolling displays like iPhones had about 3 years ago. <> #172
I've just seen something that blew my mind - Android 2.2.1 on a Samsung Galaxy S:
Not sure what Samsung (or Google) have done here, but this is how is should have been from day one!!! This is MUCH smoother, faster, and more responsive than a Nexus S running 2.3.1. It's incredible - excellent performance.
Not sure what Samsung (or Google) have done here, but this is how is should have been from day one!!! This is MUCH smoother, faster, and more responsive than a Nexus S running 2.3.1. It's incredible - excellent performance. <> #173
A good friend recently got a new htc desire so I've been able to play around with it a lot the past couple of weeks.
Needless to say the choppiness of menu scrolling/web browsing is so off-putting that all the advantages that android has as an operating system are pretty much made moot imo. I don't want to use a phone that has a UI experience similar to that of a reformatted pc before you install the graphics driver.
And therein lies my predicament, I want to use android because of all the features/customization available but the UI visual issues make me cringe and sigh every time. It's such a waste of potential, phones with the fastest mobile processors and huge amounts of ram can't even scroll smoothly through a menu - plain stupid.
And i'm kind of sick of the purist 'android phones are technically the fastest smartphones yada yada..they load webpages faster than iOS' I DON'T CARE..make the freaking UI experience reflect the supposed 'fastness' of the phones, gosh.
Everyone has heard the principle 'form follows function' ..well it's kind of about time that Google heeded this DESIGN PRINCIPLE <--HELLO. The functionality of Android has been vigorously developed and is excellent; theoretically the best mobile operating system currently, but does it feel like that when you're using it? No.
Google are metaphorically strapping a ball and chain to their own product by allowing it to be hindered by something as trivial as GPU acceleration. I really really want to like/use android but this issue just really irks me. I was hell bent(bordering on obsessed) about getting an htc desire z when my contract runs out in a few months but I'm almost certain I'm going to be heading down Apple's way after my recent experience with android.
And I know I'm not the only one, i know plenty of old customers who have been holding out, saying 'oh this issue is going to be fixed with the next update *holds breath*, *new update*..oh it's still as laggy as ever *waits till next update*' People can only wait for so long google, you will lose existing customers and new ones will be turned-off when they find out or experience for themselves what an android phone is like to use.
There are more people who want a phone that just 'works and looks good' vs the tech-heads who want the features that android has to offer. And I'm pretty sure google could satisfy the whole spectrum of users if they just listened to what the people in this thread have been going on about for 10 months.
Sorry this kind of turned into a rant but I genuinely want this issue to be fixed. Thank you in advance google (don't make my thank you worthless!)
Needless to say the choppiness of menu scrolling/web browsing is so off-putting that all the advantages that android has as an operating system are pretty much made moot imo. I don't want to use a phone that has a UI experience similar to that of a reformatted pc before you install the graphics driver.
And therein lies my predicament, I want to use android because of all the features/customization available but the UI visual issues make me cringe and sigh every time. It's such a waste of potential, phones with the fastest mobile processors and huge amounts of ram can't even scroll smoothly through a menu - plain stupid.
And i'm kind of sick of the purist 'android phones are technically the fastest smartphones yada yada..they load webpages faster than iOS' I DON'T CARE..make the freaking UI experience reflect the supposed 'fastness' of the phones, gosh.
Everyone has heard the principle 'form follows function' ..well it's kind of about time that Google heeded this DESIGN PRINCIPLE <--HELLO. The functionality of Android has been vigorously developed and is excellent; theoretically the best mobile operating system currently, but does it feel like that when you're using it? No.
Google are metaphorically strapping a ball and chain to their own product by allowing it to be hindered by something as trivial as GPU acceleration. I really really want to like/use android but this issue just really irks me. I was hell bent(bordering on obsessed) about getting an htc desire z when my contract runs out in a few months but I'm almost certain I'm going to be heading down Apple's way after my recent experience with android.
And I know I'm not the only one, i know plenty of old customers who have been holding out, saying 'oh this issue is going to be fixed with the next update *holds breath*, *new update*..oh it's still as laggy as ever *waits till next update*' People can only wait for so long google, you will lose existing customers and new ones will be turned-off when they find out or experience for themselves what an android phone is like to use.
There are more people who want a phone that just 'works and looks good' vs the tech-heads who want the features that android has to offer. And I'm pretty sure google could satisfy the whole spectrum of users if they just listened to what the people in this thread have been going on about for 10 months.
Sorry this kind of turned into a rant but I genuinely want this issue to be fixed. Thank you in advance google (don't make my thank you worthless!)
bye <> #174
[Comment deleted] <> #175
I agree. GPU acceleration is absolutely necessary for android's survival. No matter how advanced android is technically, choppy and laggy scrolling is a huge turnoff and makes the os something that people don't really want to use.
If you've ever used Opera Mobile (not mini), you get a glimpse of what gpu acceleration can do. It's amazing. Opera Mobile, speed wise (as in scrolling, pinch 2 zoom), blows my Evo's stock android browser so far out of the water, it's almost sad. Google, if you're serious about making android a leading smartphone os, the gpu acceleration issue absolutely must be fixed. That, or find another way to give us a ui that's even remotely comprable to iOS in terms of performance.
If you've ever used Opera Mobile (not mini), you get a glimpse of what gpu acceleration can do. It's amazing. Opera Mobile, speed wise (as in scrolling, pinch 2 zoom), blows my Evo's stock android browser so far out of the water, it's almost sad. Google, if you're serious about making android a leading smartphone os, the gpu acceleration issue absolutely must be fixed. That, or find another way to give us a ui that's even remotely comprable to iOS in terms of performance. <> #176
should really add that GPU acceleration is not enough, as one can see in Opera's attempt. It uses the GPU to pinch zoom and scroll, but the zooming is not bilinear/other filtered, and so the effect is you can see ugly pixelation as in the animation <> #177
I think we need to copy and paste this link everywhere we possibly can to get people aware. Right now this problem is only at medium priority. <> #178
Honestly - how can anyone take Android as a seriously after comparing it to the market leader? Anyone wonder why iPhone sales were up something like 50% last financial quarter? How can such a smart company like Google be so dumb?
I think it would be a very big job to fix this issue (hence the reason why it hasn't already been fixed). Google see the Android platform as nothing more than an "advertisement delivery vehicle" - so long as it's delivering ads, do they really care about the end-user experience?
I just spanked £600 on an iPhone 4 32GB (because there are no 16GB models in stock at the moment here in London). I went into two separate Carphone Warehouse stores to test drive the Nexus S - although it has a rich feature set and cool maps, there's no way on God's green earth I'm going to part with £430 for a handset that makes you cringe every time you have to scroll in the UI or (more so) the browser (desktop rendered pages, like Engadget).
I'm one lost customer, I'm sure there are others.
I think it would be a very big job to fix this issue (hence the reason why it hasn't already been fixed). Google see the Android platform as nothing more than an "advertisement delivery vehicle" - so long as it's delivering ads, do they really care about the end-user experience?
I just spanked £600 on an iPhone 4 32GB (because there are no 16GB models in stock at the moment here in London). I went into two separate Carphone Warehouse stores to test drive the Nexus S - although it has a rich feature set and cool maps, there's no way on God's green earth I'm going to part with £430 for a handset that makes you cringe every time you have to scroll in the UI or (more so) the browser (desktop rendered pages, like Engadget).
I'm one lost customer, I'm sure there are others. <> #179
I'm surprised that this issue hasn't been address yet. <> #180
[Comment deleted] <> #181
They are working on it:
Don't know if it is implemented in any way.
For example with rooted i5700 and lastest cyanogenmod there were added some fixes
Lets hope it will be mandatory in 3.0/2.4
Don't know if it is implemented in any way.
For example with rooted i5700 and lastest cyanogenmod there were added some fixes
Lets hope it will be mandatory in 3.0/2.4 <> #182
Don't worry folks. Some sort of hardware acceleration will be implemented in Honeycomb. You can look at the "dive into mobile" video with Andy Rubin, or the presentation on the CES about the Honeycomb UI. In those videos you can see some some cool screen rotating animations. Google has hired former WEBOS designer Mattias Duarte in who I have a very high confidence.
I expect Honeycomb to be announced before March. See you then all! Have a little faith in our engineers.
I expect Honeycomb to be announced before March. See you then all! Have a little faith in our engineers. <> #186
I won't buy another android if this issue is not resolved. After owning htc desire and galaxy s, there's only so little the mod community can do if google is so reluctant to improve android user experience. My stock browser is lagging now while typing away.....
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #187
I also am very disappointed that this issue hasn't been resolved yet. I've been waiting to see if GPU gets used in new phones to decide for my next phone (Android vs iPhone) and it looks like my decision is being made by Google not doing the obvious. I'll be on the market in 2 years again, hoping this issue would have been resolved by then. <> #188
As much as I love my evo, if this isn't resolved by the time in june when i renew my contract, i'll prob end up getting the new palm webOS device that's out by then, maybe someday when Google decides to prioritize the thing that matters the most with touchscreen phones, touch responsiveness, I'll then switch back...but until then Google i'll be going somewhere else! <> #189
does gingerbread implement the use of GPU at the homescreen (launcher + livewallpaper ) and the apps ( like the internet browser ) ? <> #190
Response to comment 181: "Some sort of hardware acceleration will be implemented in Honeycomb" - will/is Honeycomb even designed to be run on mobiles? Look at this YouTube video: - at 0:09 is clearly states "Built Entirely for Tablet". <> #191
Don't wanna speculate on whether Honeycomb will be available for phones or not, but Matias Duarte said in in an interview that the way Honeycomb looks is Android's general direction for every kind of device. <> #192
All i can say is: Now that Apple has bought Samsungs whole production of Super Amoled screens for 2011, its bye bye Android!
Thats it for me good folks. I wish google and everyone sticking by them best of luck in the future. As for me, i will stick by my Samsung galaxy s until my contract is up, and then go over to the dark side with IPHONE 5.
- With super amoled RETINA display?
- TONS of QUALITY apps ( i will GLADLY pay for apps and games that are polished and works like a charm)
- A smartphone that just works perfectly (hardware issues with iphone 4 aside, at least apple cares enough to try to find quick solutions)
Ive waited enough google!
Thats it for me good folks. I wish google and everyone sticking by them best of luck in the future. As for me, i will stick by my Samsung galaxy s until my contract is up, and then go over to the dark side with IPHONE 5.
- With super amoled RETINA display?
- TONS of QUALITY apps ( i will GLADLY pay for apps and games that are polished and works like a charm)
- A smartphone that just works perfectly (hardware issues with iphone 4 aside, at least apple cares enough to try to find quick solutions)
Ive waited enough google! <> #193
@ - This isn't the right place to astroturf.
Do you really want to support a company that does this kind of thing?
(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Do you really want to support a company that does this kind of thing?
(Sorry, couldn't resist.) <> #194
Good riddance @ 191 :)Tell me did you try your phone before you bought it?? Where do you get your info? So Samsung is gonna sell ALL of its SAMOLED's to Apple, and keep none for its upcoming Galaxy S2 in february and other phones?? Stupid stupid stupid.
And @ comment 177. Now is probably the dumbest time to shell out on a new iPhone. P.S. I showed my Sexy Nexy S and compared it to my friends iPhone and he was blown away.. iPhone 4 looks DATED next to Nexus S. big LOL at you.
I'll concede that the browser is not as smooth when pinch-zooming on really heavy sites, for most though it is smooth.
Cringe-worthy is iOS's old school UI and notification system that displays stupid pop-ups that overlay and Stop you from e.g. playing a game, to display a text message (but i'll leave you to discover the joys of that)... hence all the rumors of a "complete redesign" for iPhone 5... its needs it.
And @ comment 177. Now is probably the dumbest time to shell out on a new iPhone. P.S. I showed my Sexy Nexy S and compared it to my friends iPhone and he was blown away.. iPhone 4 looks DATED next to Nexus S. big LOL at you.
I'll concede that the browser is not as smooth when pinch-zooming on really heavy sites, for most though it is smooth.
