Status Update
Comments <> #2
I was thinking that in Gradle we'd stop saying "No issues found", and only produce output if one or more issues were found (I think that's the gist of that other bug request). That seems to be more in line with what other Gradle checks do. It does make sense for the text report to include it rather than be empty or deleted, so maybe this should be special cased to only happen when writing to stdout and under Gradle. <> #3
Yes, I agree 100%. <> #4
Fixed with Change-Id: I002903f8539345f832518f422fe7072de7de54b4.
Fix will be in AGP 7.1.0-alpha05. <> #5
deleted <> #6
deleted <> #7
[Comment deleted] <> #8
This really should be a higher priority issue <> #9
Any updates/estimate when this will be fixed? I use Phonegap and because of this error; I can't get a number of things to work when my app is running on an Android Tablet. <> #10
Has anyone tried adding to the path as a workaround?
Such as replacing
and then parsing the URL? Just a thought for a temp fix, but the URL may not load.
Such as replacing
and then parsing the URL? Just a thought for a temp fix, but the URL may not load. <> #11
This is definitely a major issue. <> #12
Its been a month so.. has anyone found a workaround for this? <> #13
The work around for us has been to insert all parameters as meta tags into the actual HTML of the document. The JS then finds and parses those out as it would the URL params. it's actually worked out well. <> #14
Can you show an example <> #15
Fortunately, we control the HTML content that we load into our webview, so we just call our query string parser directly after page load and whenever the query string needs changing:
webView.loadUrl("javascript:updateQuery('" + query + "');");
This, of course, will not work if you don't control what the page does with the query string.
webView.loadUrl("javascript:updateQuery('" + query + "');");
This, of course, will not work if you don't control what the page does with the query string. <> #16
I stored parameters of the query string in local storage on click of the anchor then retrieved them once I arrived at the destination page. <> #17
Same problem with Android 3.2 on Acer A500 <> #18
Same problem. Fix it ASAP <> #19
The query parameter is dynamic its loading dynamic content from a jsonn request
the html
example( ) the number changes every time then on the receiving html page
the js function
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
var query =;
var vars = query.split("&");
for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
if (pair[0] == variable) {
return pair[1];
so does your example work with this situation
the html
the js function
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
var query =;
var vars = query.split("&");
for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
if (pair[0] == variable) {
return pair[1];
so does your example work with this situation
thanks <> #20
anyone have a good example of a solution to this issue? I'm having a tough time coming up with one. <> #21
please fix this asap.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #22
My Phonegap1.2 Gallery App Successfully running on Android 2.1 to Android 2.3. but When We use Android Galaxy Tab then No any one screen appear on Tab and Force close pop up come out.
please kindly concern it.and Please Fix this Problem.
please kindly concern it.and Please Fix this Problem. <> #23
It's broken on Galaxy Nexus,OS ver 4.0.1. <> #24
I am using API level 14 and this is still broken. <> #25
Android 4.0.3 API level 15 is also broken.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #26
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #27
Hi i have found that issues on Galaxy Nexus,OS ver 4.0.1.Please Fix this Problem.
Thank's you
Thank's you <> #28
The issue partially appears to be in frameworks/base/core/java/android/webkit/, however when I tried to fix the issue for both inline anchors and parameters, it appears that while I can get links with inline anchors working (file:///android_asset/index.html#foo), I can't get query parameters to load (file:///android_asset/index.html?foo=bar), and instead I get an empty webview instead of "Not Found".
I suspect that this is an issue with the way the Chrome Network Stack is dealing with Java InputStream, but I am not certain. I'm going to send the code up to review, since it is an improvement, but this new issue that I'm finding is frustrating.
I suspect that this is an issue with the way the Chrome Network Stack is dealing with Java InputStream, but I am not certain. I'm going to send the code up to review, since it is an improvement, but this new issue that I'm finding is frustrating. <> #29
Fix this please <> #30
This bug is pathetic. How can google allow this to still be here since June 2011?
Not only is it in Honeycomb, but it looks like they left it in ICS. Its like they want Apple to win. Wake up!!!!
Not only is it in Honeycomb, but it looks like they left it in ICS. Its like they want Apple to win. Wake up!!!! <> #31
Today the error exist <> #32
Please fix it! <> #33
please fix this and keep the dream alive <> #34
I've just verified this bug with Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Android 3.2 + Phonegap 1.3.0.
A blocking issue for us.
