Status Update
di...@gmail.com <di...@gmail.com> #2
To qualify, these files are being written to the public "external" storage.
di...@gmail.com <di...@gmail.com> #3
After a bit further review, the issue might not have anything to do with C versus Java, but it's still a bug nonetheless, because changes to the platform should not break the user experience, and right now, it does. The workaround at the moment is to add the following code after every file close:
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(this, new String[] { file.getAbsolutePath() }, null, null);
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(this, new String[] { file.getAbsolutePath() }, null, null);
er...@gmail.com <er...@gmail.com> #4
[Comment deleted]
al...@googlemail.com <al...@googlemail.com> #5
This is pretty poor, and needs to be fixed.
fu...@gmail.com <fu...@gmail.com> #6
Nearly a year on and Google still haven't ack'd this? It's still a problem - It's a pretty simple fix, refresh the cached info...
/me continues shouting at the sky
/me continues shouting at the sky
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #7
still not fixed.. (4.2.2)
are Google employees not using Android phones??
are Google employees not using Android phones??
rl...@gmail.com <rl...@gmail.com> #8
Are you sure the problem lies with the phone?
Which OS is the computer using, and what version of that OS?
Which OS is the computer using, and what version of that OS?
di...@gmail.com <di...@gmail.com> #9
Every OS and every version of that OS. Personally I've gotten hundreds of customer complaints about this, but that went down a lot after I started recommending SD Rescan and after I started just calling MediaScannerConnection manually on every single file (which can have its own drawbacks -- on some devices this will cause the file to be added to media libraries even if there's a .nomedia file present in the same directory).
lg...@gmail.com <lg...@gmail.com> #10
[Comment deleted]
lg...@gmail.com <lg...@gmail.com> #11
Same the latest 4.3.
Seriously Google...
Seriously Google...
al...@googlemail.com <al...@googlemail.com> #12
This is ridiculous. How's about fixing some bugs instead of ploughing ahead
with new stuff with even more bugs in it?
with new stuff with even more bugs in it?
nr...@gmail.com <nr...@gmail.com> #13
Discovered this bug today on Asus TF300 with Android 4.2.1 and on Google Nexus Maguro with Android 4.0. The only one working solution is to use SDRescan before plugging USB-cable - it updates MTP database.
Please confirm and fix this annoying bug on all active Android versions.
Discovered this bug today on Asus TF300 with Android 4.2.1 and on Google Nexus Maguro with Android 4.0. The only one working solution is to use SDRescan before plugging USB-cable - it updates MTP database.
Please confirm and fix this annoying bug on all active Android versions.
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #14
yup, affects me too
el...@gmail.com <el...@gmail.com> #15
I have this problem too. In fact, sometimes even a reboot doesn't help.
cr...@googlemail.com <cr...@googlemail.com> #16
Yes, this problem still sucks. See workaround here:
Dammit, google! Is no one using usb cables anymore for copying data? Oo
Dammit, google! Is no one using usb cables anymore for copying data? Oo
n0...@gmail.com <n0...@gmail.com> #17
Problem confirmed for Nexus 7 2013 model running 4.3
lg...@gmail.com <lg...@gmail.com> #18
for fucks sake google wake up !
fe...@gmail.com <fe...@gmail.com> #19
This problem is up to Nexus 4 running 4.3 too!
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #20
I can confirm this also happens with with a HP slate7 runninng 4.1.1 and unlike nexus devices there's no USB storage mode so now I can't access file that I only saved on my tablet
ev...@gmail.com <ev...@gmail.com> #21
[Comment deleted]
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #22
Still an issue on Nexus5/Kitkat...
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #23
Obviously still an issue.
Status: "NEW".
Status: "NEW".
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #24
Problem confirmed, new Sony Xperia Z tablet "SGP311" with Android 4.1.2. Fixed by tablet reboot.
- Use this tablet with factory/reset stock OS.
- Folder created by (my dev/debug) app was hidden in Windows mount, had ".nomedia" file.
- Other (or copy of above) folder created by "Sony File Transfer" app was shown in Windows mount as it should.
- Reproducable after each tablet reboot.
A location observation:
Folder created by (my) app was in Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() which oddly mounted to windows as "This PC/Xperia Tablet Z/Internal Storage/". Confuzzling on itself but, might bug reproducability be location related?
- Use this tablet with factory/reset stock OS.
- Folder created by (my dev/debug) app was hidden in Windows mount, had ".nomedia" file.
- Other (or copy of above) folder created by "Sony File Transfer" app was shown in Windows mount as it should.
- Reproducable after each tablet reboot.
A location observation:
Folder created by (my) app was in Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() which oddly mounted to windows as "This PC/Xperia Tablet Z/Internal Storage/". Confuzzling on itself but, might bug reproducability be location related?
mv...@gmail.com <mv...@gmail.com> #25
Confirmed on 4.4 on a Nexus 4. Any files made by any app (specifically backup apps for me) can't be seen until a reboot. Pretty sad bug if you ask me...this needs to be fixed.
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #26
I'm having the same issue with 4.4 on Nexus 4. I notice this most frequently when downloading a torrent - it'll finish downloading, I'll hook the phone to my computer, and cannot find the file or folder. I never noticed this in earlier versions.
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #27
Same issue for me on n7 2012 WiFi using KRT16S . downloaded files using bit torrent app. Folders were created in Downloads directory but my PC running Linux using mtp can't see the folders. Using a file manager in the n7 shows the folders and files. Rebooting n7 solves the prob.
dr...@fordartworks.co.uk <dr...@fordartworks.co.uk> #28
Maybe I imagined it, but thought 4.4 was supposed to fix this. Well, it's still broken. I have found things that used to work now don't in 4.4 Why not report them? What's the point - not one I have reported or starred has been fixed in 3 years.
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #29
Still present in Android 4.4/Nexus 5.This hasn't been even ack'd by Google ? Is there a way to increase the priority of the bug.Right now it says Medium.
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #30
PLEASE fix. it sux to have to restart the phone each time.
mo...@gmail.com <mo...@gmail.com> #31
i'm affected by this issue, as is anyone who uses their device for storage. this issue affects almost every Android user and has persisted through at least 3 OS versions. kinda ridiculous, isn't it? Google has been remiss in acknowledging the problem. Bad form, fellas. Get this fixed, seriously.
al...@googlemail.com <al...@googlemail.com> #32
Well, 4.4.2 is here. Fixed? No! Acknowledged even ? No!
gr...@gmail.com <gr...@gmail.com> #33
Hi guys,
I was having the same problem with Mp3 files not showing up. I went on a limb and enabled USB Debugging, and somehow the files appeared. Can anyone confirm that this is a fix? Performed on Galaxy S2 Skyrocket using CM10.1.3
I was having the same problem with Mp3 files not showing up. I went on a limb and enabled USB Debugging, and somehow the files appeared. Can anyone confirm that this is a fix? Performed on Galaxy S2 Skyrocket using CM10.1.3
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #34
4.4.2 on Nexus 4, stock rooted and having the same bug. For me the problem is with Dropsync app, also Copilot navigation app, probably many but didn't notice it.
wb...@gmail.com <wb...@gmail.com> #35
4.4.2 on Nexus 5, I see this bug with File Manager (Explorer). Downloading a file with Google Drive and moving it to another folder will not take effect (other applications cannot read it) until a restart.
al...@googlemail.com <al...@googlemail.com> #36
Let's see... reported 15 months ago... not even acknowledged by Google... you wonder why you even bother reporting bugs...
ge...@gmail.com <ge...@gmail.com> #37
4.4 on MotoX, same problem. Turned on USB debugging per #32, which was unsuccessful. SDRescan does not seem to run on my phone, so used AirDroid to move files for the time being.
mo...@gmail.com <mo...@gmail.com> #38
i guess the only way to get this bumped up on the priority list is to hit the "vote" button on the issue (star icon). bump it up. this needs to get fixed. we have hundreds of clients using Android devices and every time an output file is generated, the device has to be reset. this is just unacceptable... i don't understand how this defect doesn't have higher priority.
xz...@gmail.com <xz...@gmail.com> #39
is anyone going to get google to fix it ? could never understand cant the developers rewrite the code?
jb...@gmail.com <jb...@gmail.com> #40
Problem is that it's probably a specification issue of MTP itself. Might not be fixable
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #41
Hey everyone in this, just to let you I have fixed this ish.
Just going on my lunch but will need some testers, it is a proof-of-concept for now.
Will be posting the apk and source soon.
Just going on my lunch but will need some testers, it is a proof-of-concept for now.
Will be posting the apk and source soon.
lg...@gmail.com <lg...@gmail.com> #42
@#40 I'm in for beta testing
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #43
So here's the APK
Click View Raw to download it.
Here's the src
Install the APK
Attach Cable in MTP Mode
Load the App
Load the directory in Windows Explorer
Then go to an application that produces a file, save a file
See if it appears in Windows Explorer (can take a while if the file is big)
For coders, I am watching Recursively External Storage Directory and then adding to Media Scanner once a file has been created
I will look into Android events see if there's a "File Created" Event so I don't need to have loads of File Observers.
I will look into doing this as a Service that loads at boot so is always running and fixing this.
Look into stopping the GC collecting the File Observers.
Probably won't work that well, as I did it in 10 minutes and guessed, but works on my Moto G on 4.4.2
Click View Raw to download it.
Here's the src
Install the APK
Attach Cable in MTP Mode
Load the App
Load the directory in Windows Explorer
Then go to an application that produces a file, save a file
See if it appears in Windows Explorer (can take a while if the file is big)
For coders, I am watching Recursively External Storage Directory and then adding to Media Scanner once a file has been created
I will look into Android events see if there's a "File Created" Event so I don't need to have loads of File Observers.