Cringe-worthy is iOS's old school UI and notification system that displays stupid pop-ups that overlay and Stop you from e.g. playing a game, to display a text message (but i'll leave you to discover the joys of that)... hence all the rumors of a "complete redesign" for iPhone 5... its needs it. <> #195
P.S You do not notice the resolution difference between iP4 and Nexus S at normal viewing distance.. you DO notice the improved contrast, viewing angles and blacks (SAMOLED).. oh and the size :D
Loving my Nexus S Google :) With or without the GPU accelleration across the board (would be nice though so have starred ;))
Loving my Nexus S Google :) With or without the GPU accelleration across the board (would be nice though so have starred ;)) <> #196
@ comment 192 : not the place to what now? All i am saying (like 99% of others in this thread) is that im fed up with waiting. If you want to wait until android 3.x comes out to enjoy smooth scrolling ui and so on, be my guest! Plus why should i miss out on the awesome apps and games exclusive to iphone (like RAGE)? Its just not worth it imo. What? Android is open, who cares! Im not a dev or a geek so i wont notice the difference.
@ comment 193: About the SAMOLED, its just rumors but i keep my fingers crossed. SAMOLED is Galaxys ONLY ace imo. Plus i never said that samsung wouldnt be able to provide it for their upcoming S2 also, but as you may know Samsung IS a main Apple supplier (Upcoming A9 dual core processor for example).
@ comment 193: About the SAMOLED, its just rumors but i keep my fingers crossed. SAMOLED is Galaxys ONLY ace imo. Plus i never said that samsung wouldnt be able to provide it for their upcoming S2 also, but as you may know Samsung IS a main Apple supplier (Upcoming A9 dual core processor for example). <> #197
I'm so sick of waiting for this. All I keep hearing is that the "next version will get it, wait for next version, just be patient," blah blah blah. Well I've been patient because I've heard this same old story version after version, and still NOTHING! Next version my ass. I don't think Google will ever get around to fixing this. And please understand people that dual core processors are NOT the answer! The GPU should be doing this kind of work, NOT pawning it off to the CPU! I don't care if I have a freakin' quad core CPU in my phone, the GPU should be doing this so that the CPU can focus on the tons of other things it has to do!! I just played with my friends WP7 phone. Gosh it is so amazingly fluid and smooth, just like the iPhone. It makes me so jealous and so embarrassed that my Android phone doesn't support such an important and must-have feature, when the brand spanking new WP7 OS, which is less than 3 months old supports it!! What the hell Google!? Internet browsing is embarrassing - I've been using Opera Mobile since it uses hardware acceleration, but it's got some bugs since it's still beta - pages don't always align properly, flash is not supported, and so now I have an even bigger pain in the ass of having to use 2 different browsers depending on what I need to do...are you serious!?
Flicking through my SMS/MMS messages are also quite embarrassing. The whole thing skips and stutters and looks like complete crap. It is an embarrassment. It would be nice if GPU hardware acceleration was native to begin with throughout the OS. I'm still baffled as to why Google hasn't taken care of this. I'm also sick of the whole "garbage collection" BS. That is just a scapegoat, and I'm not buying it anymore Google. It's time you take care of this and add GPU hardware acceleration with the proper filtering it needs for zooming and scrolling, because it's completely ridiculous. It needs to be on par with iOS and WP7 OS. I'm amazed that this isn't a high priority either. Maybe if enough people start starring and commenting, Google will get their act together like they did with the SMS delivery bug. The ball's in your court Google. Make it happen.
Flicking through my SMS/MMS messages are also quite embarrassing. The whole thing skips and stutters and looks like complete crap. It is an embarrassment. It would be nice if GPU hardware acceleration was native to begin with throughout the OS. I'm still baffled as to why Google hasn't taken care of this. I'm also sick of the whole "garbage collection" BS. That is just a scapegoat, and I'm not buying it anymore Google. It's time you take care of this and add GPU hardware acceleration with the proper filtering it needs for zooming and scrolling, because it's completely ridiculous. It needs to be on par with iOS and WP7 OS. I'm amazed that this isn't a high priority either. Maybe if enough people start starring and commenting, Google will get their act together like they did with the SMS delivery bug. The ball's in your court Google. Make it happen. <> #198
Andoird 3.0 adds hardware acceleration. <> #199
Is this for real? I hope to God it is. It's the first I've heard of it. Can you spare any more details or sources?
Is this for real? I hope to God it is. It's the first I've heard of it. Can you spare any more details or sources? <> #200
Oh goodie, when is 3.0 due out is the next question.... <> #201
really? 3.0? according to who? the people that said 2.3 would have it? or 2.2, or 2.1, yadda yadda yadda,
winmo7 next time i think. android can't even have swipe from screen to screen smoothly
winmo7 next time i think. android can't even have swipe from screen to screen smoothly <> #202
Hurray! I could guess it from official Android 3.0 presentation though. Since 3.0 is exclusively for tablets, next question comes to my mind. Do you plan to port it back to 2.x tree so we can enjoy it also on smartphones ?
greetings <> #203
Does this mean that GPU acceleration will be available only for tablets? <> #204
It is for real. Android 3.0 allows applications to turn on hardware acceleration for all rendering operations. <> #205
Romain, assuming its implemented across the board and the whole UI and we get the fluid experience android deserves, then thanks very much for finally doing this! I know you're probably a busy man, but any chance you could elaborate on it as well? Why it took so long, what the thinking was behind the scenes and how much it was prioritize?
Thanks again.
Thanks again. <> #206
I thought Android 3.0 is an Tablet version only? So this doesnt really help if you have a phone... <> #207
And it'll be supported on Nexus One class phones ?
Cause my super HTC Desire is all but old, and if I've to change it just to have Honeycomb (and just to have gpu used, finally)... I'll seriously consider WP7.
Cause my super HTC Desire is all but old, and if I've to change it just to have Honeycomb (and just to have gpu used, finally)... I'll seriously consider WP7. <> #208
Romainguy, is this just for applications? What about the entire Android UI as a whole? What about the Android browser? And 3.0 was said to be tablet only. Does this mean Android phones are still going to be without GPU hardware acceleration, and as a result, left in the dust? <> #209
Meh. Follow the thread now. These guys can't even get a release
announcement right.
announcement right. <> #210
@romain: That's fantastic. Finally we'll have a GUI that's on par with competing devices... :) <> #211
therefore honeycomb will also released for smartphones? or how should i understand this statement? <> #212
i''ll believe it when it's released and on my phone. till then, it's vapourware only <> #213
This better come to the version you're releasing at Google I/O for phones, too, then! It would be terrible if it's only coming for tablets now, and then we have to wait for the version you're releasing in fall 2011 or something.
And hardware acceleration for all rendering operations? Does that mean we'll get the same kind of hardware acceleration in browsers that Chrome 10, FF4 and IE9 will be getting? Or do you mean just for scrolling and zooming? And will we need devices with chips that need OpenCL support for all that to work?
And hardware acceleration for all rendering operations? Does that mean we'll get the same kind of hardware acceleration in browsers that Chrome 10, FF4 and IE9 will be getting? Or do you mean just for scrolling and zooming? And will we need devices with chips that need OpenCL support for all that to work? <> #215
What about 2.4?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #216
nice ... i'll expect android 3.0 for my epic 4g ... in 2025 that is ... <> #217
Great news on Android 3.0! Not that my Droid will Ever seen it.. :( A. Couple suggestions to improve responsiveness for eveyone else. The less things you have that update at short intervals in the notification bar the smoother your screen will be. I had an application that showed cpu usage graph in notification bar and it made any kind of scrolling choppy. Also if you use SetCPU switch throttleing type from "on demand" to "interactive" <> #218
The way I interpret this information (in the platform highlights page) is that hardware acceleration will only be enabled for certain UI events or operations - and that it will be up to the developer to implement these hardware accelerated views/transitions. So this means that it isn't full-on implementation of HW acceleration as seen in the iOS.
Why not just have a setting that enables HW acceleration for all events, and fall back if the setting is disabled or the device isn't supported? Why leave it up to the developers to choose to use the HW accelerated option, and thus introducing inconsistent UX between Android apps? It should be on by default, and developers should have to go out of their way to disable it (safe-mode), not the other way around.
Maybe I'm wrong. So could someone from the Android team please elaborate on the implementation? We're all curious to know how it will work and we might be able to provide useful feedback.
Why not just have a setting that enables HW acceleration for all events, and fall back if the setting is disabled or the device isn't supported? Why leave it up to the developers to choose to use the HW accelerated option, and thus introducing inconsistent UX between Android apps? It should be on by default, and developers should have to go out of their way to disable it (safe-mode), not the other way around.
Maybe I'm wrong. So could someone from the Android team please elaborate on the implementation? We're all curious to know how it will work and we might be able to provide useful feedback.
Thanks. <> #219
I'd also love to hear a response from the Android team in regards to Glenn's issue, comment 217. <> #220
Great news! I guess we sorta figure honeycomb would come with hardware acceleration cuz there's no way those fancy widgets on the home screen would be so smooth with just CPU, even it's a dual core. <> #221
We want the entire Android UI to be composed on the GPU. The same as Quartz on iOS. This idea in 3.0 of only certain fullscreen Apps or Activities being accelerated sounds like a total hack which is probably just going to cause headaches for developers. <> #222
Hardware acceleration is not only for fullscreen apps or activities. <> #223
I really don't understand why you started flaming about the way Android implemented HW acceleration..You neither saw how it performs!
From what i understood on Twitter, even webview are hw i guess everything is done by the gpu in honeycomb. (and yes, i think even list scrolling etc).
A developer can bring full GPU drawing in every part of application and he can choose also to accelerate only some part of it. I think this is a must for Android since we have to deal also with low end device whose gpu aren't such good and, in those case, the gpu rendering can be a bottleneck i guess.
Anyway, Thanks for your time here romain ;)
From what i understood on Twitter, even webview are hw i guess everything is done by the gpu in honeycomb. (and yes, i think even list scrolling etc).
A developer can bring full GPU drawing in every part of application and he can choose also to accelerate only some part of it. I think this is a must for Android since we have to deal also with low end device whose gpu aren't such good and, in those case, the gpu rendering can be a bottleneck i guess.
Anyway, Thanks for your time here romain ;) <> #224
I do think that android needs complete gpu acceleration across the board. A common complaint is the lag experienced on all android devices, and I'm sick of dealing with it as a user and reading about it as an android junkie. This lag affects the overall android experience, and devalues the epic work done by the dev team when stuttering occurs on an almost regular basis.
I think that user experience is almost more important than anything else - it ties everything together, and the lag distracts from the great power and innovation in the os. I can't see why any developer would want the option to choose cpu or gpu rendering when gpu is always best, being faster and at this time, practically unused.
Hopefully honeycomb finally puts this all to rest. But what about the nexus s users at the moment? I think some enhancements could be implemented in gingerbread right now to at least speed up the home screen experience and browser of the phone. It seems gingerbread with all it's additions have somehow created a greater burden on current system resources, which has dragged the nexus s beneath nexus one froyo performance. The phone has an amazing iphone killing gpu. Lets put it to use.
I think that user experience is almost more important than anything else - it ties everything together, and the lag distracts from the great power and innovation in the os. I can't see why any developer would want the option to choose cpu or gpu rendering when gpu is always best, being faster and at this time, practically unused.
Hopefully honeycomb finally puts this all to rest. But what about the nexus s users at the moment? I think some enhancements could be implemented in gingerbread right now to at least speed up the home screen experience and browser of the phone. It seems gingerbread with all it's additions have somehow created a greater burden on current system resources, which has dragged the nexus s beneath nexus one froyo performance. The phone has an amazing iphone killing gpu. Lets put it to use. <> #225
@220 every part of the UI *can* be hardware accelerated. Most devs will just enable it across their whole app with one line of code. This includes system apps like the home screens and launcher.
The only time only part of an app would be HW accelerated is to optimize performance. If you turn off GPU acceleration for static parts of the UI you can give more resources to the bits you want to animate.
Would urge everyone to read the platform highlights at before commenting. On the other hand, is it really a surprise that people are frustrated about this issue? UI responsiveness and fluidity is a major determinant of perceived performance and it's definitely hurt market share.
The only time only part of an app would be HW accelerated is to optimize performance. If you turn off GPU acceleration for static parts of the UI you can give more resources to the bits you want to animate.
