Status Update
xa...@android.com <xa...@android.com> #2
This is just because the default is now for the skin to say there's no keyboard so that the soft keyboard can work.
I think we need to be more explicit in the AVD creation dialog.
launching it directly from the command line in an Android tree is a bit of a corner case that very few external developers will see.
I think we need to be more explicit in the AVD creation dialog.
launching it directly from the command line in an Android tree is a bit of a corner case that very few external developers will see.
xa...@android.com <xa...@android.com> #3
BTW we're working on revamping the AVD UI so this should get better soon.
xa...@android.com <xa...@android.com>
ch...@google.com <ch...@google.com> #4
Thank you for submitting this issue. It was last modified before Android Studio 1.0 Launched in 2014. We have made a large number of improvements in Android Studio since 2014 and hope this issue is already resolved. In order to correctly prioritize issues in our upcoming release, we are closing this bug. If you continue to experience your issue on the latest stable version of Android Studio, please submit a new bug report. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
SDK tools version: r20 preview, get from
Eclipse version: N/A
ADT plug-in version: N/A
Platform targeted by your project:ARM & x86 SDK images both have the same issue.
Version of the platform running in the emulator:
ICS 4.0.4 image and master image for both arm & x86 can reproduce this issue
1. Build the arm or x86 SDK system image by:
# source build/envsetup.sh
# lunch sdk-eng (or lunch sdk_x86-eng, lunch full-eng)
# make -j(N)
There are 2 methods to reproduce the keyboard issue:
one way: Copy the system.img/userdata.img/ramdisk.img/kernel-qemu to <sdk>/system-images/android-15/armeabi-v7 in the SDK r20.
another way: Boot the emulator directly on the build commond line by "emulator" commandline, which will use the sdk tools in the master branch.
3. Click an input textarea on the Android system, the host physical keyboard cannot input anything. The emulated keyboard (0-9) (a-z) on the skin cannot work. The arrow, menu, back,... key can work on the skin.
The physical keyboard and the skin keyboard can work on all the sdk version for all version of system image.
OBSERVED RESULTS: (Below is for both arm & x86)
sdk r20 preview + ics 4.0.4 => physical/skin keyboard cannot work
sdk r20 preview + ics 4.0.3 => physical/skin keyboard can work
sdk r20 preview + master => physical/skin keyboard cannot work
sdk r18/r19 + ics 4.0.3/ics 4.0.4/master => all of them physical/skin keyboard can work well
When enable the hw.keyboard=yes on windows/mac with sdk r20 preview, the keyboard can work. The default setting cannot work.