I will look into doing this as a Service that loads at boot so is always running and fixing this.
Look into stopping the GC collecting the File Observers.
Probably won't work that well, as I did it in 10 minutes and guessed, but works on my Moto G on 4.4.2
za...@gmail.com <za...@gmail.com> #44
I guess there is some mechanism that updates the sdcard data after data is deleted from /storage/emulated/0 ??
Am I close?
Am I close?
on...@richardhartman.net <on...@richardhartman.net> #45
FYI, the .scanFile() "solution" isn't. I've been fighting this problem for two days now.
I ran across the .scanFile() suggestion elsewhere and have tried it several ways, including inferring the MIMEtype (passing null) and specifying it explicitly (passing an array with a single string), and nothing makes any difference. My app creates a file in external storage, the file is visible in ADB with the same permissions as other files in the directory, but the file simply isn't there on the other end of a USB cable.
Broken, broken, broken.
This reminds me of the other USB bug that's driving me crazy: "Unable to cleanly close USB accessory FileInputStream". A blocked Accessory read thread cannot be unblocked, even if the underlying FileInputStream object is closed (!!!). This prevents an app from cleanly relaunching. This problem is discussed at:
...and has languished without attention from Google for well over a year now. There must be somebody at Google that doesn't like USB because apparently any bugs associated with USB are simply ignored forever.
I ran across the .scanFile() suggestion elsewhere and have tried it several ways, including inferring the MIMEtype (passing null) and specifying it explicitly (passing an array with a single string), and nothing makes any difference. My app creates a file in external storage, the file is visible in ADB with the same permissions as other files in the directory, but the file simply isn't there on the other end of a USB cable.
Broken, broken, broken.
This reminds me of the other USB bug that's driving me crazy: "Unable to cleanly close USB accessory FileInputStream". A blocked Accessory read thread cannot be unblocked, even if the underlying FileInputStream object is closed (!!!). This prevents an app from cleanly relaunching. This problem is discussed at:
...and has languished without attention from Google for well over a year now. There must be somebody at Google that doesn't like USB because apparently any bugs associated with USB are simply ignored forever.
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #46
Still an issue with HTC One X running 4.2.2.
Can confirm SDrescan works but this is still a big problem as I want to run a data logger esque program and have the user remove data onto a pc via usb.
Google pls
Can confirm SDrescan works but this is still a big problem as I want to run a data logger esque program and have the user remove data onto a pc via usb.
Google pls
cl...@gmail.com <cl...@gmail.com> #47
Issue affects Nexus 7 tablet (2013 model).
Particularly noticeable using BitTorrent Sync to copy files to the system Music folder: files are not visible to Google Play (or other media players, e.g. doubleTwist) until restart.
Extremely disappointing to see this issue is over a year old, and not yet assigned...!
Particularly noticeable using BitTorrent Sync to copy files to the system Music folder: files are not visible to Google Play (or other media players, e.g. doubleTwist) until restart.
Extremely disappointing to see this issue is over a year old, and not yet assigned...!
ne...@gmail.com <ne...@gmail.com> #48
A "workaround" as a user is to take a picture. That probably makes the MediaScanner scan the new files, and they are shown after it.
Of course this is just a little less painful then rebooting the phone, still...
Of course this is just a little less painful then rebooting the phone, still...
gl...@gmail.com <gl...@gmail.com> #49
The best workaround is to rescan, which updates the MTP cache.. great solution here:
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #50
[Comment deleted]
di...@gmail.com <di...@gmail.com> #51
One year later, and this is still a mess. Since Google refuses to acknowledge this problem, I use the following workarounds at the moment:
context.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE, Uri.fromFile(file)));
The above can also be used, but on some devices causes a 0-byte file to be created. So instead, I do one of the following:
context.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED, Uri.fromFile(file.getParentFile())));
This can also be used for notifying the media scanner of changes to a given folder. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on KitKat and above. For those devices, you can try doing this:
context.getContentResolver().delete(Files.getContentUri("external"), Files.FileColumns.DATA + "=?", new String[] {file.getAbsolutePath()});
This might not work on all devices or will probably get broken in some scenario or another, but it does work in my testing on the Nexus 5. Until Google fixes this properly on their side, these calls are the best I've found for now.
context.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE, Uri.fromFile(file)));
The above can also be used, but on some devices causes a 0-byte file to be created. So instead, I do one of the following:
context.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED, Uri.fromFile(file.getParentFile())));
This can also be used for notifying the media scanner of changes to a given folder. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on KitKat and above. For those devices, you can try doing this:
context.getContentResolver().delete(Files.getContentUri("external"), Files.FileColumns.DATA + "=?", new String[] {file.getAbsolutePath()});
This might not work on all devices or will probably get broken in some scenario or another, but it does work in my testing on the Nexus 5. Until Google fixes this properly on their side, these calls are the best I've found for now.
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #52
Note that SDRescan does not support Android 4.4, so it can no longer be used as a workaround for this bug after you upgrade to Kit Kat.
mu...@gmail.com <mu...@gmail.com> #53
Is anybody fixing this? its been like more than a year now?
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #54
This wasted my two days.. feeling doomed...
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #55
I'm getting this same problem on my Samsung Note II.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #56
Ha this is soooo ridiculous, I got the same problem on Xperia Z1 Compact with 4.3. All newly created folders are visible instantly, but they are displayed as files and are thus not browsable. Tip from #15 running SDRescan and then un- and replugging in the device works for me too.
Until now I didn't experience these problems on the Nexus 4 @4.4 but I use MTP very seldom.
Google seems to be a bunch of slowpokes when it comes to fixing bugs. It seems google employees get free iPhones from their company :) Better let the community provide patches than troubleshooting themselves ...
Until now I didn't experience these problems on the Nexus 4 @4.4 but I use MTP very seldom.
Google seems to be a bunch of slowpokes when it comes to fixing bugs. It seems google employees get free iPhones from their company :) Better let the community provide patches than troubleshooting themselves ...
kr...@gmail.com <kr...@gmail.com> #57
Can we please get some Google representation about this issue? Having the same problem with Nexus 5
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #58
Same problem on new nexus 7 by asus. This is very annoying.
kr...@gmail.com <kr...@gmail.com> #59
I wonder if it could be fixed downstream at the custom ROM level
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #60
This code seems to be able to make my new files appear over MTP, but this only seems to be working on individual files. I tried passing in a reference to a parent directory and it didn't do anything.
public void makeFileDiscoverable(File file, Context context){
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(context, new String[]{file.getPath()}, null, null);
context.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE,
public void makeFileDiscoverable(File file, Context context){
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(context, new String[]{file.getPath()}, null, null);
context.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE,
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #61
You could try my APK to see if that fixed it. I didn't continue with it because I got no feedback on creating a service to fix it for you guys...
dj...@gmail.com <dj...@gmail.com> #62
When is this cr*p going to be fixed? Why can we not just have normal mass storage device, which is known to work?
so...@gmail.com <so...@gmail.com> #63
Sarkie's patch is working fine on my Xperia M running official 4.3.
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #64
#62 Thank you, only took someone 5 months to help me, I will look into making this a service to constantly run to fix this issue if Google don't care that much to fix it asap.
so...@gmail.com <so...@gmail.com> #65
[Comment deleted]
so...@gmail.com <so...@gmail.com> #66
[Comment deleted]
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #67
[Comment deleted]
sh...@gmail.com <sh...@gmail.com> #68
I confirm this bug in android 4.1.2 ,samsung gt-s7572 phone.
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #69
Thanks to socram8... I think I have it all sorted.
Please can people test the APK attached on their phone, if you don't know how to install it, google.
The code is here for the curious:
Install the app, the application is called "MTPFix" and click the button to start the service, or just reboot your phone and it *should* run on boot and fix this issue.
Testers welcome!
Please can people test the APK attached on their phone, if you don't know how to install it, google.
The code is here for the curious:
Install the app, the application is called "MTPFix" and click the button to start the service, or just reboot your phone and it *should* run on boot and fix this issue.
Testers welcome!
co...@gmail.com <co...@gmail.com> #70
Same thing on the Galaxy S3.
I swear, Kit Kat is proving to be more trouble than it's worth. Oh boy the calculator icon changed, and the buttons on it look different, and the battery icon is white now! How about instead of cosmetic crap that was fine before - fix stuff like this!
I swear, Kit Kat is proving to be more trouble than it's worth. Oh boy the calculator icon changed, and the buttons on it look different, and the battery icon is white now! How about instead of cosmetic crap that was fine before - fix stuff like this!
bd...@gmail.com <bd...@gmail.com> #71
wtf google
ka...@gmail.com <ka...@gmail.com> #72
Recently I faced with the same problem but some additional research helped find hidden files. It seems that Google has made some changes in storage structure. All these files were moved to another folder "This Computer\HTC One\Internal Storage\storage\emulated\0". But it's strange that not all files were moved.
HTC One (M7) Android 4.4.2
Hope it helps :)
HTC One (M7) Android 4.4.2
Hope it helps :)
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #73
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #74
I recently downloaded a file using bittorrent,and was able to view the file using es explorer app. Using nexus 7 first gen .. With 4.4.2 (I think .. Device not with me now). Had no chance to test via mtp.
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #75
Samsung S4 on 4.2.2 seems to (still) have this issue.
files written by apps in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ only appear in Windows Explorer after disconnecting/reconnection USB (Windows 7)
F5 (refresh) does not help.
files written by apps in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ only appear in Windows Explorer after disconnecting/reconnection USB (Windows 7)
F5 (refresh) does not help.
al...@googlemail.com <al...@googlemail.com> #76
Not fixed in latest update 4.4.3 on nexus 4.