Would urge everyone to read the platform highlights at <> #226
Hopeless. I will get an iPhone instead next time. <> #227
I've had the issues even without live wallpapers. Lwp do exacerbate the issue though. <> #228
I fully agree with comment 217. The GPU should be enabled by default for all apps and let the developer or better the user decide about disabling. As for inhomogeneity of the platform regarding the low end devices the OS should be able to determine which hw is available and set the UI optimizations automatically to the settings which are best to that specific hw. There are not that many chips to not be able to have some database. Gosh just look at PC games. Considering how vast differences in GPU power are available for PCs you can see that most PC games have autodetection of best acceleration settings and even let user customize it. Android should go this way. The way the current UI acceleration strategy is headed by Android team is embarrassing and is a straight way to hell. The UI smoothness is the first thing anybody compares with competition. Hell this issue should have the highest prio of the whole issue stack! <> #229
Yes, gpu accel is active in android 3.0. Tablet only!? But wasn't this all about acceleration on the "phone" version. We want/need more information! :)
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #230
Wow people will still complain even when Google brought on acceleration, guess they want them like Burger Kind "have it your way".
To 228 in this interview:
Matias says honeycomb can be scaled for mobile, so yes it will come to us just maybe in a different UI format.
To 228 in this interview:
Matias says honeycomb can be scaled for mobile, so yes it will come to us just maybe in a different UI format.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #231
King* <> #232
I'm glad this issue got the attention it did, thanks all for commenting and starring.
Looks like full GPU acceleration is finally on the way for android phones.
Looks like full GPU acceleration is finally on the way for android phones. <> #233
Dont care..too much hassle
Iphone next
Iphone next <> #234
"Why expect children to behave like anything other than children?" -- Gurdjieff
Good news about 3.0, Linus. Even more reason for users to root (esp. when the time comes).
Good news about 3.0, Linus. Even more reason for users to root (esp. when the time comes). <> #235
Great news! I've been looking for this since I got my N1.
BTW, This will be landed on N1 in the near future, right? Romain?
BTW, This will be landed on N1 in the near future, right? Romain? <> #236
Well I hope that HW acceleration in HoneyComb is going to make our lovely Android Phones have them also.
I woulnd't like to see a smoother iPhone 3G than a dual-core tegra 2 Atrix.
I woulnd't like to see a smoother iPhone 3G than a dual-core tegra 2 Atrix. <> #237 <> #238 <> #239
Hardware UI acceleration and a multi core support is a MUST for phones, hopefully Google brings it with the next update. <> #240
Hardware UI accleration is perhaps the only thing standing between total andriod awesomeness and my DHD's responsiveness being laughed at by 1st gen iPhone users. Trust me when I say there are throngs of iPhone users out there just waiting to jump onto the andriod bandwagon once andriod's UI responsiveness surpasses or at least matches the iPhone's. This is your chance to make history google, so please do revisit this very fundamental bug and then you may claim your crown from apple once and for all. <> #241
But with this news, i might have to wait before buying a new phone, because nobody can assure me, that any new phone will be honeycomb ready, or if 3.0 will ever be a mobile phone firmware <> #242
During Wednesday's Android 3.0 Honeycomb press event, Google affirmed that Honeycomb was developed only for tablets. Google spokesperson Andrew Kovacs told attendees, "Features will arrive on phones over time," but he didn't elaborate on which features nor when. For the time being, Android smartphone users should not expect Google to shoehorn Honeycomb into devices smaller than tablets. <> #243
I remember somebody have said that Android 2.4 Ice Cream will have UI Hardware Acceleration similar to Honeycomb. <> #244
This video makes me worry about android. I love the OS and everything but spec wise the Atrix is one of the more powerful phones and it runs embarrassingly choppy compared to a windows 7 phone.
I think this is a perfect example of what everyone is talking about and it needs to be remedied ASAP. <> #245
Google, can you please tell us if 2.4 will have GPU acceleration? <> #246
Couldn't Android check to see if a phone is albe to turn on GPU acceleration like a PC/Mac does? And here's hoping Ice Cream will have it, although Gingerbread is still smoother than Froyo, so there are a *few* kinks worked out... <> #247
Create a well documented spec for GPU UI support and work closely with phone makers. Let one version of the OS be non GPU, and the other GPU. Eventually the non gpu one would die off, and the only differentiation of android phones in the future would be the speed of the GPU and the resolution of the screen. GPUs fillrate scale extremely well. <> #248
What I don't understand is why the folks over at Opera can implement hw acceleration in Opera Mobile 10.1, while Google can't in their stock browser. If you've ever used Opera Mobile 10.1 on android, the pinch to zoom, and scrolling is super smooth compared to the stock browser - almost iphone-like. Clearly, its possible and I don't see why its taken so long for android to implement a feature that is so fundamental to the UI in modern smartphones. <> #249
it seems there is long way to go before android gets GPU acceleration.....i had decided my mind on mytouch 4g, but now decided to wait for iphone 5 <> #250
[Comment deleted] <> #251
HW GPU acceleration is a must have to improve the UI. It will improve the android experience and allow UI customizations the competitors can only dream of. Please make this happen ASAP. Google, I know you can so why not.
If it is the older phones lack of GPU horsepower that you worry about, why not make it an option when rebooting the phone. If GPU can handle Acceleration then YES, else NUKE
If it is the older phones lack of GPU horsepower that you worry about, why not make it an option when rebooting the phone. If GPU can handle Acceleration then YES, else NUKE <> #252
When you say long way, you meant like several month ^^?
I don't see any good reason Google won't include this feature in 2.4 Ice cream.
After all, they have a big plan to migrate all the new features from Honeycomb anyway.
When you say long way, you meant like several month ^^?
I don't see any good reason Google won't include this feature in 2.4 Ice cream.
After all, they have a big plan to migrate all the new features from Honeycomb anyway. <> #253
[Comment deleted] <> #255
> The "choppiness" and "lagginess" you are mentioning are more often related to heavy
> garbage collection than drawing performance.
It's better to implement default android *HomeScreen* in C, not Java (Dalvik is very slow as hell).
That's why 3gs is faster (because there's no such VM garbage collection stuff) !
There will be no "Garbage Collection" in pure C.
And, please release the TRUE NDK API (not the fake one that still depends on Dalvik).
Dalvik VM is evil, just like JVM (is very slow as hell)!
> garbage collection than drawing performance.
It's better to implement default android *HomeScreen* in C, not Java (Dalvik is very slow as hell).
That's why 3gs is faster (because there's no such VM garbage collection stuff) !
There will be no "Garbage Collection" in pure C.
And, please release the TRUE NDK API (not the fake one that still depends on Dalvik).
Dalvik VM is evil, just like JVM (is very slow as hell)! <> #256
hopefully this will come soon. <> #257
+1 :) Hoping this gets implemented soon. I'm looking for an android phone to migrate to which doesn't suffer from TheChoppyUI syndrome. TBH It should be embarrassing for such a high profile project that a dual core android phone has a *less* smooth UI experience than a single core iOS or WP7 device. <> #258
Just got my Xoom yesterday and did a little test of the hardware acceleration in the browser (in home screen is THAT fluid), and found out it's not implemented very well.
I ended up turning off the OpenGL rendering in my browser because the pinch zoom behaves really bad. Not only it's choppy (still faster than without OpenGL though), but the pinch zoom is inaccurate and rendering is kinda broken.
I ended up turning off the OpenGL rendering in my browser because the pinch zoom behaves really bad. Not only it's choppy (still faster than without OpenGL though), but the pinch zoom is inaccurate and rendering is kinda broken. <> #259
I don't need dual cores or even quad cores. Just single core with GPU accelerated UI will make it feel like 10 cores. <> #260
i too, hope UI in GENERAL, and the internet browser get GPU acceleration ASAP.
2.3.* was said to get it, home screens got a little better, but the browser did not.
(there are some samsung browsers, specially the one from the leaked 2.3.2, that do have opengl acceleration, and it runs SO smooth, that my friend embarased me. Of course, its a custom android browser, depends on their framework, and wont run on other devices)
2.3.* was said to get it, home screens got a little better, but the browser did not.
(there are some samsung browsers, specially the one from the leaked 2.3.2, that do have opengl acceleration, and it runs SO smooth, that my friend embarased me. Of course, its a custom android browser, depends on their framework, and wont run on other devices) <> #261
Guys please check this link
And read the part "Graphics". Honeycomb will have hardware acceleration in the "View" class/level. That means ListViews (scrolling menus) and WebViews (browser applications) and really anything the inherit the View class will have hardware acceleration. and it will be totally controllable by app devs, where they can enable/disable hardware acceleration.
So please stop bothering Romain Guy and all the other great folks at google. These guys are doing tremendous work.
And read the part "Graphics". Honeycomb will have hardware acceleration in the "View" class/level. That means ListViews (scrolling menus) and WebViews (browser applications) and really anything the inherit the View class will have hardware acceleration. and it will be totally controllable by app devs, where they can enable/disable hardware acceleration.
So please stop bothering Romain Guy and all the other great folks at google. These guys are doing tremendous work. <> #262
IOS 4 life :) <> #263
wow ^^
OpenGL support for most aspects of the UI would be great.. Definitely a IOS 3/4 killer.
OpenGL support for most aspects of the UI would be great.. Definitely a IOS 3/4 killer. <> #264
This should be done asap, pretty disgusting how powerful the devices are and aren't even being utilised properly. I'm all for the openness of android but this seams a shocking thing to not include. Just get the feeling the Nexus S could be so much more quicker. <> #265
Hi! in The reviewer said that Gingerbread UI already supports hardware acceleration and it's smoother than Froyo. Is it true? <> #266
I don't think so. Most of the smoothness for Gingerbread is because of the concurrent GC and lots of fixes with Strict Mode from what I read.
But currently the hardware acceleration is not implemented that well on Honeycomb, especially in the browser. With large web pages (xda developer), the performance is still quite poor considering it bears better hardware than iPad and compatible hardware with iPad2.
I don't think so. Most of the smoothness for Gingerbread is because of the concurrent GC and lots of fixes with Strict Mode from what I read.
But currently the hardware acceleration is not implemented that well on Honeycomb, especially in the browser. With large web pages (xda developer), the performance is still quite poor considering it bears better hardware than iPad and compatible hardware with iPad2. <> #267
i have the same problem on samsung galaxy s.....when scrolling cpu utilization jumps to 100% and android system shuts down all my background processes even though i'm using them. <> #268
Does anybody know if honeymoon solved these issues? <> #269
Fix this now. Nothing more needs to be said. This is the biggest disappointment about Android
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #270
I will not consider buying any Android phone until there is Hardware UI Acceleration.
A first gen iPod Touch scrolls smoother than the most powerful Android phone...
And there must be a multicore support for dual core phones.
A first gen iPod Touch scrolls smoother than the most powerful Android phone...
And there must be a multicore support for dual core phones. <> #271
The UI is the only thing that lags on the HTC desire HD.. Catchup for the Android universe.. plent of talent to get this sorted out for the htc pyramid eh ! <> #272
Please support hardware UI acceleration. It annoys me that my Nexus S with a better GPU provides me with a less smoother experience than an iphone <> #273
Why not put hardware acceleration in and make it auto detect / optional ? <> #274
Agreed with everyone else! We need hardware acceleration. <> #275
One reason the phones need to be faster all the time is the UI lag, which is pretty minor, but shouldn't exist. This issue needs fixing! <> #276
I very much agree. I'm getting very upset about having a ferrari engine on square wheels. <> #277
google, shame on you for not enabling GPU accel of the shabby and choppy UI that has made android and android users the butt of a joke.... <> #278
Just compared browsers at work to today. Showing off my Nexus S "creme-de-la-creme" of Android 2.3.3...when handling images scrolling and zooming the stock browser was completely useless in contrast to the iPhone. Tried Opera 11 with its OpenGL acceleration - smooth as you want it to be. Please come up with a good reason for the Android to lack GPU accelerated browsing - when other applications can provide it?
Can't believe that Google as a company would release such a browser experience for all the "Nexus S vs iPhone" reviewers out fails big time and leaves us customers as laughing-stock. I appreciate your motto of "Doing no evil" - but at least do something on this matter - and do it soon!
Can't believe that Google as a company would release such a browser experience for all the "Nexus S vs iPhone" reviewers out fails big time and leaves us customers as laughing-stock. I appreciate your motto of "Doing no evil" - but at least do something on this matter - and do it soon! <> #279
I agree with the majority here. I know Google Android OS is an open system. Due to that the advantage is that the current hardware of Android powered phones are generally better than those of other competitors. However what is the point when we can't make the best usage out of it? The UI and overall smoothness of iPhone still beats the majority of Android powered devices even if they are of higher spec. There should be some changes made between Android OS and manufactures so that we can implement GPU on our mobiles. Whether that is provided by Google or each manufacturer themselves. <> #280
There is no excuse to not having GPU acceleration in the GUI by now.
