Status Update
xa...@android.com <xa...@android.com>
ch...@google.com <ch...@google.com> #2
Thank you for submitting this issue. It was last modified before Android Studio 1.0 Launched in 2014. We have made a large number of improvements in Android Studio since 2014 and hope this issue is already resolved. In order to correctly prioritize issues in our upcoming release, we are closing this bug. If you continue to experience your issue on the latest stable version of Android Studio, please submit a new bug report. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Host OS: OS X 10.6.8
SDK tools version (available in the "About" section of the 'android' tool
UI): r16
Version of the platform running in the emulator: 1.6
SD cards are not snapshotted, but the OS state about SD cards are.
1. Create an emulator with snapshots enabled and an SD card
2. Start emulator with "save snapshots" option, exit after boot.
3. Start emulator with "launch from snapshots" but *not* "save snapshots"
4. adb shell dd if=/dev/zero of=/sdcard/big_file until it fills up the SD card ("No space left on device"), exit emulator
5. Again, start emulator with "launch from snapshots" but *not* "save snapshots"
6. adb shell ls /sdcard
7. dd if=/dev/zero of=/sdcard/small_file bs=1024 count=128
8. adb shell umount /sdcard
9. adb shell mount -t vfat /dev/block//vold/179:0 /sdcard
10. adb shell ls /sdcard
* Step 6 and 10 should show same files (none).
* Step 7 should succeed to write a 128K file to the empty sdcard.
* Step 6 shows no files, step 10 shows big_file and small_file.
* Step 7 fails with "/sdcard/small_file: write error: No space left on device"