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #77
da...@yahoo.com.ar <da...@yahoo.com.ar> #78
I can give it a try, but just for information... does it keep running in the background all the time?
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com> #79
The same f... problem. Oh god.. almost 2 years.
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #80
#77 Yes, it monitors all the folders for new files and then adds its to the media scanner, I could change it so it was just a button that went through all your files and adds everyone it finds, but I need to first verify it actually works on a few devices before putting any more effort in.
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #81
Can someone explain why a cache needed at all? Why not simply rescan the folder every time?
ji...@gmail.com <ji...@gmail.com> #82
#76 I just tried MTPFix on my Xperia S and it works! Thank you so much!
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #83
#81 Brilliant news. Anyone else care to test it? Need a few more and the'll I'll package it up properly.
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #84
Thanks for your efforts to fix this bug, but I think the lack of enthusiasm for testing this app stems from your approach to fix this problem. I dont think anyone wants to run a service permanently on their device when its impact on battery life and performance and other security issues are unknown. also this bug doesnt happen very often.
I believe the right approach is to write an application which forces a media rescan and rebuild of MTP cache by request of the user and doesnt run as a background service.
I believe the right approach is to write an application which forces a media rescan and rebuild of MTP cache by request of the user and doesnt run as a background service.
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #85
[Comment deleted]
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #86
#83 As in comment #42 that is what it did initially and I still didn't get any testers for that. Since I thought it'd be better if it was just running then using the events from the filesystem so it didn't kill a battery or fill up the memory.
I didn't know how it'd perform hence I really wanted testers before I put my name to it.
The source code is provided if you have any issues with the code.
I didn't know how it'd perform hence I really wanted testers before I put my name to it.
The source code is provided if you have any issues with the code.
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #87
#68 Just tried Sarkie's MTRfix on Nexus7 running Android 4.2.2. Seems to work fine.
ma...@googlemail.com <ma...@googlemail.com> #88
Took a reboot and reconnecting the USB connection but, working on Android 4.4.4 PA on a GNex.
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #89
Still a bug. Had to install SD Rescan or reboot whenever out of sync.
Nexus 7 Tablet
Android 4.4.2
Nexus 7 Tablet
Android 4.4.2
ku...@googlemail.com <ku...@googlemail.com> #90
Anybody tried Android K Preview regarding this problem? Any change?
vi...@gmail.com <vi...@gmail.com> #91
After 4.4.4 also No fix ... Damn google..... :(
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #92
Well, lets pray this will be fixed in Android L ! Apparently Google sucks.
ka...@gmail.com <ka...@gmail.com> #93
what is this this fast-paced update cycle good for if not to fix bugs like this? but at least now I know that its not my but you're fault that my files are sometimes missing on MTP until I reboot...
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #94
galaxy s3, rooted, archidroid....works from time to time....had to reboot when stopped working
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #95
i am talking about mtpfix ofc
vl...@gmail.com <vl...@gmail.com> #96
I am on 4.4.4 - not fixed !!
But rebooting Android device helps!
But rebooting Android device helps!
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #97
this is on 4.4 too
as...@gmail.com <as...@gmail.com> #98
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #99
YES, please bring back normal USB storage. This new system truly sucks. What were you thinking.
da...@yahoo.com.ar <da...@yahoo.com.ar> #100
As someone who hates this bug; the problem with normal USB storage mode is that it completely hands over the control of the entire filesystem to the guest system.
Which is bad. Very bad (security, filesystem integrity, lots of issues at stake).
Which is bad. Very bad (security, filesystem integrity, lots of issues at stake).
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #101
Thanks for explaining that :) OK, so we need some other file storage mode
that is open and comes built-in to OSX and Windows (wishful thinking). Yeh
I tried the Win XP driver.. didn't work. Hope this improves because current
system method sucks so bad..
that is open and comes built-in to OSX and Windows (wishful thinking). Yeh
I tried the Win XP driver.. didn't work. Hope this improves because current
system method sucks so bad..
ko...@gmail.com <ko...@gmail.com> #102
can this fix work for an Iphone connected to my Won 7 PC or am Ipad? About a month agon after IO7 & a few forced Windows Updates, I can no longer see photo I take on my Ipad until I connect and re-connect the ipdad and run through tthe whole folder look=up process.
it...@gmail.com <it...@gmail.com> #103
Sarkie, thank you very much for the mtpfix !!! it works ...
google nexus 4.2 / linux / mtpfs
mtp on nexus worked ok...
but about a month ago, could not get dir listing of files on nexus anymore...
installed mtpfix.apk -> works like a charm
thanks !
google turning into bloatware / big brother ware - beware :-)
google nexus 4.2 / linux / mtpfs
mtp on nexus worked ok...
but about a month ago, could not get dir listing of files on nexus anymore...
installed mtpfix.apk -> works like a charm
thanks !
google turning into bloatware / big brother ware - beware :-)
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #104
I have been experiencing this problem for several releases and am now on 4.4.4, but MEDIUM priority!?!?! Are you kidding? Not being able to see files that are clearly there can cause all sorts of issues!!! What if I copy all files from the folder (e.g. camera images), thinking I got them all, and then delete them on the phone, not knowing I DID NOT ACTUALLY GET THEM ALL! Accidental loss like this, in my eyes is a SEVERE defect.
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #105
[Comment deleted]
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #106
I have written a small app. The files created by my app is not visible on PC. But if I use this code " sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE, Uri.fromFile(file)));" foreach file. The files are visible. I think there is no bug. The problem is developers who not use fully the Android enviroment.
I have tries a couple File Explorer, and ES File Explorer is working good. The changes it cause is immediately applied to PC.
Stock apps (camera,contacts) are also working well. New photos, deleted photos, the export file of contacts is immediatly applied to PC.
So the problem is not Android. The problem is developers who not uses the Android enviroment properly.
Android developers may add this process to the .createNewFile, .delete, etc. methods. But maybe there is something which we don't know why theye don't add.
Thus, if an app which creates (copies) , moves (renames), and deletes files-directories, has this problem, tell it to the developer of the app. They should use some code like a sent above.
I have tries a couple File Explorer, and ES File Explorer is working good. The changes it cause is immediately applied to PC.
Stock apps (camera,contacts) are also working well. New photos, deleted photos, the export file of contacts is immediatly applied to PC.
So the problem is not Android. The problem is developers who not uses the Android enviroment properly.
Android developers may add this process to the .createNewFile, .delete, etc. methods. But maybe there is something which we don't know why theye don't add.
Thus, if an app which creates (copies) , moves (renames), and deletes files-directories, has this problem, tell it to the developer of the app. They should use some code like a sent above.
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #107
[Comment deleted]
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #108
Addition to post 105
I cannot find a method to update the modified files which already exist.
If I edit inside of txt file from phone, the change is not visible from PC, even is I use sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE, Uri.fromFile(file)));
I cannot find a method to update the modified files which already exist.
If I edit inside of txt file from phone, the change is not visible from PC, even is I use sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE, Uri.fromFile(file)));
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #109
[Comment deleted]
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #110
[Comment deleted]
ds...@gmail.com <ds...@gmail.com> #111
This isn't a perfect solution, but at least on my Moto G LTE (4.4.3), I can get a clean MTP file listing if I:
1. Unplug the USB cable from the Moto.
2. Applications -> Settings -> Storage -> "Unmount SD card".
3. Wait a moment, then tap "Mount SD card".
A notification appears with the text 'Preparing SD card'. I can then plug the cable back in, wait a few moments, and the MTP file system appears synchronized/clean to the phone's internal filesystem. I've tested this on both the emulated/0 and emulated/1 devices, and it seems to work okay.
Obviously, forcing a scan via a remount operation isn't a real solution. This may not work if your device doesn't have an external SD card to rescan in the first place, but as I don't have any other Android devices to test, I can't confirm that.
I agree with the folks who suggest this is a high-priority defect. The change from MSC to MTP is a big one with what I'm sure are many complications, but this problem is related to core functionality. tl;dr - using the MTP protocol, an atomic *file transfer* protocol, is effectively pointless if the end user can't *transfer files* because they can't see them.
Further, I understand why MSC is generally seen as a security problem. Still, considering how annoying MTP is in general, I propose that Developer Options offer a setting to allow knowledgeable users access to the MSC protocol, with the understanding that they're responsible for whatever happens (warning dialogue -> 'i agree' writes a byte somewhere that could be checked later to see if the user was in MSC). Just an idea.
nb. I don't know how much of a problem this is for non-casual users, but most of the people I know have never removed anything from their DCIM or Music directories, mitigating the impact of this bug. :)
1. Unplug the USB cable from the Moto.
2. Applications -> Settings -> Storage -> "Unmount SD card".
3. Wait a moment, then tap "Mount SD card".
A notification appears with the text 'Preparing SD card'. I can then plug the cable back in, wait a few moments, and the MTP file system appears synchronized/clean to the phone's internal filesystem. I've tested this on both the emulated/0 and emulated/1 devices, and it seems to work okay.
Obviously, forcing a scan via a remount operation isn't a real solution. This may not work if your device doesn't have an external SD card to rescan in the first place, but as I don't have any other Android devices to test, I can't confirm that.
I agree with the folks who suggest this is a high-priority defect. The change from MSC to MTP is a big one with what I'm sure are many complications, but this problem is related to core functionality. tl;dr - using the MTP protocol, an atomic *file transfer* protocol, is effectively pointless if the end user can't *transfer files* because they can't see them.