Vote with your wallets people.
Vote with your wallets people. <> #281
come on google?! not cool that a friend of mine has a iphone 3g and its smoother than mine galaxy s ?! i have better specs but hes is much smoother?! u most fix this.All the people i talked to loves android besides the lag. Thats the only down side of android!! <> #282
[Comment deleted] <> #283
The #1 reason a several year old iPhone 3G is seen superior to *any* current and likely future android device is still a Medium enhancement? Really? REALLY?
I'm not an expert in things graphics, but it looks like at the tech side the gallium3d guys have the hardware abstraction problem licked. If a device doesn't have the right capability or performance in hardware then it gets a software implementation for that function. We could definitely see performance differentiation between various vendors' products, but reviewer dilligence and the market should sort that out efficiently enough.
Fix this for handsets ASAP. No amount of cores or ghz on the phones in the forseeable future will have general purpose hardware performing as well as fixed function stuff.
I'm not an expert in things graphics, but it looks like at the tech side the gallium3d guys have the hardware abstraction problem licked. If a device doesn't have the right capability or performance in hardware then it gets a software implementation for that function. We could definitely see performance differentiation between various vendors' products, but reviewer dilligence and the market should sort that out efficiently enough.
Fix this for handsets ASAP. No amount of cores or ghz on the phones in the forseeable future will have general purpose hardware performing as well as fixed function stuff. <> #284
Yeah, seriously, GPU acceleration should NOT be that hard to implement, its getting ridiculous, there better be GPU aacceleration in 2.3 gingerbread, or if not, a later 2.3.? update. It is RIDICULOUS!!!!! (coming from a desire hd user) <> #285
check this out?!?!!
samsung has fixed it on their browser!!!!!!
this is the best i ever seen. even smoother than ios!!! <> #286
I'm seeing videos of people using these supposedly fast and amazing "dual core" phones that still don't scroll as smooth as the first iPhone, which blows me away every time I use someone else's. Just for once, I'd like a phone with a smooth and usable interface, instead of myself, others, and critics doing 'flicking' motioins as if we are walking on lava instead of interacting with a device.
I was forgiving about this because in the past I've had a winmo 6.1 and a palm pre, and remember seeing a friend's Samsung Moment get a glimpse of that smoothness (but only in menus, and only when I "flicked" rather than actually touching and holding). But windows mobile is dead, and even the sprint pre gets hardware acceleration in places when hacked to 2.1.
No hardware acceleration system-wide, no low latency audio support...
what are most apps even doing without these things?
This isn't a "Medium" issue! Quit sleeping on hardware acceleration and forcing Samsung have to further fragment the OS by doing it for you! Things will never be as smooth as iOS, WP7, and now Blackberry unless this is taken care of immediately.
Imploring, because I've been considering a Nexus S but the HTC Arrive, with its lack of essential things like gyroscope/front facing cam/skype chat, is somehow miraculously vying for my attention.
I was forgiving about this because in the past I've had a winmo 6.1 and a palm pre, and remember seeing a friend's Samsung Moment get a glimpse of that smoothness (but only in menus, and only when I "flicked" rather than actually touching and holding). But windows mobile is dead, and even the sprint pre gets hardware acceleration in places when hacked to 2.1.
No hardware acceleration system-wide, no low latency audio support...
what are most apps even doing without these things?
This isn't a "Medium" issue! Quit sleeping on hardware acceleration and forcing Samsung have to further fragment the OS by doing it for you! Things will never be as smooth as iOS, WP7, and now Blackberry unless this is taken care of immediately.
Imploring, because I've been considering a Nexus S but the HTC Arrive, with its lack of essential things like gyroscope/front facing cam/skype chat, is somehow miraculously vying for my attention. <> #287
"There had better not be any lag when scrolling. With a 1GHz dual core, the icons should jump off the screen and dance!"
Come on! <> #288
@ Romain
yes, it has been released, but its only for android tablet,
will it be available for phone as well????
Google IO cream sandwich...
yes, it has been released, but its only for android tablet,
will it be available for phone as well????
Google IO cream sandwich... <> #289
any news about it?
IMO it´s a big FAIL that google, today, still doesn´t introduces this feature in his android s.o.
IMO it´s a big FAIL that google, today, still doesn´t introduces this feature in his android s.o. <> #290
Well, all the last gazillion comments have done is rant about how there is no GPU support for the UI. I have been facing the laggy/not as smooth as iOS user interface myself, but just throwing tantrums about wanting GPU acceleration is kinda futile.
If we trust the RomainGuy's explanation, he said that the GPU always doesn't work better. So firstly, does someone have some proof that the iOS (& WM) does indeed use the GPU for the UI? Maybe they have an entirely different structure of the UI handling.
If indeed it is because of the GPU, let's ask why something seemingly looks simple has not been implemented and has no mention of it even in the ice cream version and request Mr. RomainGuy to help us understand what is going on behind the scenes.
If we trust the RomainGuy's explanation, he said that the GPU always doesn't work better. So firstly, does someone have some proof that the iOS (& WM) does indeed use the GPU for the UI? Maybe they have an entirely different structure of the UI handling.
If indeed it is because of the GPU, let's ask why something seemingly looks simple has not been implemented and has no mention of it even in the ice cream version and request Mr. RomainGuy to help us understand what is going on behind the scenes. <> #291
I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and I'm shocked at how aweful the user experience feels compared to iOS simply because of the less-than-smooth scrolling. There is a huge difference in the responsiveness of the screen, too. <> #292
Well at Google I/O they didn't announced any gpu acceleration ...oh well. Ill be switching on my birthday to another os. <> #293
there is more or less proof for it, make a small app that includes a FPScounter and scroll e.g. a list view, in iOS the framerate is always at the maximum 60fps
the same works for Android, as long as the device is fast enough the UI is smooth
now add a simple thread that does some Fibonacci or other work in the background and add a progressbar
on iOS the thread is not affected by scrolling the list
under Android, both are affected, the scrolling get choppy and the thread gets slowed down
this espc. applies to views with more complex data and maybe even realtime construction of the data
anyone who has ever made a list that gets new data live in the background knows the problem
I am not saying that iOS is always using GPU acceleration, but they do ot in all user relevant parts, scrolling, wiping and other UI effects
same for safari which is not really faster but a lot smoother than Androids browser.
after all this is a real battery bumper as the GPU runs anyways and the calc time for a lot of thing (as fontmapping and other texture like stuff) is a LOT faster, sometimes in factors >20
ignoring this issue will just give other OSes a leap ahead and adding it will not only close that gap, but also imrove the user experience a LOT and we all know where the real iOS success comes from, not only Apple, but also the all in all really smooth experience, even an iPhone 3G's UI feels smoother than the one of an G2X or other high end dual-core phone of today, event though the CPU is sooooooooooo slow and everything loads for years.
the same works for Android, as long as the device is fast enough the UI is smooth
now add a simple thread that does some Fibonacci or other work in the background and add a progressbar
on iOS the thread is not affected by scrolling the list
under Android, both are affected, the scrolling get choppy and the thread gets slowed down
this espc. applies to views with more complex data and maybe even realtime construction of the data
anyone who has ever made a list that gets new data live in the background knows the problem
I am not saying that iOS is always using GPU acceleration, but they do ot in all user relevant parts, scrolling, wiping and other UI effects
same for safari which is not really faster but a lot smoother than Androids browser.
after all this is a real battery bumper as the GPU runs anyways and the calc time for a lot of thing (as fontmapping and other texture like stuff) is a LOT faster, sometimes in factors >20
ignoring this issue will just give other OSes a leap ahead and adding it will not only close that gap, but also imrove the user experience a LOT and we all know where the real iOS success comes from, not only Apple, but also the all in all really smooth experience, even an iPhone 3G's UI feels smoother than the one of an G2X or other high end dual-core phone of today, event though the CPU is sooooooooooo slow and everything loads for years. <> #294
My guess is that since Ice Cream Sandwich will "merge" Honeycomb (which already has GPU acceleration) and Gingerbread, then we'll have GPU acceleration in both phones and tablets but not beforehand.
Google has called Ice Cream its "most ambitious release to date."
Google has called Ice Cream its "most ambitious release to date." <> #295
(I don't own any Iphone or Android phone *yet*)
I was in a store looking for a new phone, and liked some of the small form factor Android phones. I quickly started looking at the more expensive / newer ones though, since I thought the user experience in the small ones didn't feel "right". Got amazed that even the newest, hottest, most expensive phone they had showed the exact same behaviour as the other ones I looked at, and that led me to google and this thread.
As an user who don't care how things are implemented, I hope that the Android experience will get "fixed" some way. Personally I don't care how many gigahertz the cpu runs at, or how many terabytes of ram the phone got, as long as the end user experience doesn't reflect the power in the device.
I was in a store looking for a new phone, and liked some of the small form factor Android phones. I quickly started looking at the more expensive / newer ones though, since I thought the user experience in the small ones didn't feel "right". Got amazed that even the newest, hottest, most expensive phone they had showed the exact same behaviour as the other ones I looked at, and that led me to google and this thread.
As an user who don't care how things are implemented, I hope that the Android experience will get "fixed" some way. Personally I don't care how many gigahertz the cpu runs at, or how many terabytes of ram the phone got, as long as the end user experience doesn't reflect the power in the device. <> #296
iOs interface does support GPU acceleration and so does WP7. And also Honeycomb for Android tablets.
As you can notice these three OSes have one thing in common aside from GPU accelerated interface: THEY ALL SUPPLORT ONLY ONE HARDWARE PLATFORM! WP7 requires only Snapdragon and doesnt support any other; Honeycomb only supports TEGRA2 and nothing else; Same thing can be said to iOS.
So thats it! Android phones run on many different hardware platforms namely: Qualcomm, OMAP, Tegra, Samsungs CPUs, and all compatible ARM CPUs. It must be difficult to supplort all of them.
iOs interface does support GPU acceleration and so does WP7. And also Honeycomb for Android tablets.
As you can notice these three OSes have one thing in common aside from GPU accelerated interface: THEY ALL SUPPLORT ONLY ONE HARDWARE PLATFORM! WP7 requires only Snapdragon and doesnt support any other; Honeycomb only supports TEGRA2 and nothing else; Same thing can be said to iOS.
So thats it! Android phones run on many different hardware platforms namely: Qualcomm, OMAP, Tegra, Samsungs CPUs, and all compatible ARM CPUs. It must be difficult to supplort all of them. <> #297
@RiaVie: Yeah, I get it :( . Nothing we can do about it I guess then.
I recently finally got the iphone after trying to fix the many issues with Android. Choppy frame rates, inability of applications to run across all devices and lack of a good video chat application (Skype runs wonderfully on iphone) drove me away from android. I would come back to the awesome functionality of android once they fix these issues... until then I am very sad to leave android.
I recently finally got the iphone after trying to fix the many issues with Android. Choppy frame rates, inability of applications to run across all devices and lack of a good video chat application (Skype runs wonderfully on iphone) drove me away from android. I would come back to the awesome functionality of android once they fix these issues... until then I am very sad to leave android. <> #298
There doesn't seem much desire to fix ..ios ...wp is it android still remains by far the laggiest and choppiest UI?
Every Honeycomb tablet on the market runs on tegra two processors. Yet Home screen, browsers and overall hi remain choppy. God forbid you use a live wallpaper or widget on the home screen. Waiting for more powerful hardware won't make up for the bad ui coding.
I get the feeling it will be a very,very long time before we see a truly smooth android ui experience.
If this is not a top priority google is truly not understanding what people want in a mobile device.
Every Honeycomb tablet on the market runs on tegra two processors. Yet Home screen, browsers and overall hi remain choppy. God forbid you use a live wallpaper or widget on the home screen. Waiting for more powerful hardware won't make up for the bad ui coding.
I get the feeling it will be a very,very long time before we see a truly smooth android ui experience.
If this is not a top priority google is truly not understanding what people want in a mobile device. <> #299
Yes to me <> #300
Ice Cream Sandwich can't come soon enough. I dream of the day that the Android experience on phones becomes as smooth as it has been for iOS and Windows Phone 7.
I've read rumors that TI OMAP 4 will be the reference platform for Ice Cream Sandwich. Here's to hoping Ice Cream Sandwich is able to provide a smooth GPU-accelerated experience for all of the different hardware platforms and not just one.
