Status Update
Comments <> #2
[Comment deleted] <> #3
From the look of the system bar, your device is not running ICS, it's running Honeycomb. The attached screenshot shows what the API demo looks like on an ICS device. <> #4
Attach another screenshot, 1.png, on ICS. It looks still weird. <> #5
The bug is still there. I tried on multiple devices:
- LGE Nexus 5X, Android 8.0.0, Build number OPR6.170623.013
- Motorola Nexus 6, Android 5.1, Build number LMY47I
- Samsung Galaxy S5, SM-G900F, Android 6.0.1, Build number MMB29M.G900FXXS1CQC1
- Samsung Galaxy Note 4, SM-N910F, Android 6.0.1, Build number MMB29M.N910FXXS1DQA1
- Samsung Galaxy S3, GT-I9300, Android 4.3, Build number JSS15J.I9300XXUGPE1
The result is the same on all the devices. It doesn't look like it's a device specific issue.
I am using two paint objects. One of them is used to draw the blue text and the other to draw the gray text (See attached screenshot without hardware acceleration).
I want the blue text to appear always on top of the gray text.
Thus, the blue paint has no xfermode and the gray paint has a `new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OVER)` as a xfermode.
I am using the `Canvas::drawTextOnPath(String text, Path path, float hOffset, float vOffset, Paint paint)`
When hardware acceleration is enabled the gray text is not shown at all.
Is there hope this can be fixed anytime soon?
I am at your disposal for any details you might need.
Thanks in advance.
- LGE Nexus 5X, Android 8.0.0, Build number OPR6.170623.013
- Motorola Nexus 6, Android 5.1, Build number LMY47I
- Samsung Galaxy S5, SM-G900F, Android 6.0.1, Build number MMB29M.G900FXXS1CQC1
- Samsung Galaxy Note 4, SM-N910F, Android 6.0.1, Build number MMB29M.N910FXXS1DQA1
- Samsung Galaxy S3, GT-I9300, Android 4.3, Build number JSS15J.I9300XXUGPE1
The result is the same on all the devices. It doesn't look like it's a device specific issue.
I am using two paint objects. One of them is used to draw the blue text and the other to draw the gray text (See attached screenshot without hardware acceleration).
I want the blue text to appear always on top of the gray text.
Thus, the blue paint has no xfermode and the gray paint has a `new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OVER)` as a xfermode.
I am using the `Canvas::drawTextOnPath(String text, Path path, float hOffset, float vOffset, Paint paint)`
When hardware acceleration is enabled the gray text is not shown at all.
Is there hope this can be fixed anytime soon?
I am at your disposal for any details you might need.
Thanks in advance.
Run ApiDemo in ICS device->select "Graphic"->select "Xfermode"
What happened:
Xfermode doesn't work correctly when hardware acceleration is on. Actually, most of fuctions of Canvas with Xfermode don't work correctly. For example:
Canvas.drawColor(color, mode), Canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, left, top, paint) with a paint contains Xfermode.
I've checked android's blog. And it doesn't mention that those functions can't be use in hardware acceleration. Though it works fine after calling setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null), I still hope this issue can be solve without doing this.