Further, I understand why MSC is generally seen as a security problem. Still, considering how annoying MTP is in general, I propose that Developer Options offer a setting to allow knowledgeable users access to the MSC protocol, with the understanding that they're responsible for whatever happens (warning dialogue -> 'i agree' writes a byte somewhere that could be checked later to see if the user was in MSC). Just an idea.
nb. I don't know how much of a problem this is for non-casual users, but most of the people I know have never removed anything from their DCIM or Music directories, mitigating the impact of this bug. :)
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #112
If I use FX Explorer's "Rescan Media" function before I connect via MTP then I can see all files that were missing before.
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #113
google, you should hire Sarkie cos he's doing your work better than y'all
MTPfix.apk works on Sony Xperia S (LT26i)running Jellybean 4.1.2
Thanks Sarkie!
MTPfix.apk works on Sony Xperia S (LT26i)running Jellybean 4.1.2
Thanks Sarkie!
zf...@gmail.com <zf...@gmail.com> #114
[Comment deleted]
zf...@gmail.com <zf...@gmail.com> #115
Have tested Sarkie's MTPfix.apk (on Nexus 5, 4.4.4) from #68 and these are my findings:
1. [OK] create text file (test.txt) on phone (with content "abc")
- appears on windows explorer (no issue with content)
2. [BUG] update content on phone (is now "a1bc")
- content appears truncated on windows (showing "a1b")
- WORKAROUND: using phone, rename file to something else and rename back again
3. [BUG] rename text file (to test1.txt)
- explorer continues to show test.txt
- no workaround
4. [BUG] delete file (test.txt)
- explorer continues to show test.txt
- no workaround
1. [OK] create text file (test.txt) on phone (with content "abc")
- appears on windows explorer (no issue with content)
2. [BUG] update content on phone (is now "a1bc")
- content appears truncated on windows (showing "a1b")
- WORKAROUND: using phone, rename file to something else and rename back again
3. [BUG] rename text file (to test1.txt)
- explorer continues to show test.txt
- no workaround
4. [BUG] delete file (test.txt)
- explorer continues to show test.txt
- no workaround
go...@gmail.com <go...@gmail.com> #116
there should not be a WORKAROUND. i wrote file to the external storage and it was not visible to an android application running on the device. nor was it visible to the MTP connection. wow.
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #117
Still a problem with Android "L" developer preview.
pe...@gmail.com <pe...@gmail.com> #118
I have different kind of problem, but might be related: I had a 11 MB PDF with about 180 pages of annotations. I copied it to phone to continue annotating on the road and about 130 pages of annotations; the file size increased to 27 MB. Now when I want to copy it back to computer (Windows 8), in that folder I see the original 11 MB PDF! Yes, I see it, I can copy it, but the changes I made on the phone are not there!
This is utter bulshit.
This is utter bulshit.
pe...@gmail.com <pe...@gmail.com> #119
OK, restart did fix it. So it means every time I want to copy something from my phone, I have to reboot it? Since when Android became Windows ("Have you tried turning it off and on again?")?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #120
Just ran into this on Nexus 7 into Mac OS. Spent the best part of 1/2 day trying to get to the bottom of this. Restarting device reveals the files. Not sure how this has gone unpatched for so long.
in...@gmail.com <in...@gmail.com> #121
Hitting this too.
So glad I didn't put my app. onto Play yet, and don't have any customers facing this crap. Right now I'm seriously rethinking the plans I had in that direction.
Because this KILLS functionality.
WTF? Nexus 7, flagship Google product? Doesn't fix a serious bug that makes any kind of Android app. that works with files, basically USELESS?
2 YEARS after it was reported?????
Deeply disappointed by this.
So glad I didn't put my app. onto Play yet, and don't have any customers facing this crap. Right now I'm seriously rethinking the plans I had in that direction.
Because this KILLS functionality.
WTF? Nexus 7, flagship Google product? Doesn't fix a serious bug that makes any kind of Android app. that works with files, basically USELESS?
2 YEARS after it was reported?????
Deeply disappointed by this.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #122
Having the same issue - need to reboot phone to see any file changes
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #123
how is this even acceptable i cant change music, videos, games and other stuff on my phone without having to restart my phone and all sorts of other things... make it back the way it was who cares if you cant run your phone while its plugged? i wanna change what i want to change dammit
en...@google.com <en...@google.com>
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #124
So is this fixed in Lollipop then? A little information to accompany the change in status would be nice.
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #125
hmm, why was this marked as obsolete? At least up to 4.4.4 the problem definitely still exist and afaict it also still exists in lollipop?
ds...@gmail.com <ds...@gmail.com> #126
I'm a little confused, too. Some idea of why this was made obsolete would be welcome. I truly don't understand the sentiment of "it's not an Android problem": developers are supposed to be responsible for updating the MTP list themselves? Isn't that super-backwards? I mean, the only way I could see it not being totally backwards if if we made the bold claim that MTP wasn't a 'filesystem', but a 'protocol', which would be super-hard to defend given that it's effectively being used as a filesystem.
I'm really just confused. Maybe this is the wrong spot for this kind of discussion.
I'm really just confused. Maybe this is the wrong spot for this kind of discussion.
gl...@gmail.com <gl...@gmail.com> #127
[Comment deleted]
gl...@gmail.com <gl...@gmail.com> #128
It looks like many bugs and feature requests (that still exist in Lollipop, AFAIK) were closed as "Obsolete" within a few hours of each other, all by that same user.. not sure why though. Per the AOSP "Life of a Bug" FAQ, "Obsolete" is defined as "Similar to Unreproducible, but with a reasonable certainty that the bug did exist in the reported version but was already fixed in a later release."
Perhaps Google can post an explanation?
Perhaps Google can post an explanation?
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #129
in...@gmail.com <in...@gmail.com> #130
So what's happened? Fixed is fixed. What does "obsolete" mean? That they aren't going to fix it?
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #131
This still occurs, stop shirking bugs google.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #132
Nexus 4, Lollipop build LRX21T. Created an app to create/save a file in /Downloads. Could see it with FileExplorer App but not using Windows/Ubuntu through USB. This drove me crazy. Luckily found this webpage. Using ediaScannerConnection.scanFile(this, new String[] { file.getAbsolutePath() }, null, null); fixed it.
mr...@gmail.com <mr...@gmail.com> #133
I too am experiencing this same problem on a OnePlus One with KitKat 4.4.4. How in the world is this obsolete when it hasn't been fixed?
la...@gmail.com <la...@gmail.com> #134
This bug appears on Sony Xperia Z1 Compact (D5503) with Android 4.4 (KitKat).
Newly created files are not shown through mtp. Mving files with builtin file explorer shows the files on the computer, but on sd card it is restricted, and can't move the file around.
Only fix is to reboot each time before I plug to the computer.
Newly created files are not shown through mtp. Mving files with builtin file explorer shows the files on the computer, but on sd card it is restricted, and can't move the file around.
Only fix is to reboot each time before I plug to the computer.
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #135
Sad to see this was never resolved. I saw this bug burn.. it damages backups and wasted hours of our onsite technician abroad. This does not bode good for Android, featureslack is setting in.
ne...@gmail.com <ne...@gmail.com> #136
[Comment deleted]
ne...@gmail.com <ne...@gmail.com> #137
Check this out: Issue 36949180
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #138
Wow Android has this issue known since 2012 and still not resolved in latest 5.0.1!!!! Google is getting lazy, working on the latest & coolest features, but forgetting the basics.
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #139
for developer...
just add this code after create a file.
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(context, new String[] { YOUR_FILE.getAbsolutePath() }, null, null);
just add this code after create a file.
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(context, new String[] { YOUR_FILE.getAbsolutePath() }, null, null);
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #140
Still not resolved in Android 5.1! Google, pretty please with sugar on top, fix the fucking bug!
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #141
In the meantime, the work-around in #139 appears to work, thanks! I've wrapped it in a FileUtils class with a static method for creating files. After creating the File, it simply invokes the mentioned scanFile() before returning the File.
e1...@gmail.com <e1...@gmail.com> #142
Obsolete?? OMG...
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #143
this bug is really pain in the ass!
it SHOULD be fixed!
this bug is really pain in the ass!
it SHOULD be fixed!
si...@gmail.com <si...@gmail.com> #144
This bug still exists in Android 5.1, even on Google's own Nexus 5. Marking this bug, which was reported more than 2.5 years ago(!), as obsolete without any reason is extremely poor software and community management by Google.
we...@gmail.com <we...@gmail.com> #145
kx...@gmail.com <kx...@gmail.com> #146
It's annoying when I need to copy files to my computer for debugging.
Google should be shamed of this old bug!
Google should be shamed of this old bug!
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #147
Google: Can you please finally take this issue serious and fix it. It's still occurring in Android 5.1.1 on Nexus 7. That sucks!
ce...@gmail.com <ce...@gmail.com> #148
Nexus 4, andr.5.1 and issue occured after connecting via MTP. I am throwing nexus away and buying windows phone. After the first year when the guarantee expired I had following issues with my phone:
lollipop upgrade stucked - had to clean reinstall. I lost all my data
Recovery partition not working
Unable to roll back to 4.4.4
Battery bursted after one year
Media files unreadable with MTP
Phone not visible on Win 7 pc
This leads me to conclusion: Nexus is not a premium flag ship.It is a lab rat for android.
As I sad, I go back to windows phone.
Android sucks.
lollipop upgrade stucked - had to clean reinstall. I lost all my data
Recovery partition not working
Unable to roll back to 4.4.4
Battery bursted after one year
Media files unreadable with MTP
Phone not visible on Win 7 pc
This leads me to conclusion: Nexus is not a premium flag ship.It is a lab rat for android.
As I sad, I go back to windows phone.