I've read rumors that TI OMAP 4 will be the reference platform for Ice Cream Sandwich. Here's to hoping Ice Cream Sandwich is able to provide a smooth GPU-accelerated experience for all of the different hardware platforms and not just one. <> #301
"I've read rumors that TI OMAP 4 will be the reference platform for Ice Cream Sandwich"
I've been following this thread for a while and there's no shortage of hope. Before it was: maybe it'll get fixed in gingerbread." "Let's wait to see what honeycomb brings" Now it's hopefully ice cream. I was a big fan of android but it's really hard to really flaunt its tech specs when the gui can't even flow as smooth as windows phones and previous gen iphones. I'm beginning to feel like it'll never come cause aside from us, there's barely any hint of improving the ui
I've been following this thread for a while and there's no shortage of hope. Before it was: maybe it'll get fixed in gingerbread." "Let's wait to see what honeycomb brings" Now it's hopefully ice cream. I was a big fan of android but it's really hard to really flaunt its tech specs when the gui can't even flow as smooth as windows phones and previous gen iphones. I'm beginning to feel like it'll never come cause aside from us, there's barely any hint of improving the ui <> #302
The mod MotoBlur use the GPU? Or there're only a few widgets? <> #303
[Comment deleted] <> #304
I suffered with Android for a very long time. Buying an iPhone 4 really changed everything for me. It's like a breath of fresh air. Skype works flawlessly, I can video chat even over a 3G connection, the quality of apps is outstanding.
I looked at the Samsung Galaxy S2, and they've done a pretty good job with the whole 'smooth scrolling' side of things, but it's still not perfect and still not as accurate as an iPhone (especially in the Market app). For example, when scrolling in the browser, when you get to some images on the web page, it will stutter a little. Open the IMDB app - first page (a 3 by x grid of thumbnails), and it's "lag central" (the same app on the iPhone is buttery smooth).
Isn't it obvious that consumers want a smooth and responsive UI? I bet the Galaxy S2 sells well because it has made some major improvements towards achieving this smoothness (it still isn't as smooth or accurate as an iPhone).
Google can throw all the marketing muscle they want at it, and retailers can hide Android handsets (so consumers can't see the lagginess before they purchase), but consumers are now becoming educated. Perhaps Google are hoping that 'voice commands' will negate the need for a decent UI experience... Who knows... All I know is that Android currently holds the 'Laggiest Mobile Platform in the World' crown, and I am finally completely satisfied with my smart phone (an iPhone 4).
I looked at the Samsung Galaxy S2, and they've done a pretty good job with the whole 'smooth scrolling' side of things, but it's still not perfect and still not as accurate as an iPhone (especially in the Market app). For example, when scrolling in the browser, when you get to some images on the web page, it will stutter a little. Open the IMDB app - first page (a 3 by x grid of thumbnails), and it's "lag central" (the same app on the iPhone is buttery smooth).
Isn't it obvious that consumers want a smooth and responsive UI? I bet the Galaxy S2 sells well because it has made some major improvements towards achieving this smoothness (it still isn't as smooth or accurate as an iPhone).
Google can throw all the marketing muscle they want at it, and retailers can hide Android handsets (so consumers can't see the lagginess before they purchase), but consumers are now becoming educated. Perhaps Google are hoping that 'voice commands' will negate the need for a decent UI experience... Who knows... All I know is that Android currently holds the 'Laggiest Mobile Platform in the World' crown, and I am finally completely satisfied with my smart phone (an iPhone 4). <> #305
Hey Google, implement the hardware accelerated UI on the PHONES! SGS II has HW Accelerated UI, it's really lag free, a real pleasure to use it, and after i've seen this presentation ( ) I'm guessing that Samsung enable it only for their apps and launcher. There's not a single word in that conference about enabling this stuff on phones, which is a shame really :( <> #306
@Cristian - the Galaxy S2 is far from perfect! It's much better in terms of smoothness, but scrolling is not "consistent". Another example: Contacts. If you have 50 or so contacts, all with photos, and you open your contacts and start scrolling down, the scrolling (while smooth for the most part) 'stutters' when it comes across the header separators and while it's rendering your contact photos. Same story with the call log - there's 'stutter' there (scrolling is not consistent).
Thanks for the Google IO link. In that video Google make it very clear that they are not going to implement GPU acceleration in the basic Android UI for mobiles because Google believe hardware is maturing to the point where the CPU will be capable of handling such rendering. So I guess there's no point posting here any more - that video answers everything - NO GPU ACCELERATION FOR ANDROID PHONES!
I'm so glad I bought an iPhone.
Thanks for the Google IO link. In that video Google make it very clear that they are not going to implement GPU acceleration in the basic Android UI for mobiles because Google believe hardware is maturing to the point where the CPU will be capable of handling such rendering. So I guess there's no point posting here any more - that video answers everything - NO GPU ACCELERATION FOR ANDROID PHONES!
I'm so glad I bought an iPhone. <> #307
@Atur, no offense, but I do own an iPhone4, and it's far from the "smooth as butter" myth. It's stuttering (although a little) even when I scroll a 5 pages pdf. Yes, even on a contact list, and it's not my device. This is even worse in the iOS5 beta release as I've seen from some reviews. Well, it doesn't even compare with the dual core Androids.
Back on topic, I just watched a review with the Sensation and the UI is very laggy. The browser is just BAD. So how come the android phones don't need GPUI ? The experience is just lousy with this software rendered UI.
I just wonder, a quad-core (like the Ka-El) will suffice ? or we'll have to wait for something with 12 cores ?
Back on topic, I just watched a review with the Sensation and the UI is very laggy. The browser is just BAD. So how come the android phones don't need GPUI ? The experience is just lousy with this software rendered UI.
I just wonder, a quad-core (like the Ka-El) will suffice ? or we'll have to wait for something with 12 cores ? <> #308
The honeycomb launcher is not GPU accelerated, not in a million years.
It stutters, it lags and the way it stutters into displaying the apps is horrendous.
Basically, until that garbage user experience is fixed I won't be buying an Android tablet. I want to, but I want a smooth UI. Is that really too much to ask?
I have a HTC Desire and I also have a Samsung Omnia 7.
These 2 are a good comparison because both use an identical Qualcomm QSD8250 SoC, with the Adreno 200 GPU.
The difference is that the Omnia 7 has a completely smooth, flowing UI, with no stutters or lags. IE 7 Mobile is unbelievably smooth when rendering and scrolling. This is because WP7 uses GPU acceleration.
The Desire on the other hand stutters and lags, and webpages don't scroll smoothly, even with a highly optimised self built Android 2.3.4 ROM on it, which is streets ahead of the HTC sense junk.
When you look at the UI performance, you would not believe that it is the same hardware under the hood.
This bug should *not* be closed, because the issue in the OP has *not* been resolved, and Google, if you believe this bug is resolved, you are on a different planet to all the commenters in here.
It stutters, it lags and the way it stutters into displaying the apps is horrendous.
Basically, until that garbage user experience is fixed I won't be buying an Android tablet. I want to, but I want a smooth UI. Is that really too much to ask?
I have a HTC Desire and I also have a Samsung Omnia 7.
These 2 are a good comparison because both use an identical Qualcomm QSD8250 SoC, with the Adreno 200 GPU.
The difference is that the Omnia 7 has a completely smooth, flowing UI, with no stutters or lags. IE 7 Mobile is unbelievably smooth when rendering and scrolling. This is because WP7 uses GPU acceleration.
The Desire on the other hand stutters and lags, and webpages don't scroll smoothly, even with a highly optimised self built Android 2.3.4 ROM on it, which is streets ahead of the HTC sense junk.
When you look at the UI performance, you would not believe that it is the same hardware under the hood.
This bug should *not* be closed, because the issue in the OP has *not* been resolved, and Google, if you believe this bug is resolved, you are on a different planet to all the commenters in here. <> #309
When i got my Desire i choosed it over an iphone4 because i believed in android and its capability of growing and fixing its bugs, making me able to enjoy, possibly in a short time, the freedom of open source at its fullest. Anyway it really seems like i'm tired of hearing always the same lies about gpu acceleration to be implemented in random "next release". Ui smoothness is something i had to live without for too much time now, so i now feel truly betrayed. If Ice Cream Sandwich won't fix it this will be the last time i believe your lies. I'll move to some os actually able to *use* the hardware it's packed with, and yeah i'm talking about ios/wp7. Htc, Samsung, lg, motorola, all those brands are making cutting edge technology for their new generation mobiles, and you, google, are guilty of killing the point of all of this progress. You are murdering the future of the best handsets and God be witness, this is the last time i blame you for that. Now it's up to you. Regards. <> #310
It is getting beyond a joke now, and the general public are actually starting to wake up to it (they're just not techie enough to pinpoint the reasons behind it). As an example, this review of the Optimus 2X (fast-forward to the 'Software' heading): Google's attitude results in average every day sane folks writing things like this (forward to the 'Software' section):
It took them a while, but at least Intel have finally figured out Apple's secret (it was so obvious):
And now Google have the audacity to simply close this issue. Mind boggling. Consumers will not be fooled for much longer and will soon start voting with their wallets.
I have a great idea for a TV ad: perfect weather, hot chicks in bikinis dancing around and having fun, cool fast guitar rock music in the background, glimpses of WP7 and iOS devices (and maybe webOS) at different angles smoothly scrolling through web pages, emails and home screens. Then, a rainy dark miserable day and comical boring trombone music in the background, some guy in a cheap suit at a train station trying to read his email, but it's ultra choppy and laggy so the guy tries to hide his Android handset from a little girl who's curiously looking at him and his laggy handset. Then back to the people having fun with their GPU accelerated handsets... Then the caption could read something like: "GPU Acceleration - the way it should be"... Then fade out...
Good luck Android - you'll need a lot more than a cute green mascot and deceptive sales and marketing tactics to survive this onslaught.
It took them a while, but at least Intel have finally figured out Apple's secret (it was so obvious):
And now Google have the audacity to simply close this issue. Mind boggling. Consumers will not be fooled for much longer and will soon start voting with their wallets.
I have a great idea for a TV ad: perfect weather, hot chicks in bikinis dancing around and having fun, cool fast guitar rock music in the background, glimpses of WP7 and iOS devices (and maybe webOS) at different angles smoothly scrolling through web pages, emails and home screens. Then, a rainy dark miserable day and comical boring trombone music in the background, some guy in a cheap suit at a train station trying to read his email, but it's ultra choppy and laggy so the guy tries to hide his Android handset from a little girl who's curiously looking at him and his laggy handset. Then back to the people having fun with their GPU accelerated handsets... Then the caption could read something like: "GPU Acceleration - the way it should be"... Then fade out...
Good luck Android - you'll need a lot more than a cute green mascot and deceptive sales and marketing tactics to survive this onslaught. <> #311
I am an iPhone 3GS owner, I wanted to buy an Android tablet despite all the bad fluidity experiences I had with previous release of Android. By trying the A500 in shops I thought it was now a fluid tablet, but I couldn't test with medium-heavy websites (only with light ones). So I thought this tablet was as fluid as an iPad ... But big mistake ! Only dealing with pictures is perfectly fluid, all the rest is laggy ... Some people say we must wait for the Android 3.1 to gain fluidity, but by judging the youtube videos about the Motorola XOOM with 3.1, I could see that 3.1 is still not 100% fluid. That's too bad as Android is a lot more "open" than IOS, but I'll have now to sell my A500 to buy an iPad 2 ... <> #312
with all these comments, does google even give a damn? <> #313
Holy shit this exactly what i've been looking for!