A blocking issue for us. <> #35
Please fix this issue!! <> #36
please fix this issue as soon as possible. <> #37
Please fix this. <> #38
Please fix this issue...asap <> #39
I'm very confused. I can not really believe this bug is real, but i'm pretty sure i'm experiencing it. Are there any news about the progress for a fix, or at least a workaround? <> #40
Please rise the priority of this bug. This is a major issue and it's unbeliavable that is still not assigned to anybody. <> #41
I solved this problem,but this is Symptomatic treatment.the bug is still alive.
bug is not important for me,work now is more important.I must it work on current version.
I redirect to url(parameter deleted),Its work.but cannot load parameter,ofcouse I dont pass it.
the next , I pass the parameters by JavascriptInterface.Its call from javascript.
At the last , manage the back button.
Its looks work.
bug is not important for me,work now is more important.I must it work on current version.
I redirect to url(parameter deleted),Its work.but cannot load parameter,ofcouse I dont pass it.
the next , I pass the parameters by JavascriptInterface.Its call from javascript.
At the last , manage the back button.
Its looks work.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #42
This issue has been here for many, many, months with no apparent action. I have clients on Joomla that cannot change purchased components that use ?= in the URL parameters. We also spent much money on applications that happen to use parameter passing.
We were encouraging customers to go with Android tablets because they have more hardware choices. I am afraid that we now have to tell all of our customers (Public and Private Schools) to buy iPads. Our commercial software will not run on Android tablets and we will not spend thousands of dollars to rewrite it to work around a very basic bug such as this.
So much for Android gaining on iPad... Is it any wonder Apple wins the education market over and over again? What do you think these kids will buy when they graduate? You got it. iPads!
We were encouraging customers to go with Android tablets because they have more hardware choices. I am afraid that we now have to tell all of our customers (Public and Private Schools) to buy iPads. Our commercial software will not run on Android tablets and we will not spend thousands of dollars to rewrite it to work around a very basic bug such as this.
So much for Android gaining on iPad... Is it any wonder Apple wins the education market over and over again? What do you think these kids will buy when they graduate? You got it. iPads!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #43
It is kind of ironic that I cannot view this thread on an Android tablet. The thread passes ?id=17535 in the url. <> #44
We've been fighting this bug on a number of fronts across our applications; the most recent issue was that recent Android devices were not displaying background images in web pages that are part of our applications. An URL like this in the CSS:
background-image: url(someimage.png?1295856); /* cache-busting parameter */
Does not display on ICS. We had to rewrite the code on the server to remove this query string. It took us awhile to figure this out... all the while our applications were broken in production.
And this bug is still not assigned to anyone? Hello?
background-image: url(someimage.png?1295856); /* cache-busting parameter */
Does not display on ICS. We had to rewrite the code on the server to remove this query string. It took us awhile to figure this out... all the while our applications were broken in production.
And this bug is still not assigned to anyone? Hello? <> #45
We have 15 ipad apps that we want to port to Android. This bug is a
major obstacle. We did one by manually changing all the URLs, but
it's not worth the investment for the rest. And even when Goggle
fixes it, it will be some time before enough devices are sold with the
new OS. It's unacceptable, and leads me seriously to question
google's commitment to the platform.
major obstacle. We did one by manually changing all the URLs, but
it's not worth the investment for the rest. And even when Goggle
fixes it, it will be some time before enough devices are sold with the
new OS. It's unacceptable, and leads me seriously to question
google's commitment to the platform. <> #46
As someone mentioned, we are now going to advice new customers to use ipads/iphones(highly specialised app, so we can give that kind of advice). This is not threat, its just the reality, we really don't have a choice.
Its not even only that problem, using android the startup time of our sencha touch 2 based application is 40+ seconds, on ios is 1-2 seconds. Also even if that bug gets fixed (i really dont expect it before android 5), there will be months or years before the clients have the right android version because of the desastrous android upgrade situation. Once a major bug like this gets into a big release (and now its several releases), its going to stay either for months, or possibly forever.
Its not even only that problem, using android the startup time of our sencha touch 2 based application is 40+ seconds, on ios is 1-2 seconds. Also even if that bug gets fixed (i really dont expect it before android 5), there will be months or years before the clients have the right android version because of the desastrous android upgrade situation. Once a major bug like this gets into a big release (and now its several releases), its going to stay either for months, or possibly forever. <> #47
So, this gets reported in June 2011, and still no action from Google.
Are they really interested in Android as a serious app platform? Please blog on this error wherever you can. Google seem to be turning into Sun in their ability to studiously ignore bugs when they'd rather be cutting edge and all dotcom.