Android sucks.
bl...@gmail.com <bl...@gmail.com> #149
lu...@gmail.com <lu...@gmail.com> #150
#149, 他们可能认为酷炫新奇的技术比用户体验更重要把.
de...@gmail.com <de...@gmail.com> #151
[Comment deleted]
de...@gmail.com <de...@gmail.com> #152
Google sucks!!!
go...@gmail.com <go...@gmail.com> #153
Struggling to get a listing of directories through MTP created by some apps... Wondering if it is related.
Using Sony Xperia one
Android version 4.4.2
Rebooting didn't help.
2 years in, reported with version 4.2.2 and still nothing. Are you joking?
2 years in and the only thing my USB cable is good for, is charging my phone?
So I have to use bluetooth now. I don't see Gurgle giving a shit here.
Using Sony Xperia one
Android version 4.4.2
Rebooting didn't help.
2 years in, reported with version 4.2.2 and still nothing. Are you joking?
2 years in and the only thing my USB cable is good for, is charging my phone?
So I have to use bluetooth now. I don't see Gurgle giving a shit here.
ge...@gmail.com <ge...@gmail.com> #154
I'm only amused that after 271 stars and 153 comments (and that's just the people who found it on the bug tracker), nobody from Google has made any sort of comment other than to mark this as obsolete. (Are there really no Google employees who are annoyed by this?)
ad...@gmail.com <ad...@gmail.com> #155
I can confirm the problem also for Nexus 5 with Android 5.1.1 .
As per previous comments I tried creating the file using the C-API fopen and C++-API ofstream, without success. I see the file when connecting via shell, but not from the File Explorer.
I would like to point out that when taking a picture with the camera, the file pops up immediately, so there is definitely a workaround.
As per previous comments I tried creating the file using the C-API fopen and C++-API ofstream, without success. I see the file when connecting via shell, but not from the File Explorer.
I would like to point out that when taking a picture with the camera, the file pops up immediately, so there is definitely a workaround.
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #156
I can confirm the issue with the Moto G (2014) using FileOutputStream in Java to write to any location on external storage. The written files are not visible using MTP on Ubuntu (I haven't tested other platforms).
Rebooting fixes the problem, but that takes a couple minutes. My research entails generating a large number of files which must be copied to the computer which makes this is a serious inconvenience.
Rebooting fixes the problem, but that takes a couple minutes. My research entails generating a large number of files which must be copied to the computer which makes this is a serious inconvenience.
di...@gmail.com <di...@gmail.com> #157
This shouldn't be obsolete. Android File Transfer is completely unusable for me with the Nexus 5 on 5.1 because the file list is always massively out of date.
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #158
I also encounter this problem. I had to transfer my folders with mp3 by wi-fi to PC, then to categorize it properly. And after that send it back.
Could be done in a matter of few clicks by cable but well, it's better than the thing I've done one year ago before I knew about this shitty bug and formatted my phones internal storage cause it's files weren't appearing. I thought something got broken or I got a virus :/
Could be done in a matter of few clicks by cable but well, it's better than the thing I've done one year ago before I knew about this shitty bug and formatted my phones internal storage cause it's files weren't appearing. I thought something got broken or I got a virus :/
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #159
GOOGLE, what are you doing? 3 YEARS...
lo...@gmail.com <lo...@gmail.com> #160
Why is this bug marked as obsolete and closed? it is still ruining my apps on july 2015!
ch...@gmail.com <ch...@gmail.com> #161
I needed to create a directory and copy some sample files for my app. After a lot of experiments and research the following procedure worked flawlessly for me:
1) Created directory using File.mkdir().
2) Copied files in directory and run MediaScanner on each file.
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(context, new String[]{file.getAbsolutePath()}, null, null);
3) Run MediaScanner on directory.
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(context, new String[]{directory.getAbsolutePath()}, null, null);
The files and directory appear instantaneously on PC over MTP.
I am using Oneplus One with CM12s
1) Created directory using File.mkdir().
2) Copied files in directory and run MediaScanner on each file.
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(context, new String[]{file.getAbsolutePath()}, null, null);
3) Run MediaScanner on directory.
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(context, new String[]{directory.getAbsolutePath()}, null, null);
The files and directory appear instantaneously on PC over MTP.
I am using Oneplus One with CM12s
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #162
Still facing this issue and running MediaScanner on directories and files not working for me on device running 4.4.
sk...@skipregan.com <sk...@skipregan.com> #163
Same issue Nexus 9 M Preview. What the fuck google?!?!?! How many years will it take to fix this!?!??!?!?!
sk...@skipregan.com <sk...@skipregan.com> #164
[Comment deleted]
ad...@gmail.com <ad...@gmail.com> #165
God damn it..
It's middle of 2015 and i'm using Android L and still faced this issue
It's middle of 2015 and i'm using Android L and still faced this issue
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #166
Think for me it is the same: Android Version 4.4.2 . copying a file from Android to Win 7 has a prious content until reboot of Android.
Why has this Issue the status obsolete and why is it closed. Can someone reopen it or create a new issue?
Why has this Issue the status obsolete and why is it closed. Can someone reopen it or create a new issue?
ng...@gmail.com <ng...@gmail.com> #167
It's still an issue on 5.1.1!!!
pe...@gmail.com <pe...@gmail.com> #168
Lollipop, this IS STILL A BIG ISSUE!
I basically cant do anything with phone on PC because of stupid MTP not working or showing 2 files!
I basically cant do anything with phone on PC because of stupid MTP not working or showing 2 files!
bi...@gmail.com <bi...@gmail.com> #169
Still an issue on Nexus 6, Android 5.1.1 connected to Windows 8.1 PC.
We create log files (*.log") in the Download directory and cannot access them without reboot. This is ridiculous. At least the phone reboot fixes it temporarily, but this is not helpful...
We create log files (*.log") in the Download directory and cannot access them without reboot. This is ridiculous. At least the phone reboot fixes it temporarily, but this is not helpful...
gi...@gcalzo.net <gi...@gcalzo.net> #170
I hate, HATE, H*A*T*E this stupid MTP interface. I want a real disk connected to my pc.
I want to have real date/time attributes...
I have found this "obsolete" bug while searching for a reason why my Motorola MotoG 2014 with Lollipop 5.0.1 is not showing correctly my media via MTP after the new Motorola's "Gallery" app, the one that let us create "albums" via moving files to DCIM's subdirectories...
Now I know why and I'm once more piXXed off by this fXXXXXing MTP.
...and 3 years have passed...
I want to have real date/time attributes...
I have found this "obsolete" bug while searching for a reason why my Motorola MotoG 2014 with Lollipop 5.0.1 is not showing correctly my media via MTP after the new Motorola's "Gallery" app, the one that let us create "albums" via moving files to DCIM's subdirectories...
Now I know why and I'm once more piXXed off by this fXXXXXing MTP.
...and 3 years have passed...
og...@gmail.com <og...@gmail.com> #171
I have the same problem on Motorola TC 55 running 4.4.3
Android developers should ask some help from Microsoft ... they usually take less than 3 years to fix bugs like this
I have the same problem on Motorola TC 55 running 4.4.3
Android developers should ask some help from Microsoft ... they usually take less than 3 years to fix bugs like this
ge...@gmail.com <ge...@gmail.com> #172
This just happened to me under 5.1.1 OnePlus 2.
Solved by doing the following:
Go to settings > apps > all applications > media storage > tap 'clear data' ...
Reboot and everything will appear in Windows Explorer once again.
Solved by doing the following:
Go to settings > apps > all applications > media storage > tap 'clear data' ...
Reboot and everything will appear in Windows Explorer once again.
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #173
5.1.1 cataclysm rom, literally every picture taken with an app that isn't by google doesn't show up. This is definitely not obsolete, and very much a current issue.
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #174
To the developer e...@google.com... you're an asshole for marking this obsolete. Android 5.1 and this still exists.
wt...@gmail.com <wt...@gmail.com> #175
Motorola X Play, L 5.1.1, TELUS
Yuppers, still happening. Folder containing an avi file did not show on win7 although I could transfer the file over wifi using an app. Cleared media data and rescanned with app "Media Re.Scan" and folder appeared over MTP.
This is a long standing problem that has never been fixed.
Yuppers, still happening. Folder containing an avi file did not show on win7 although I could transfer the file over wifi using an app. Cleared media data and rescanned with app "Media Re.Scan" and folder appeared over MTP.
This is a long standing problem that has never been fixed.
jl...@gmail.com <jl...@gmail.com> #176
[Comment deleted]
jl...@gmail.com <jl...@gmail.com> #177
[Comment deleted]
jl...@gmail.com <jl...@gmail.com> #178
Just ran into this problem using a Nexus 5 (with android 5.1.1) and Windows 10.
I created a folder and files in the external Documents folder with java code in my app.
These files were then readable by the app itself, and also showed up with an app like 'file manager'.
However, they did NOT show up via windows explorer.
ONLY after a reboot of the nexus 5 they did.
I created a folder and files in the external Documents folder with java code in my app.
These files were then readable by the app itself, and also showed up with an app like 'file manager'.
However, they did NOT show up via windows explorer.
ONLY after a reboot of the nexus 5 they did.
ro...@gmail.com <ro...@gmail.com> #179
Today have installed Android 6 on my Nexus 5 just to test if this "obsolete" issue was solved. Guess what, NO, restart still required to see new files. That's totally crazy! :(
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #180
Same exact behavior, on all Barnes & Noble NOOK models which are also running Android OS with an added bloatware layer courtesy of B&N. The only recourse is to REBOOT the tablet, in order to see the current directory structure.
vi...@novara5stelle.it <vi...@novara5stelle.it> #181
Somebody can unlock the external sd card when he/she is the user that are clicking to create file directory or move files on external sd ?