I only know one guy that notices android being laggy in the UI even when the hardware is as good or better than the iphone 4.. whenever i see a new android phone i go OH and try and scroll or swipe the home screens, its always choppy. ALWAYS, and its as if the touch lags like half a second when the iphone is <100ms windows phone 7 is new and just as smooth, fix your shit for all future phones or they won't sell I swear to god, I had a droid eris and it was just as fast as these phones with 1ghz or even dual cores, when i see an android phone scroll the the contacts and swipe home sceens @60fps I will buy one and not even think twice. I already know the rest of the OS works just as good but the UI lagging is enough for me to buy an iphone 4. I watch a lot of comparison videos to the iphone 4 and even these reviewers fail to mention how smooth, maybe some people's eyes have better refresh rate
I only know one guy that notices android being laggy in the UI even when the hardware is as good or better than the iphone 4.. whenever i see a new android phone i go OH and try and scroll or swipe the home screens, its always choppy. ALWAYS, and its as if the touch lags like half a second when the iphone is <100ms windows phone 7 is new and just as smooth, fix your shit for all future phones or they won't sell I swear to god, I had a droid eris and it was just as fast as these phones with 1ghz or even dual cores, when i see an android phone scroll the the contacts and swipe home sceens @60fps I will buy one and not even think twice. I already know the rest of the OS works just as good but the UI lagging is enough for me to buy an iphone 4. I watch a lot of comparison videos to the iphone 4 and even these reviewers fail to mention how smooth, maybe some people's eyes have better refresh rate <> #314
[Comment deleted] <> #315
If Android wants to have some success in the tablets area, one of the things that Google should do is make the UI as responsive as the iPad. I have played with an Asus EEPad Transformer with Tegra 2 and Honeycomb 3.0, and the UI is still clearly not as smooth as the iPad 1, despite being dual core. I think it may be because of all the Java running behind and not having a high-level HW accelerated UI API. <> #316
Please fix this issue asap. Even Galaxy S2's UI laggy and choppy. <> #317
I too want gpu accelration in the UI. It's a shame that google does not want to add it, because "the cpu's are getting better". So many people are asking for this fix, but i can't imagine that google does not find this important enough. The competitors are doing a better job at this. These days consumers demand a higher quality of user friendlyness and the bar already has been set by the iphone. It looks like Android's features are the main selling point, while user-friendlyniss, in my opinion, should be the main priority. If this issue is addressed, Apple really doesn't have one single advantage over Android. Anyway, i understand that we are just stakeholders and i think that this concern is maybe really hard to implement, because Android is already far in it's development. Maybe implementing this feature in Android really is hard, because the code structure does not allow it that easy :( <> #318
Lmao even the next Blackberry Bold, coming out this fall will sport gpu accelerated ui, and we all know how bad that os used to be, even compared to the dreadful symbian, the lord of bugs. Google devs gave us only lies till now, i'm truly disappointed. You'd better wake up Google, a lot of people will get really pissed if even ics won't get that freaking accelerated ui. Personally i'll move to wp7 phones or blackberries, 100% sure. <> #319
As soon as iPhone comes to Sprint, I'm bailing for this reason and this reason only.
I'm tired of spending my time rooting, tweaking, etc to fix something google should fix. And yeah, 3.0 doesn't fix this lag much either. I've played with a friend's Honeycomb tablet and it's still laggy. iPad 2 is buttery smooth, and so is the iPhone. This is coming from someone that has an Android phone now.
I'm tired of spending my time rooting, tweaking, etc to fix something google should fix. And yeah, 3.0 doesn't fix this lag much either. I've played with a friend's Honeycomb tablet and it's still laggy. iPad 2 is buttery smooth, and so is the iPhone. This is coming from someone that has an Android phone now. <> #320
[Comment deleted] <> #321
Yeah, I'm getting an iPhone or WP7 since Google CLEARLY will never add hardware acceleration. What is this, f***ing 1980s Nintendo? Get your shit together Google, you goddamn embarrassment. I don't care if I have a freakin' hexa-core processor, the GPU should be handling this shit, NOT THE CPU! Google is too damn cheap and lazy to FIX this. I say "fix" because it is clearly something that is broken, as least me and every other Android user, other than an Android user who works at Google, consider it to be broken without proper hardware acceleration. If Google would add hardware acceleration to seriously compete with the iPhone and WP7, they would blow the shit right off of the competition and achieve global domination in the mobile world. Too bad they won't First it was going to be in Eclair. Then Froyo. Then Gingerbread. They just keep stringing everyone along for the rape ride, never giving us what we deserve. All the money Google makes off of us, and they won't give us hardware acceleration. I've had enough of this BS game. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. And shame on me indeed. I bought into Google's lies too many times, and now I've learned my lesson. So F this, I'm out! <> #322
I agree <> #323
I recently sold my HTC Desire for the Nexus S and I have to say I'm quite disappointed. I was expecting a much faster and fluid browser-experience, but much to my dismay the Nexus's browser is so laggy that I find it everything except a pleasure to use.
I'm not a software developer and I don't know exactly what's the issue, but I can't say I will be recommending Android to my friends.
I'm not a software developer and I don't know exactly what's the issue, but I can't say I will be recommending Android to my friends. <> #324
I Agree <> #325
Enjoying my iphone 4. Bye bye Android! <> #326
This is pretty sad Google.
People like me and the others on here posting our concerns are the ones who put Android to where it is today and you give us the cold shoulder.
People like me and the others on here posting our concerns are the ones who put Android to where it is today and you give us the cold shoulder. <> #327
+1 for this feature.
I currently have a GalaxyS on CM7, but I'm reading about how wonderful the browsing experience is on Samsung's Android as they've added GPU acceleration into their version.
I've been researching up on ways to get this into my CM7 version, but from what I've read Samsung added some additional hooks to get it to work. This means, since CM7 doesn't implement these, that I can't use Samsung's browser on CM7.
With that said, if Samsung can do it, it can be done.
Every time I'm on an iPhone, I want one. The experience is much smoother in browsing or say with taking photos. I won't purchase one because of religious reasons (long time linux user who makes a living of OSS), but if they open up, I'm jumping ship asap. Same goes for my ThinkPad.
I'm picking up GalaxyS2 tomorrow, and I'll keep it stock for a while to play with the GPU optimized goodies they've added.
I currently have a GalaxyS on CM7, but I'm reading about how wonderful the browsing experience is on Samsung's Android as they've added GPU acceleration into their version.
I've been researching up on ways to get this into my CM7 version, but from what I've read Samsung added some additional hooks to get it to work. This means, since CM7 doesn't implement these, that I can't use Samsung's browser on CM7.
With that said, if Samsung can do it, it can be done.
Every time I'm on an iPhone, I want one. The experience is much smoother in browsing or say with taking photos. I won't purchase one because of religious reasons (long time linux user who makes a living of OSS), but if they open up, I'm jumping ship asap. Same goes for my ThinkPad.
I'm picking up GalaxyS2 tomorrow, and I'll keep it stock for a while to play with the GPU optimized goodies they've added. <> #328
The reason the GSII is considered one of the fastest android phones is because of HW. But again, it shows you that android allows HW, it's up to the phone manufacturer to implement it or not.
I hope that they do, specially after they see the huge success of the GSII.
The reason the GSII is considered one of the fastest android phones is because of HW. But again, it shows you that android allows HW, it's up to the phone manufacturer to implement it or not.
I hope that they do, specially after they see the huge success of the GSII. <> #329
Geezus Google. If it's up to the OEMs to implement HW UI acceleration...put your pants on and whip out that Indiana Jones leather whip and get crackin' on 'em!!! Make it mandatory! <> #330
Have been using a GS2 for two months now. kudos to samsung for enabling HW in the Browser and so many of their apps and the launcher. But the homescreens still lag if i put too many widgets, a live wallpaper and try to scroll fast. I see lag in the contact menus around each header (like going from E-G) etc when scrolling fast. I also see my CPU utilization go up dramatically everytime I scroll the homescreens. (download elixir - free app from market to check CPU utilization)
What happens if Google doesn't bring GPU accleration in ICS? Android is close to 50% market share around the world now and Google is more focused on serving mobile ads than improving the End user experience. I would be happy to pay another 10 bucks for my phone if google would rather sell their OS like WP7 instead of giving it away for advertising revenue. Such a functionaly rich OS going to waste because of this issue. Guess it has more to do with their business model than Apple's or Microsoft's. Can we bring up this issue on national media or some where to bring this to Andy Rubin or Larry's attention since I love my android too much and can't stand as a Customer to see android losing on such an important issue.
What happens if Google doesn't bring GPU accleration in ICS? Android is close to 50% market share around the world now and Google is more focused on serving mobile ads than improving the End user experience. I would be happy to pay another 10 bucks for my phone if google would rather sell their OS like WP7 instead of giving it away for advertising revenue. Such a functionaly rich OS going to waste because of this issue. Guess it has more to do with their business model than Apple's or Microsoft's. Can we bring up this issue on national media or some where to bring this to Andy Rubin or Larry's attention since I love my android too much and can't stand as a Customer to see android losing on such an important issue. <> #331
Check out how Nokia has buttery smooth animations on its new Meego based OS;
Android, you should really get it going on this.
Android, you should really get it going on this. <> #332
I've been on Craigslist for the past couple of weeks looking for an HTC Arrive on Sprint because of the lag of my Nexus S 4G. The YouTube video further confirmed for me that I will have to move from Android.
Gingerbread brought some nice UI refinements in speed through better garbage collection and such, but it still lags WAY TOO MUCH. As everyone has mentioned here, the 1st Gen iPhone is lightyears faster than the Nexus S, and even non-technie consumers have complained about Android's lag. I guess because there are so many Android devices that they will not implement it because of "so many different peoples' needs". News flash Google: a smooth, lag-free experience IS a basic fundamental need...just like a phone dialer app is necessary is a basic necessary need in a PHONE.
I know it will not happen (seeing as this thread was closed) but I hope this gets fixed for the future. I'm glad I have a Nexus S because if it DOES get fixed, I will at least be able to go back to it, but in the meantime, I'm hoping to find an Arrive that will satisfy my UI needs until the next Sprint WP7 devices has more hardware featuers (front facing camera, which Mango already brings support for) so I can make WP7 my OS of choice.
Just don't ever see this being fixed as Android is growing too much and receiving such praise that Google will never see it as an issue until sales drop......sad...........
Gingerbread brought some nice UI refinements in speed through better garbage collection and such, but it still lags WAY TOO MUCH. As everyone has mentioned here, the 1st Gen iPhone is lightyears faster than the Nexus S, and even non-technie consumers have complained about Android's lag. I guess because there are so many Android devices that they will not implement it because of "so many different peoples' needs". News flash Google: a smooth, lag-free experience IS a basic fundamental need...just like a phone dialer app is necessary is a basic necessary need in a PHONE.
I know it will not happen (seeing as this thread was closed) but I hope this gets fixed for the future. I'm glad I have a Nexus S because if it DOES get fixed, I will at least be able to go back to it, but in the meantime, I'm hoping to find an Arrive that will satisfy my UI needs until the next Sprint WP7 devices has more hardware featuers (front facing camera, which Mango already brings support for) so I can make WP7 my OS of choice.
Just don't ever see this being fixed as Android is growing too much and receiving such praise that Google will never see it as an issue until sales drop......sad........... <> #333
[Comment deleted] <> #334
With Google closing this issue and ignoring the requests from so many users, basically giving us all a middle finger and an "FU", I'm closing my door on them - never going to buy another Android phone again. There's nothing Android can do for me that another OS cannot do. Goodbye Android, and FU too! <> #335
Oh yeah all of my friends, family, and co-workers come to me when they need help with anything tech related, phones being a big part of that. They come to me when they want to know what phone they should buy. I'll be telling everyone to avoid Android. Go to hell, Google. <> #336
I like my SGS2, but samsungs hw acceleration is not a solution. i will buy a wp7 phone as soon as a device with at least a dual core cpu will be released. Goodbye Android. I won't recommend anyone an android phone! <> #337
[Comment deleted] <> #339
you dipshits who say google ignores this problem, GET A CUSTOM KERNEL AND A ROM!! guys at XDA has already done HW accelerated roms on almost all of the android devices! <> #340
The user shouldn't be forced to root their phone and flash a custom ROM in order to have something as necessary and standard as hardware acceleration. Many people do not know how to do this. And it's not like we are asking for something so extreme that rooting and flashing would be the only option. No, something like HW acceleration should be part of Android no matter what. Google doesn't seem care about this, and all they seem to care about is the hundreds of thousands of activations per day, and more eyeballs on their ads. As long as this is happening, Google doesn't care about the user.
The user shouldn't be forced to root their phone and flash a custom ROM in order to have something as necessary and standard as hardware acceleration. Many people do not know how to do this. And it's not like we are asking for something so extreme that rooting and flashing would be the only option. No, something like HW acceleration should be part of Android no matter what. Google doesn't seem care about this, and all they seem to care about is the hundreds of thousands of activations per day, and more eyeballs on their ads. As long as this is happening, Google doesn't care about the user. <> #341
mait.hellat, you are the dipshit. <> #342
Please for the love of God! Include GPU acceleration in Skia, in the Core!!! Didn't expect this from you Google! Fire your stupid engineers. <> #343
GPU acceleration is what makes iOS better than Android. If Android had it, it would be as smooth as iOS. <> #344
I have queries regarding claims made above
I read S2 has HW acc.. is it true?