You have a camera and recognizer a smile face use it or a pin or sign!!!
please unlock completly external sd card operation included download upgrade app on external sd. You are living latest 3 years in a ridiculous situation ...
If you want more security use the instrumentation to unlock this operation when the user is using the app sign, pin or smile face...
You have a camera and recognizer a smile face use it or a pin or sign!!!
please unlock completly external sd card operation included download upgrade app on external sd. You are living latest 3 years in a ridiculous situation ...
If you want more security use the instrumentation to unlock this operation when the user is using the app sign, pin or smile face...
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #182
The same issue on Samsung Galaxy S4, Android 5.0.1
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile doesn't help
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile doesn't help
wn...@gmail.com <wn...@gmail.com> #183
[Comment deleted]
bu...@gmail.com <bu...@gmail.com> #184
Same issue here on a MotoG2 with AOSP 5.1.
But it was not solved at all by restarting the device. Only deleting the media storage data and restarting shows all existing files now on MTP. Before the MTP view was incomplete, lot of files were missing since days and over several restarts.
But it was not solved at all by restarting the device. Only deleting the media storage data and restarting shows all existing files now on MTP. Before the MTP view was incomplete, lot of files were missing since days and over several restarts.
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #185
Still a problem on LG G4 with Android 5.1.
cf...@chess.ca <cf...@chess.ca> #186
Nexus 7 tablet, Android 6 Marshmallow OS, Win10.
Still a problem which restart did NOT solve....
... about 2 minutes after restart AND copying the file to the DCIM directory it appeared in Win Explorer and could be moved by drag-n-drop.
Not sure what "solved" this for me.
Still a problem which restart did NOT solve....
... about 2 minutes after restart AND copying the file to the DCIM directory it appeared in Win Explorer and could be moved by drag-n-drop.
Not sure what "solved" this for me.
no...@gmail.com <no...@gmail.com> #187
Confirming issue still exists on Nexus 6 Android 6.0 MRA58R.
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #188
How is this obselete? It is STILL a problem with many Android phones, even 5 +
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #189
[Comment deleted]
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #190
Unbeliaveble, this bug still alive!!! Motorola Moto Maxx (Brasil) ANDROID 5.0.2
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #191
Google, do you need a real developer to solve this? hehehe
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #192
[Comment deleted]
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #193
This problem existed since 2012? This issue is one big problem for me using Cherry Mobile ONE (ANDROID ONE) ANDROID 6.0
fr...@gmail.com <fr...@gmail.com> #194
Guys, this was marked as obselete, I have re-created an issue:
Issue 36949180
Let's stop commenting here as this is a dead issue and move any comments on the new one. Otherwise it may lead Google to keep pushing this can further down the road.....
Let's stop commenting here as this is a dead issue and move any comments on the new one. Otherwise it may lead Google to keep pushing this can further down the road.....
ch...@rinconstrategies.io <ch...@rinconstrategies.io> #195
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #196
it's 2016 XD
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #197
for me...i just rebooted the device and the files show up now
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #198
This needs to be fixed. Have 1 artist with 100 songs I want to copy over but he doesn't show up! Most of the other artists show up. This is via SD Card. Moto G 2nd Gen - 6.0
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #199
Also rebooting and clearing cache partition did nothing
do...@gmail.com <do...@gmail.com> #200
This has been an issue for years. It's a typical incomplete Google product. I would say your best change of avoiding these types of issues is a Surface tab or Windows phone. I hate the idea of going back to MS, but at least their products are complete (relative to Google's anyway).
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #201
Finally found this issue about my problem with every phone I used. I noticed that as soon as I rename the file on the device with the inbuilt file-manager while the Windows explorer windows is open, all of a sudden that renamed file starts being displayed on Windows.
Restarting the phone does not always refresh the file list though.
Restarting the phone does not always refresh the file list though.
yu...@gmail.com <yu...@gmail.com> #202
android is so sb
go...@gmail.com <go...@gmail.com> #203
Status Obsolete? Pls fix. This happens with Android Marshmallow too :/
ch...@gmail.com <ch...@gmail.com> #204
Please someone resolve this issue permanently. I am using 5.1 lollipop n the issue of files mismatch persists between phone's n windows' explorers in MTP mode. Though phone rebooting helps but wouldn't it be nice if files could be correctly viewed and read at both the ends: as phones explorer as well as at the windows explorer even with rebooting your phone?
z....@gmail.com <z....@gmail.com> #205
I have the same issue in Nexus 7 2013 running on Marshmallow.
Not all files and folders are visible in Windows Explorer through MTP.
Not all files and folders are visible in Windows Explorer through MTP.
kr...@gmail.com <kr...@gmail.com> #206
Obsolete? NO!! Nexus 5, Marshmallow: even re-booting doesn't help :(
er...@gmail.com <er...@gmail.com> #207
Same here, Nexus 5, Android 6. App created a new file, but I could not access it through MTP. "Fixed" with reboot. Now I'll see if I can still rewind a tape with a pen...
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #208
If you want files to view them in gallery, than register files with this command
adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED -d file:///mnt/sdcard/MY_MEDIA
Where MY_MEDIA is folder with your files. captain here :)
If you want files to view them in gallery, than register files with this command
adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED -d file:///mnt/sdcard/MY_MEDIA
Where MY_MEDIA is folder with your files. captain here :)
ch...@gmail.com <ch...@gmail.com> #209
Same issue: brand new Nexus 5x.
Taking pictures, then trying to move them on computer, and it doesn't see them, but does see them on Android.
Rebooting allows them to show up.... Really? You have to reboot to be able to see pictures you just took?
Also, connecting via USB, it switches back to 'charging only' from 'MTP file transfer'.
I know Google is trying to follow Apple, but comeon- Android users actually like to use their devices as devices. What's next: 'GTunes' transferring only?
Taking pictures, then trying to move them on computer, and it doesn't see them, but does see them on Android.
Rebooting allows them to show up.... Really? You have to reboot to be able to see pictures you just took?
Also, connecting via USB, it switches back to 'charging only' from 'MTP file transfer'.
I know Google is trying to follow Apple, but comeon- Android users actually like to use their devices as devices. What's next: 'GTunes' transferring only?
bo...@gmail.com <bo...@gmail.com> #210
This IS NOT FIXED! There are five folders on internal storage, yet they show up as blank files in Windows 7 and Ubuntu 15.10!
e...@google.com, whoever the fuck you are, you better reveal your TRUE IDENTITY. Some people on XDA want to know who you are so they can publicly humiliate you. Closing bugs as "obsolete" with NO EXPLANATION is NOT HOW A BUG SHOULD BE CLOSED, ASSHOLE. If you did that shit on Canonical's Launchpad, you WILL be breaking the Ubuntu Code of Conduct (CoC) and could be banned from the Ubuntu Community.
e...@google.com, whoever the fuck you are, you better reveal your TRUE IDENTITY. Some people on XDA want to know who you are so they can publicly humiliate you. Closing bugs as "obsolete" with NO EXPLANATION is NOT HOW A BUG SHOULD BE CLOSED, ASSHOLE. If you did that shit on Canonical's Launchpad, you WILL be breaking the Ubuntu Code of Conduct (CoC) and could be banned from the Ubuntu Community.
gr...@gmail.com <gr...@gmail.com> #211
This bug is not resolved. And it is not only valid for recent files. And reboots don't work!
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #212
Same issue with moto g 2nd gen updated with marshmallow. can't believe google didn't fix it from 4 years. Really Google? Are you lacking skills to take out 1 single fu@#$% bug?
I had work related data all over my phone which i wasn't able to transfer to my new phone. I am zipping all files inside file explorer app and transferring it to PC, unzipping and moving it to new phone. What a pain in the ass. Grow up Android.
I had work related data all over my phone which i wasn't able to transfer to my new phone. I am zipping all files inside file explorer app and transferring it to PC, unzipping and moving it to new phone. What a pain in the ass. Grow up Android.
dj...@gmail.com <dj...@gmail.com> #213
Still a bug. Running 6.0.1 with May Security update.
ha...@gmail.com <ha...@gmail.com> #214
Still needs to download an apps to force scan. Android 6.0.1 May Security Update Nexus 6P, What a shame Google.
me...@gmail.com <me...@gmail.com> #215
Please fix this issue asap. Why has no one noticed this yet??
yl...@gmail.com <yl...@gmail.com> #216
谷歌牛逼 谷歌大法好
yv...@gmail.com <yv...@gmail.com> #217
Confirmed on Google Tango (which runs 4.4.2). I'll join my voice to the choir saying that it is really ununderstandable that a firm like Google would even release MTP as a feature before addressing that. Especially while removing regular USB connections in the process.
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #218
Why is this still an issue?
ni...@gmail.com <ni...@gmail.com> #219
Using Nexus 5x (all up to date with may updates and whatnot), thought it was gonna be easy to import my pictures to backup to my hard drive, only to realize that many, many of my photo folders are missing and only some photos from my snapchat folder are there? Why some and not others? This has been an issue for 4 years. Wake up, developers of Android, and fix this issue, if not in the next update, in Android Nougat! One workaround that I would suggest for now is AirDroid, which actually shows all of the files and folders and you can download those pictures into a zip file.
sl...@gmail.com <sl...@gmail.com> #220
Still affecting fully updated Nexus 6p. I lost data I thought I had backed up. I've tried restarting the phone. The Media Storage app that people recommend clearing data for isn't showing up in the All Apps list. I've tried rebooting. I tried rescan media in FX explorer. I see the files in FX explorer but nothing will get them showing up over MTP.
ho...@flyordie.com <ho...@flyordie.com> #221
LG L90 aka LG-D405n, Android 5.0.2 also shows this bug. Camera directory on External SD card attached to an Ubuntu laptop through MTP showed stale directory listing. Media Storage data/cache clear and/or reboot has solved the issue.
ju...@gmail.com <ju...@gmail.com> #222
Nexus 5X, Android 6.0.1, same problem. Storage directory connected via MTP to OSX 10.11.13 with Android File Transfer
ho...@gmail.com <ho...@gmail.com> #223
Having the same issue with my Sony Xperia Z5 Compact, Android 6.0.1. I always have to reboot it to see on computer new files created by apps.
BUT tried on a Samsung S7, same Android version, with the same app files created, and they shows instantly on computer :-/
BUT tried on a Samsung S7, same Android version, with the same app files created, and they shows instantly on computer :-/
pi...@gmail.com <pi...@gmail.com> #224
Completely NOT obsolete. Running Android 6.0.1 and confirming this is occurring for me.
Reputation of Google just dropped considering how long this issue has been getting actively ignored.
Reputation of Google just dropped considering how long this issue has been getting actively ignored.
dr...@gmail.com <dr...@gmail.com> #225
sl...@gmail.com <sl...@gmail.com> #226
This is still problem,
Samsung G6, Android version 6.0.1
Samsung G6, Android version 6.0.1
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #227
Same issue on my BQ Aquaris M5 with Android 6.0.1
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #228
Having this problem on Nexus6P
ni...@breen.kiwi <ni...@breen.kiwi> #229
Confirm the issue is still present on Nexus 5X with 7.0 (SPL Oct 5, 2016) Build No NBD90W.
Clearing data for the Media Files system app and rebooting (and waiting) worked around the issue.
Clearing data for the Media Files system app and rebooting (and waiting) worked around the issue.
ni...@breen.kiwi <ni...@breen.kiwi> #230
Interestingly, mtp-tools on Ubuntu Xenial could see the folders and files as expected prior to the work around. Nautilus with its mtp:// mount could not see the folders and files though.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #231
ll...@gmail.com <ll...@gmail.com> #232
Every time I open Android File Transfer it's showing me my old files! I don't get it. I'm changing and deleting files on my phone but Android File Transfer is still showing me the files before I changed them!
jr...@gmail.com <jr...@gmail.com> #233
fm...@gmail.com <fm...@gmail.com> #234
Still an issue. Using windows10 & moto g4 plus.
Have to reboot the phone everytime before I can see a new file and transfer it throught mtp.
Have to reboot the phone everytime before I can see a new file and transfer it throught mtp.
ll...@gmail.com <ll...@gmail.com> #235
Confirmed issue (c'mon google guys, it's almost 2017!) on Asus Zenfone 2 Laser(ASUS_Z00LD), Android 6.0.1, not rooted.
I have some directories inside the default folder "Movies". All directories are displayed correcly when I access using any Android app, but when I connect it to USB on PC (Windows 8.1), the Windows Explorer don't show me all the directories inside the "Movies".
Important note: To me, rebooting doesn't fix the issue.
I have some directories inside the default folder "Movies". All directories are displayed correcly when I access using any Android app, but when I connect it to USB on PC (Windows 8.1), the Windows Explorer don't show me all the directories inside the "Movies".
Important note: To me, rebooting doesn't fix the issue.
gr...@gmail.com <gr...@gmail.com> #236
This is shameful. I ran into this bug years ago on an old phone, forgot it, and now rediscovered it as it bit me again years later, nearly in 2017.
fm...@gmail.com <fm...@gmail.com> #237
Still an issue. Using a Moto G Plus w/ Android 6.0.1 under Windows 10.
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #238
[Comment deleted]
go...@gmail.com <go...@gmail.com> #239
Still an issue, phone is LG G2 d802. Both with stock rom and now Cyanogenmod 13.
Every time I use an app called CamScanner to export scans to PDF, I cannot see them from windows7-64b through MTP unless after exporting I reboot the phone.
Every time I use an app called CamScanner to export scans to PDF, I cannot see them from windows7-64b through MTP unless after exporting I reboot the phone.
go...@gmail.com <go...@gmail.com> #240
why the status of this issue is obsolete if there are people still weekly reporting it?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #241
Still an issue, Samsung S7 Edge.
al...@googlemail.com <al...@googlemail.com> #242
Obsolete?!? WTF is that supposed to mean??? The bug is STILL there. After 4 or 5 YEARS!!!
yu...@gmail.com <yu...@gmail.com> #243
Still present in 6.0.1
This bug is anything but "Obsolete".
This bug is anything but "Obsolete".
pi...@gmail.com <pi...@gmail.com> #244
[Comment deleted]
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #246
[Comment deleted]
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #247
After an upgrade to 7.1.1 ca. half of the pics on the external SD became invisible when the phone is accessed through MTP
lo...@gmail.com <lo...@gmail.com> #248
Bug is still here. Come on, how hard could it be to make a proper rescan method?
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #249
Android 6, suffering from the same bug. Damn.
ru...@gmail.com <ru...@gmail.com> #250
[Comment deleted]
vi...@gmail.com <vi...@gmail.com> #251
I got this as well, apparently renaming the file (if possible) seems to force that specific file to appear on computer.
na...@gmail.com <na...@gmail.com> #252
My Google Pixel running Android O has this problem as well.
so...@gmail.com <so...@gmail.com> #253
ZTE ZMAX PRO (Z981) running 6.0.1 still has this issue.
ni...@gmail.com <ni...@gmail.com> #254
Google developers are incompetents
Google is EVIL
Google is EVIL
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #255
The apps which modify file system should notify media server. There is no bug on Android. Your apps, file explorers are broken.
ux...@gmail.com <ux...@gmail.com> #256
> Your apps, file explorers are broken.
There are no apps in this case, we are coping files to the android from a desktop computer pc. Quote from the OP: "connected to a computer" or "Connect the phone to a Windows computer using MTP"
There are no apps in this case, we are coping files to the android from a desktop computer pc. Quote from the OP: "connected to a computer" or "Connect the phone to a Windows computer using MTP"
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #257
Which files are not visible until reboot?
Newly created or moved ones.
Because the app performed that action does not notify media server.
Newly created or moved ones.
Because the app performed that action does not notify media server.
ti...@gmail.com <ti...@gmail.com> #258
There is no app involved because you just move files from a windows pc with MTP to the phone. That does not trigger the media server.
ti...@gmail.com <ti...@gmail.com> #259
kind of nonsense to me — „apps which modify file system should notify media server“ — link to official developer specification from Google, that app should do anything more than writing a file?
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #260
It was making kind of nonsense to me too back when I was reading your comment a few moments ago, but after some search, if I understood well (I'm french), it seems the apps DO have to trigger the media scanner for the new files to be taken into account.
fe...@gmail.com <fe...@gmail.com> #261
Okay, but why is it even possible to modify files without doing this if it regularly leads to clearly-broken behaviour?
ds...@gmail.com <ds...@gmail.com> #262
The problem is that they decided MTP was the way to go, which necessitates a extra API call to update the media DB. As much as I also believe using MTP at all was super dumb, I understand the reasoning - downloading the responsibility to apps is both good and bad in different ways.
For what it's worth, my solution would be to implement a media scan on mtp disconnect or connect.
On April 21, 2017 5:09:17 PM EDT, buganizer-system@google.com wrote:
For what it's worth, my solution would be to implement a media scan on mtp disconnect or connect.
On April 21, 2017 5:09:17 PM EDT, buganizer-system@google.com wrote:
wt...@gmail.com <wt...@gmail.com> #263
Android provides a limited set of os features to 3rd party apps and to
users. Most wanky limitations in Android are either legacy or part of
limiting functionality because of security concerns.
As a general purpose os, Android clearly sucks. So does iOS. MTP is
frustrating in other ways such as a lack of concurrency. The whole media
scan thing is another hard to defend wank. Sure, do your notification but
the file still doesn't show. Oh, leave instructions to the user about
clearing the scanner cache.
Storage access changes with every version of Android and app devs have a
tough time keeping up.
That spectrum of hissing noises you hear are all of the ways Android sucks
if you are a developer. I am fond of the beast but it is NOT a fully
featured os like 'nixes or Windows.
On April 21, 2017 3:09:17 PM <buganizer-system@google.com> wrote:
|Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the
|team that works on this product.
|fe...@gmail.com added note:
|Okay, but why is it even possible to modify files without doing this if it
|regularly leads to clearly-broken behaviour?
|Reference Info: 36956498 Android MTP support does not show recent files
|until the device is rebooted
|component: Android Public Tracker
|status: Obsolete
|reporter: di...@gmail.com
|cc: di...@gmail.com
|type: Bug P3 S3
|AOSP ID: 38282
|ReportedBy: Developer
|Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
|You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google
|IssueTracker issue 36956498 where you have the role: starred.
users. Most wanky limitations in Android are either legacy or part of
limiting functionality because of security concerns.
As a general purpose os, Android clearly sucks. So does iOS. MTP is
frustrating in other ways such as a lack of concurrency. The whole media
scan thing is another hard to defend wank. Sure, do your notification but
the file still doesn't show. Oh, leave instructions to the user about
clearing the scanner cache.
Storage access changes with every version of Android and app devs have a
tough time keeping up.
That spectrum of hissing noises you hear are all of the ways Android sucks
if you are a developer. I am fond of the beast but it is NOT a fully
featured os like 'nixes or Windows.