Can I get some link for the claim?
And i still root for HW acceleration
I am really pissed off by the my current phone
I read S2 has HW acc.. is it true?
Can I get some link for the claim?
And i still root for HW acceleration
I am really pissed off by the my current phone <> #345
Please add GPU acceleration to android UI , I wonder how android developers can ignore such an important issue ! it should be a top priority. <> #346
@Google (Im sure your listening!)
This is VERY ANNOYING now!
This post was opened on Mar 1, 2010 and the issue has still not been solved! Im typing this on my ZTE BLADE (2.1) and its taken 15 min just because your crap idea of "Lets not use the GPU" is lets say... rather more than bloody annoying!
Its a simple, effective and great idea to use the GPU for all of the reasons listed above! By doing so would improve user-experiance and product sales/popularity!
Prehaps you could use your brain(s)
(If they exist!) Prehaps next time you decide to start an project as big as this you'll think about ALL of the problems, bugs and loopholes first (And fix!)
A couple of other things:
1) The browser is SHIT!
2) The keyboard glitches when switching to 'ALT' Sometimes.
This is VERY ANNOYING now!
This post was opened on Mar 1, 2010 and the issue has still not been solved! Im typing this on my ZTE BLADE (2.1) and its taken 15 min just because your crap idea of "Lets not use the GPU" is lets say... rather more than bloody annoying!
Its a simple, effective and great idea to use the GPU for all of the reasons listed above! By doing so would improve user-experiance and product sales/popularity!
Prehaps you could use your brain(s)
(If they exist!) Prehaps next time you decide to start an project as big as this you'll think about ALL of the problems, bugs and loopholes first (And fix!)
A couple of other things:
1) The browser is SHIT!
2) The keyboard glitches when switching to 'ALT' Sometimes. <> #347
I've been a BlackBerry man through and through but have recently snapped due to the BlackBerry's inability to sync my many Google Apps calendars separately to my phone, so it dawned upon me that I should really look into an Android phone. And boy was I excited...first by the Galaxy S2, then by the Galaxy Note. Those specs! Until of course I saw the hands-on videos, and noticed the lag. I've also since tried every Android device in the Verizon and AT&T stores and have been very disappointed with the UX.
What's annoyed me reading this thread is the frequent view posted here that "techy" people aren't really bothered by the lack of smoothness, it's only the "shallow masses" who want a smooth UI. This is hooey - I'm a reasonably techy guy with some coding and graphic design experience but at the same time UX is incredibly important to me. It affects my state of mind when using a device, and therefore my performance. I use my phone on the move all day to run my business. I'm never off the thing. With a smooth and slick UI, my mind feels smooth and slick too. Our phones are now extensions of our brains and if the UI is slow and jittery then it's detrimental to how smoothly that mind/device connection is executed.
Yes I know there are uber-techy people out there who actually get a buzz out of a primitive UI, but I will put money on the vast majority of us, including techies, feeling much better about using a device with a slow UI.
Imagine my surprise when I found out WHY Android phones don't have a buttery smooth experience, despite some of them having more than enough power under the hood. Google really needs to sort this out. I remember feeling the same way about them when I first tried Chrome and found it didn't have smooth scrolling built in. It totally affected how I felt about using it. And when I first used their calendars and found they didn't have any copy/paste functionality. I really think Google needs to have a long hard think about the user experience of their products.
You want to know what the worst of it is? Based on the HD video reviews I've seen of the Galaxy S2 and Note devices, I can quite honestly say that my current BLACKBERRY (the new Torch 9810) has a considerably slicker UX than them. It's so responsive and slick. Come on Google, if RIM can do it, so can you.
What's annoyed me reading this thread is the frequent view posted here that "techy" people aren't really bothered by the lack of smoothness, it's only the "shallow masses" who want a smooth UI. This is hooey - I'm a reasonably techy guy with some coding and graphic design experience but at the same time UX is incredibly important to me. It affects my state of mind when using a device, and therefore my performance. I use my phone on the move all day to run my business. I'm never off the thing. With a smooth and slick UI, my mind feels smooth and slick too. Our phones are now extensions of our brains and if the UI is slow and jittery then it's detrimental to how smoothly that mind/device connection is executed.
Yes I know there are uber-techy people out there who actually get a buzz out of a primitive UI, but I will put money on the vast majority of us, including techies, feeling much better about using a device with a slow UI.
Imagine my surprise when I found out WHY Android phones don't have a buttery smooth experience, despite some of them having more than enough power under the hood. Google really needs to sort this out. I remember feeling the same way about them when I first tried Chrome and found it didn't have smooth scrolling built in. It totally affected how I felt about using it. And when I first used their calendars and found they didn't have any copy/paste functionality. I really think Google needs to have a long hard think about the user experience of their products.
You want to know what the worst of it is? Based on the HD video reviews I've seen of the Galaxy S2 and Note devices, I can quite honestly say that my current BLACKBERRY (the new Torch 9810) has a considerably slicker UX than them. It's so responsive and slick. Come on Google, if RIM can do it, so can you. <> #348
When you watch videos on youtube by people comparing gpu vs cpu rendering on some videos it goes from almost unwatchable in cpu mode to smooth as silk in the gpu accelerated mode.
So PLEASE google, give us gpu acc in ice cream sandiwitch!:)
So PLEASE google, give us gpu acc in ice cream sandiwitch!:) <> #349
BAD NEWS today! The expected big upgrade in IceCreamSandwich(probably with gpu acceleration) is pushed back for the next version called JellyBean :( <> #350
I really hope IceCreamSandwich will carry Hardware Acceleration, it's pretty shocking that HW acceleration was not been included, when already HoneyComb have it.... <> #351
A smooth hardware-accelerated UI is a major USP for android because the UI of a phone or an app is what the user experiences. So it's not just a thing some nerds want, it's something that will make android unpredictable for average users.. <> #352
Hi, I really have to agree. The user experience is a very important aspect for a lot of users. I have seen a lot of Android devices now. Even the leading android tablet, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is not as smooth as I had expected. The iPad is much better to use.
For example:
- The scrolling is choppy on Android
- After touching the screen, the scrolling starts after having your finger moved a few millimeters. On the iPhone/iPad the scrolling suddenly begins.
- Zooming in and out is faster on the iPhone/iPad
Functionality is important, but it is not everything. Smooth scrolling, animations, no lags etc. are for most people the first thing they see and what they choose as deciding aspects.
So, please consider these things as important.
For example:
- The scrolling is choppy on Android
- After touching the screen, the scrolling starts after having your finger moved a few millimeters. On the iPhone/iPad the scrolling suddenly begins.
- Zooming in and out is faster on the iPhone/iPad
Functionality is important, but it is not everything. Smooth scrolling, animations, no lags etc. are for most people the first thing they see and what they choose as deciding aspects.
So, please consider these things as important.
Regards <> #353
My 1st gen iPod touch is far smoother than my Inspire @ 1.8 GHz, especially with web browsing. Google needs to fucking realize that a smooth UI is more important than adding random features. People like iPhones because they function flawlessly, not because of the processor specs. <> #354
BTW: Why is this issue released? I guess it is not, it is still up to date.
So I reported a new issue: 20278
So I reported a new issue: 20278 <> #355
This is issue is not Released. This must be changed. Slow interface (yes even on a 1Ghz devices) is the primary reason android still feels very slow. Because if the GUI was accelerated the aggressive garbage collection would not effect the GUI, as the GUI would be powered by a fully independent CPU(GPU in this case). This is the Biggest functional deficiency of android ever since the original release. User responsiveness should be the 1st priority for an OS. <> #356
My main OS at home is Ubuntu.
My first smartphone (ever) was HTC Desire.
Unfortunately UI Stattering and the battery life put me off and I jumped the ship to the dark side when I needed a tablet.
Shall we look at the economics side of the equation?
A new iPhone 4 ~ $900
A new iPad2 ~ $1000
Apps ~ 200 ( I use a number of specialized apps costing up to 55$)
Total ~2100 over the 3 month from a single user.
So, someone who would be completely within the google's domain (my commercial site is hosted with google btw) slips away purely on usability issues, despite the overall preference for the open ideology of Android. But I guess ideology comes second after usability?
I'm a PRO user. But if someone like me goes away what could be said about the simple users?
My first smartphone (ever) was HTC Desire.
Unfortunately UI Stattering and the battery life put me off and I jumped the ship to the dark side when I needed a tablet.
Shall we look at the economics side of the equation?
A new iPhone 4 ~ $900
A new iPad2 ~ $1000
Apps ~ 200 ( I use a number of specialized apps costing up to 55$)
Total ~2100 over the 3 month from a single user.
So, someone who would be completely within the google's domain (my commercial site is hosted with google btw) slips away purely on usability issues, despite the overall preference for the open ideology of Android. But I guess ideology comes second after usability?
I'm a PRO user. But if someone like me goes away what could be said about the simple users? <> #357
I am and have always been an iPhone user for years. I also have multiple IT qualifications and have been a hardcore geek since forever :)
my parents recently switched carriers and got some free Nexus S phones. They opened one to see what its like and quite frankly, the GUI is just really slow, its like a three legged dog with arthritis. I'm typing this on a Nexus S and everything that moves, is laggy. Just by adding GPU acceleration, will make Android appeal to people who are not geeks/nerds or people wanting a cheap phone/contract and don't care what phone they get.
In fact, I think its ludicrous that they haven't already implemented this. Hopefully its in Ice cream sandwich.
p.s - we have decided to sell the two remaining Nexus S, lag, crappy keyboard, lack of apps, lack of polish and the UI in general are the main driving factors. I like Android, it has potential, but it still feels unfinished to me, I just prefer iOS in general.
I will revisit Android on each update, best of luck to all you Android users, I hope you get your hardware acceleration :-)
my parents recently switched carriers and got some free Nexus S phones. They opened one to see what its like and quite frankly, the GUI is just really slow, its like a three legged dog with arthritis. I'm typing this on a Nexus S and everything that moves, is laggy. Just by adding GPU acceleration, will make Android appeal to people who are not geeks/nerds or people wanting a cheap phone/contract and don't care what phone they get.
In fact, I think its ludicrous that they haven't already implemented this. Hopefully its in Ice cream sandwich.
p.s - we have decided to sell the two remaining Nexus S, lag, crappy keyboard, lack of apps, lack of polish and the UI in general are the main driving factors. I like Android, it has potential, but it still feels unfinished to me, I just prefer iOS in general.
I will revisit Android on each update, best of luck to all you Android users, I hope you get your hardware acceleration :-)
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #358
Sadly!be it iphone 4s or upcoming android keep. Ignoring wp7,some believe(wrongly)that ms solution isn't up to the challenge of android futur or ip4s?I have to say wp7.5 might look weak and too kiddy but I challenge any to test (using ms tool,others tend to lag since a lot of them need compatibility.)so just use ms ll see wich is powerfull!some test won't. Be possible maybe .when this happen ask thed single core thing.I. use dual core at home desktop.and 80% is single core optimised 32 here?it will be 32bit single core optimised for a decade.gpu is where. Lot of change will happen.even if android doent like the idea <> #359
The devices that support one OpenGL context at a time, like the G1, can have the option to suspend the UI when launching another application, or have an option not to use GL acceleration in UI at all, while other newer phones can turn it on. There is no point holding back the new devices, it can be done one way or another. <> #360
[Comment deleted] <> #361
*'d. Please ensure that this item receives high priority. At the juncture in time it is no longer a medium priority issue. For Android to maintain parity with the competition the UI navigation of the device should be seamless for the user. <> #362
Just watched the ICS launch presentation and was disappointing to see that this hasn't been addressed. Do we really need to get Android re-coded by the manufacturers for this to happen? (i.e. TouchWiz) <> #363
Google, Matias Duarte, you should care about this over any other UI change. <> #364
According to thisismynext the lag is still present. Well done Google. It reminds me of how long it took you to add a keyboard shortcut to bookmarks in Chrome.
If Android is such an inefficient platform that you can't properly implement GPU acceleration, then fix it the freak up. Why don't you run the OS closer to the metal? Who is really benefiting from these choices?
For your supposed respect for Steve Jobs, you apparently lack his ability to understand human nature and the desire for a seamless experience.