On April 21, 2017 3:09:17 PM <buganizer-system@google.com> wrote:
|Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the
|team that works on this product.
|fe...@gmail.com added note:
|Okay, but why is it even possible to modify files without doing this if it
|regularly leads to clearly-broken behaviour?
|Reference Info: 36956498 Android MTP support does not show recent files
|until the device is rebooted
|component: Android Public Tracker
|status: Obsolete
|reporter: di...@gmail.com
|cc: di...@gmail.com
|type: Bug P3 S3
|AOSP ID: 38282
|ReportedBy: Developer
|Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
|You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #264
I don't know whetter Google revisits Won't Fix issues. I think we should start a new issue which requests improvements on MTP and clearly states limitations of MTP. There is no bug, just a part of Android which can be improved.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #265
This bug (why it was marked as obsolete?!) has been reopened here:
Please visit and star it.
Please visit and star it.
do...@gmail.com <do...@gmail.com> #266
Wow, this issue is NOT obsolete. Please update...
co...@gmail.com <co...@gmail.com> #267
Why won't this be fixed? This makes mtp on android even more useless
mc...@gmail.com <mc...@gmail.com> #268
This bug still exists and makes mtp basically worthless.
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #269
Just had this problem again on a Pixel. Workaround was Settings -> Apps -> "•••" menu at top right -> Show System -> select External Storage app -> select Storage -> Clear Data -> say yes to dire warning message -> reboot device. Very worrying for the health of the platform overall that this issue persists after this many years.
ro...@googlemail.com <ro...@googlemail.com> #270
Wtf Google ..
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #271
For all newcomers to this bug:
This bug has been marked obsolete (really!). This means that comments here are fruitless.
Instead, please star the new bug:
This bug has been marked obsolete (really!). This means that comments here are fruitless.
Instead, please star the new bug:
pr...@gmail.com <pr...@gmail.com> #272
I have a free solution to recommand if GG does not want to correct its own bugs (still alive on Kit Kat and 7 that are used and sold professionnaly on industrial terminals , and that I have tested each time I had encounter this problem : install a Myphone explorer (tested 1.8.8) https://www.fjsoft.at/en/ (download on https://www.fosshub.com/MyPhoneExplorer.html ) on PC and Android (Playstore) (and donate please : it is not linked to my company), and you see the dir and files , any times. -
Productivix sarl - developpers of mobiles barcode and rfid profesionnal solutions and tools to develop quicker onhttp://www.saisie-mobile.eu
Productivix sarl - developpers of mobiles barcode and rfid profesionnal solutions and tools to develop quicker on
de...@gmail.com <de...@gmail.com> #273
I'd just like to point out that this is *once again* MICROSOFT's fault, not google, for "designing" such a broken and absolutely worthless and useless excuse for a protocol - and i'm not using the "excuse for" expression liberally here. And then forcing it down the entire world's throat, to the point that -get this- even ANDROID and fucking APPLE devices are stuck having to support it along with all its broken piece of shit shenanigans. From a programmer's perspective, i can assusre you - this is NOT FUN to have to put up with.
FFS this "protocol" isn't even DOCUMENTED half correctly by microsoft (if at all - didn't check for at least 3 years) ...and then you all point the finger at google?? come on ppl.....
FFS this "protocol" isn't even DOCUMENTED half correctly by microsoft (if at all - didn't check for at least 3 years) ...and then you all point the finger at google?? come on ppl.....
ka...@gmail.com <ka...@gmail.com> #274
I'm pretty sure it was Google's decision to use that protocol, even if Microsoft authored it. And the problem of this bug is the way the android mediaserver works, not how this protocol has bad aspects.
lg...@gmail.com <lg...@gmail.com> #275
yup even if MS did a poor job and designing, implementing and documenting their own damn protocol, the issue here is the keeping up to date of the media tree on the android device (similarly to apple's spotify background crawler). Also, by the time google decided to switch between Mass storage mode to MTP, android was already pretty much ruling the smartphone world, and is even more so nowardays. I don't see why google couldn't have design their own protocol, build their own driver (use Fuse in some clever manner for instance) to present the device's contents to the OS as an abstracted logical volume in a clean and user friendly way. Instead of that, on MacOS for instance, you get that awful PoS android transfer utility which crashes all the time. Google really need to get their shit together.
lg...@gmail.com <lg...@gmail.com> #276
*spotlight (not spotify)
lg...@gmail.com <lg...@gmail.com> #277
I'm pretty sure the complete lack of effort on google side is business driven : they want you to forget about cable-transfer, use their cloud, heck, why even actually locally store stuff when in the perfect world of silicon valley you always have high bandwidth 4G/5G / Wifi available everywhere to stream everything (even properly functioning CACHING is a dodgy subject in google apps)
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #278
24/03/2019 Android Oreo 8.1 with latest update and this Bug still present. Google you should be ashamed! Maybe you want all Android users to go to Windows Pnone or Apple?
do...@gmail.com <do...@gmail.com> #279
And where is Google in this conversation? Not worth them chiming in here? No apparent effort to fix this? It's shocking and even infuriating to me that such an important aspect of their smartphones has been overlooked for so long. This is the type of issue that makes me want to leave not just Android, but Gmail and every other crappy Google product.
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #280
It looks like a sabotage: the issue is still actual, but it is marked as "obsolete, won't fix" :(
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #281
Years later,
Visual Studio + Xamarin = same issue on both of my (current) working API25 & 26.
Also big thanks for immidiate workaround with MediaScanner.
Visual Studio + Xamarin = same issue on both of my (current) working API25 & 26.
Also big thanks for immidiate workaround with MediaScanner.
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #282
I can reproduce this issue with
* Smartphone: LG G7 ThinQ (LMG710)
** Android version: 8.0.0
*** Kernel version: 4.9.65
* Smartphone: LG G7 ThinQ (LMG710)
** Android version: 8.0.0
*** Kernel version: 4.9.65
hu...@gmail.com <hu...@gmail.com> #283
The bug is still there.
* Redme Note 5
* Android 8.1.0
* Kernel version 4.4.78
* Redme Note 5
* Android 8.1.0
* Kernel version 4.4.78
da...@googlemail.com <da...@googlemail.com> #284
The status is just wrong. This serious and ongoing bug/deliberate fail is not "Won't Fix (Obsolete)", it is "Won't Fix (Don't want to and you can't make me)"
On 12 April 2019 17:27:41 BST, buganizer-system@google.com wrote:
On 12 April 2019 17:27:41 BST, buganizer-system@google.com wrote:
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
do...@gmail.com <do...@gmail.com> #285
Is it also Microsoft's fault that Google has let his issue go on for years without responding or making any acknowledgement of it?
It seems every other product I use, whatever brand or type of device, has no issues being compatible with Windows when it comes to simply transferring files. My cameras, flash drives, external hard drives, etc. And Google chooses to use this protocol. So do you want to rethink your comment before you blame MS rather than hold Google accountable for once again putting out a flawed product?
Maybe Google could chime in here at some point and let us know what they're doing to resolve the issue.
It seems every other product I use, whatever brand or type of device, has no issues being compatible with Windows when it comes to simply transferring files. My cameras, flash drives, external hard drives, etc. And Google chooses to use this protocol. So do you want to rethink your comment before you blame MS rather than hold Google accountable for once again putting out a flawed product?
Maybe Google could chime in here at some point and let us know what they're doing to resolve the issue.
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #286
Hey watchers, call for action!
Google is barely looking at "closed" issues, so to get attention they need new issues. Knowing this, I openedhttps://issuetracker.google.com/issues/130429542 , and they're requesting info.
If anyone can provide a minimal repro (this potentially includes a basic sample app that creates a file) with all the info they request this could potentially move along!
Please refrain from sending "me too" comments on the other issue to keep it focused on finding an informed solution.
Google is barely looking at "closed" issues, so to get attention they need new issues. Knowing this, I opened
If anyone can provide a minimal repro (this potentially includes a basic sample app that creates a file) with all the info they request this could potentially move along!
Please refrain from sending "me too" comments on the other issue to keep it focused on finding an informed solution.
ma...@juliusreich.de <ma...@juliusreich.de> #287
Comment has been deleted.
ma...@juliusreich.de <ma...@juliusreich.de> #288
This is STILL an issue! If I copy media files via webdav to my device, they will not show up in media apps (gallery, instagram, etc), until I reboot my device. Don't they care at all? This problem has been unfixed over all this years ... and they closed multiple bug reports about this exact issue without acknowledging them (see above)? This bug clearly affects a lot of users. Still it is treated as "unfeasable" or "obsolete". Interesting.
m....@gmail.com <m....@gmail.com> #289
Hi Julius. Does an app store those files on your Android device? If so, the app developer must inform the MediaManager about each stored file. If done accordingly, the MTP server will indeed get updated. If no app is involved in storing the files, then maybe another app could inform the MediaManager about their existence.
I assume Google has phased out simultaneous updates of the MTP server for valid reasons. They offered an alternative (informing the MediaService) though. So, I assume that feature will never come back.
I assume Google has phased out simultaneous updates of the MTP server for valid reasons. They offered an alternative (informing the MediaService) though. So, I assume that feature will never come back.
ai...@gmail.com <ai...@gmail.com> #290
jb...@gmail.com <jb...@gmail.com> #291
I was trying to back up a file from my app dir, over USB on my computer. The file contents were nearly a month out of date when viewed on my PC. On my phone it was current. I finally figured out to reboot my phone and then the file is current on PC. So weird.
This affects files written using Java APIs, but does not appear to affect files written using the C API.
The solution is to reboot the device.
- Write to and close a file using Java APIs.
- Do the same thing using C APIs.
- Connect the phone to a Windows computer using MTP.
- Files written using Java cannot be viewed by Windows; in fact, they cannot even be viewed by some other Android applications running on the same device! They can be viewed only by the app that created the files, UNTIL the device is restarted.
- Files written using C can be viewed just fine.
- This behavior can be observed with many applications freely available from the marketplace.
- MTP should work like USB Mass storage mode, where there are currently no problems and files are visible right away without a need to restart the device.