If Android is such an inefficient platform that you can't properly implement GPU acceleration, then fix it the freak up. Why don't you run the OS closer to the metal? Who is really benefiting from these choices?
For your supposed respect for Steve Jobs, you apparently lack his ability to understand human nature and the desire for a seamless experience. <> #365
"Hardware-accelerated 2D drawing
All Android-powered devices running Android 4.0 are required to support hardware-accelerated 2D drawing. Developers can take advantage of this to add great UI effects while maintaining optimal performance on high-resolution screens, even on phones. For example, developers can rely on accelerated scaling, rotation, and other 2D operations, as well as accelerated UI components such as TextureView and compositing modes such as filtering, blending, and opacity."
All Android-powered devices running Android 4.0 are required to support hardware-accelerated 2D drawing. Developers can take advantage of this to add great UI effects while maintaining optimal performance on high-resolution screens, even on phones. For example, developers can rely on accelerated scaling, rotation, and other 2D operations, as well as accelerated UI components such as TextureView and compositing modes such as filtering, blending, and opacity."
source: <> #366
I moved from the EVO to an iPhone 4S. Buttery smooth. I miss out on some Android features, but I don't miss the lag and stutters! I'm sure many Sprint users echo my sentiments now that the iPhone is on Sprint. <> #367
Can anyone confirm that ICS on Nexus S has UI/Keyboard lag?
thanks <> #368
I'm guessing that the "lag" everyone one talks about is not going away even with HW acceleration in ICS. This is because the real issue is touch response latency. For example, the GPU may help increase the frame rate of scrolling/panning all the way to 60fps, but it probably won't help with the fact that the scrolling/panning always seems to lag or delay slightly behind the movement of your finger (at least compared to Apple products). Obviously, this becomes more apparent the faster you move your finger.
Apple must have taken great care to optimize the sequence of events that happens between the instant your finger moves on the screen to the 1st redrawn frame in response to that movement. Perhaps it isn't even handled directly in the application, but instead by some kind of tightly optimized service running inside the OS itself, with all processes/threads related to touch response given absolutely highest priority within the guts of the OS scheduler. Hell, they could even have some kind of direct communication between the touch sensor hardware and the GPU itself.
I'm sure there is room for optimization of touch latency in future versions of Android (Jelly Bean and beyond), but there may be limits that can't be broken without breaking backwards compatibility with older apps.
My final comment is a query relating to an example of this lag and stutter that we are all talking about. Why is it that even in the latest version of Google Maps for Android, panning and zooming seems to lag or stutter while waiting for map data to load? Shouldn't there be a separate high priority thread in the app responsible ONLY for panning and zooming the viewport, independent of what map data is available, even if checkerboard or blank space needs to be rendered? Instead, it seems like there are many things that can block the thread that is rending the UI.
Is this just a matter of optimization and attention to detail, or am I missing something fundamental?
Apple must have taken great care to optimize the sequence of events that happens between the instant your finger moves on the screen to the 1st redrawn frame in response to that movement. Perhaps it isn't even handled directly in the application, but instead by some kind of tightly optimized service running inside the OS itself, with all processes/threads related to touch response given absolutely highest priority within the guts of the OS scheduler. Hell, they could even have some kind of direct communication between the touch sensor hardware and the GPU itself.
I'm sure there is room for optimization of touch latency in future versions of Android (Jelly Bean and beyond), but there may be limits that can't be broken without breaking backwards compatibility with older apps.
My final comment is a query relating to an example of this lag and stutter that we are all talking about. Why is it that even in the latest version of Google Maps for Android, panning and zooming seems to lag or stutter while waiting for map data to load? Shouldn't there be a separate high priority thread in the app responsible ONLY for panning and zooming the viewport, independent of what map data is available, even if checkerboard or blank space needs to be rendered? Instead, it seems like there are many things that can block the thread that is rending the UI.
Is this just a matter of optimization and attention to detail, or am I missing something fundamental? <> #369
Now that the iPhone 4S has been released, if Google hasn't fixed everything by now in ICS, I'm switching to the iPhone. I finally got my new agreement discount, so Google better have gotten this right. I'm sick of their BS. <> #370
Wow, stuff like this and Google Plus are just showing that google seems to just completely fail at executing every time.
I'm sick of dealing with the UI lag while the garbage collector runs. Definitely time for an Iphone.
I'm sick of dealing with the UI lag while the garbage collector runs. Definitely time for an Iphone. <> #371
iOS people make fun of me just coz of the freakin lag! i mean cmon! :D <> #372
Only if they implemented CSS 3D transforms. Almost makes me want to develop on an iPhone -- something they've had right almost since the beginning. <> #373
I agree with you jakkoterborg,
well android os and apple os ios both are best but i think apple ios is much better in smooth and design area . ios provides user a stylish and polished graphics environment.
Android 4.0 Based mobile
ios Based Mobile
Compare them......
well android os and apple os ios both are best but i think apple ios is much better in smooth and design area . ios provides user a stylish and polished graphics environment.
Android 4.0 Based mobile
ios Based Mobile
Compare them...... <> #374
Read comment #10 in issue 36933482 . The lag and lack of fluidity is still present. I say everyone just vote with your wallet and stop buying Android handsets. I'm sick of the BS. I've been telling my girlfriend to wait for the Galaxy Nexus as she's due for an upgrade on Verizon, but today I told her to just go ahead and get the iPhone. <> #375
[Comment deleted] <> #376
i agree with this.
but today android still got the one consumer need besides its easy to use and upgrade easily.
but today android still got the one consumer need besides its easy to use and upgrade easily. <> #377
i agree with this.
but today android still got the one consumer need besides its easy to use and upgrade easily.
but today android still got the one consumer need besides its easy to use and upgrade easily. <> #378
I've had two iPhone 3Gs and now have an iPhone 4. My service with AT&T over the last 2 years has been so bad that they are releasing me from any cancellation fees. Now my coworker has the HTC Rezound and the Verizon 4G LTE network is so fast and the audio so good that I've been considering moving to it. But...the scrolling/stuttering is so bad in some areas that is hurts my eyes. I use my phone all the time and I simply won't move until this is fixed. I can't believe I almost considered switching to Droid. That was close. <> #379
I have posted a video here to demonstrate the issue:
Unfortunately, my camera doesn't seem to have a high enough frame-rate to do it justice. It's much, much, much worse in real life.
I will try to use a different camera and post most examples (i.e. the SMS application stutters/choppiness, third-part app choppiness (in particular, Engadget, OMG Ubuntu etc). I will show a comparison of the scrolling on each of these on each device (and I will look for a better camera to record with).
Unfortunately, my camera doesn't seem to have a high enough frame-rate to do it justice. It's much, much, much worse in real life.
I will try to use a different camera and post most examples (i.e. the SMS application stutters/choppiness, third-part app choppiness (in particular, Engadget, OMG Ubuntu etc). I will show a comparison of the scrolling on each of these on each device (and I will look for a better camera to record with). <> #380
I will try to use a different camera and post most examples (i.e. the SMS application stutters/choppiness, third-part app choppiness (in particular, Engadget, OMG Ubuntu etc). I will show a comparison of the scrolling on each of these on each device (and I will look for a better camera to record with). <> #381
yo creo que deberia de aplicarse asi <> #382
HTC One X, quad-core, and Android still lags: <> #383
Jelly Beans is now out with "Project Butter" that is supposed to resolve the issue. <> #384
I haven't used it yet, but judging by all the video blogs out there, it does indeed look like Google has tackled (and perhaps even solved) the Android lag issue:
I'm going to buy a Galaxy Nexus and wait two weeks for the OTA update to see first hand if this issue has finally been put to rest. I'm really hoping it is, as it will mean the feature rich Android platform with the polished end-user experience of iOS :)
I'm going to buy a Galaxy Nexus and wait two weeks for the OTA update to see first hand if this issue has finally been put to rest. I'm really hoping it is, as it will mean the feature rich Android platform with the polished end-user experience of iOS :) <> #385
Browsing through this back and forth is almost surreal. It really amazes me how Apple Fanatics are able to reply to each other / themselves as if there was some sort of debate going on. The fact of the matter is that the iPhone is old news, and whatever you're opinions may be in regard to how Android needs to improve are irrelevant. Polished end user experience or no, 10 years from now the "cool kids" will never even have heard of Apple. <> #386
Went from Android to Apple about an year and a half ago after returning the Motorola Atrix 4G. Pleased to announce that I have now pre-ordered Nexus Tab and will give the iPad to my mother. :)
Project butter rocks !!
Project butter rocks !! <> #387
[Comment deleted] <> #388
Nexus 7 owner already seeing lost key presses, weird input lag, and strange dead areas on my screen that come and go. Seeing this on a flagship Google device makes me believe the platform is fundamentally flawed. I'm assuming this is likely occurring due to renegade intermittent 100 to 200 ms calls to garbage collection once there are several background processes. Sigh... <> #389
Project Butter has not solved this problem. Once the device gets running a bunch of applications the lag returns. Keyboard lag is the most frustrating. Whenever keyboard is launched there is a delay before keyboard will respond. Clearing background applications seems to help. When there is syncing going on in the background keyboard is almost locked. Galaxy S3 <> #390
I have a Nexus 4, the lag/stutter/jank is still present. Used a frind's HTC One, still there too. Google will never fix this problem. <> #391
I just got an email update from issue 36933482 which is a duplicate issue to 6914. I'll say here what I said there: I went to an iPhone about a year ago. Sure there are things I miss from the Android OS, but the iPhone is much smoother and more responsive that it was totally worth it. Until Android gets this fixed *the right way* I am never buying another Android product. Android needs true GPU hardware acceleration and needs to stop masking the problem by throwing overspec'd hardware at it and thinking that will solve the problem - it hasn't, and it won't. Now I just need to figure out how to unsubscribe from this thread! <> #392
I must be a glutton for punishment. I recently bought an LG G4 and the Asus ZenFone 2. The stuttery performance is still present! What the hell???
While there have been improvements made in many areas, it is by no means completely resolved. Take, for instance, Google Play - it's not smooth at all!
I'd also challenge those who say it's "subjective". Total nonsense. You can graphically see how often Android jank occurs using "Profile GPU Rendering" in Developer Options (anything above the green line represents jank).
So here we are - Android handsets with 8 cores, some running at above 2GHz, and yet the jank continues. Google cannot blame developers either, as many Google apps are burdened with jank (such as Google Play, Google Calendar etc).
I have a suggestion: how about keeping within the capabilities of the platform/hardware instead of trying to keep up with the Jones'? For example, Android definitely has a problem with this lazy loading "infinity lists" (or whatever they're called), so don't use them!
To rub salt in to the wound - Google apps run much faster and smoother on iOS! Does Google feel no shame?
I'm in a state of disbelief. Android mid 2015 - still not there.
While there have been improvements made in many areas, it is by no means completely resolved. Take, for instance, Google Play - it's not smooth at all!
I'd also challenge those who say it's "subjective". Total nonsense. You can graphically see how often Android jank occurs using "Profile GPU Rendering" in Developer Options (anything above the green line represents jank).
So here we are - Android handsets with 8 cores, some running at above 2GHz, and yet the jank continues. Google cannot blame developers either, as many Google apps are burdened with jank (such as Google Play, Google Calendar etc).
I have a suggestion: how about keeping within the capabilities of the platform/hardware instead of trying to keep up with the Jones'? For example, Android definitely has a problem with this lazy loading "infinity lists" (or whatever they're called), so don't use them!
To rub salt in to the wound - Google apps run much faster and smoother on iOS! Does Google feel no shame?
I'm in a state of disbelief. Android mid 2015 - still not there. <> #394
Here you can get the SBI PO Previous Papers with solved answers. For more click below link <> #395
[Comment deleted] <> #396
[Comment deleted]
I think it is pretty amazing that a device with a GPU like the
droid/milestone does not use the GPU to make the UI and browsing more
The benefits are obvious:
- a better experience (more like the I phone) in almost every single
function on the phone
- the phone uses less power (the gpu is much more efficient at handling
graphics functions than the cpu)
- the cpu would have more resources available to handle touch input or data
Is there anyone able to say whether this feature has ever been considered?
Why is half of the droid/milestone hardware not even used?
As more and more smartphones get a gpu inside as well, it becomes more and
more important to make use of this GPU in android phones, to not make
android phones seem choppy and laggy compared to all other phones. (it is
allready choppy and laggy compared to the ancient iphone 3g)