People are reporting that they are FORCED to recommend iPads and still no action. If I was a major Android hardware partner, like Samsung, I'd be VERY worried. Hell, I'd fix the bug myself, however it needs to be fixed in ALL android versions, else you have what people like to refer to as "fragmentation". Does google have a mechanism to roll out patches to existing handsets and tablets without requiring a whole OS upgrade? We have the Android market informing us of updates, but I never see anything for OS level components.
Are they really interested in Android as a serious app platform? Please blog on this error wherever you can. Google seem to be turning into Sun in their ability to studiously ignore bugs when they'd rather be cutting edge and all dotcom.
People are reporting that they are FORCED to recommend iPads and still no action. If I was a major Android hardware partner, like Samsung, I'd be VERY worried. Hell, I'd fix the bug myself, however it needs to be fixed in ALL android versions, else you have what people like to refer to as "fragmentation". Does google have a mechanism to roll out patches to existing handsets and tablets without requiring a whole OS upgrade? We have the Android market informing us of updates, but I never see anything for OS level components. <> #48
Fix this, very important for my application.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #49
Very disappointing to see this bug not fixed in ICS. <> #50
This has got be fixed.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #51
Please fix the bug. This makes many applications fail. <> #53
[Comment deleted] <> #55
But, it don't work only in assets folder. <> #56
You correct, if it's 1994, and we are programming in the world of
URLs, then query paramaters for files are not discussed (although #
have long been used). If we are programming post 2004, then I think
that the RFCs on URIs are the relevant ones.
Regardless, it's obvious that this is going to be a problem with
Android for some time. I propose we write a prototype for the objects
so that when URLs are loaded, the query parameters are saved, and then
reset after load. Something like overriding window.location, etc, so
that it is at least possible, by including a library. I'm not an
expert, but it seems reasonable. Anyone interested?
URLs, then query paramaters for files are not discussed (although #
have long been used). If we are programming post 2004, then I think
that the RFCs on URIs are the relevant ones.
Regardless, it's obvious that this is going to be a problem with
Android for some time. I propose we write a prototype for the objects
so that when URLs are loaded, the query parameters are saved, and then
reset after load. Something like overriding window.location, etc, so
that it is at least possible, by including a library. I'm not an
expert, but it seems reasonable. Anyone interested? <> #57
It looks like the code at this URL will handle loading the URLs:
If it can be improved to save the query parameters, and then restore them, that might be a workaround. Any java/android experts available to comment?
If it can be improved to save the query parameters, and then restore them, that might be a workaround. Any java/android experts available to comment? <> #58
I had this exact same problem. My solution, I started passing variables using HTML 5 Session Storage. Works like a charm and I don't have to worry about how long it takes to get this bug worked out.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #59
I think that in HTML5 era the RFCs for file URI schema must change.
And developers must not write lots of tricky code to approach trivial things.
Google must understand that this problem makes many httml5 powered apps impossible for android 3.0+.
And developers must not write lots of tricky code to approach trivial things.
Google must understand that this problem makes many httml5 powered apps impossible for android 3.0+. <> #60
My workaround for jquerymobile + phonegap:
- everything on one html page!
- no form tags, only form input elements
- submit button is a normal link (styled as a button)
- onclick handler stores all field values into sessionStorage
Veeery ugly but it works for me on both, android (2,3,4) and iphone.
- everything on one html page!
- no form tags, only form input elements
- submit button is a normal link (styled as a button)
- onclick handler stores all field values into sessionStorage
Veeery ugly but it works for me on both, android (2,3,4) and iphone. <> #61
My issue is to use an application written with Sencha touch using JSONP.
The problem i have now is the JSONP callback parameter. Its a parameter and i don't know how to rewrite the URL so that it isn't. And frankly, i shouldn't have to. Developing for Android feels like developing something 10 years ago (probably more). Why isn't this fixed? Who do i need to contact to get that fixed ASAP? Who pays for hours of development time i lost due to this error, and i still havent found the correct solution?
The problem i have now is the JSONP callback parameter. Its a parameter and i don't know how to rewrite the URL so that it isn't. And frankly, i shouldn't have to. Developing for Android feels like developing something 10 years ago (probably more). Why isn't this fixed? Who do i need to contact to get that fixed ASAP? Who pays for hours of development time i lost due to this error, and i still havent found the correct solution? <> #62
I have also lost thousands of dollars of development due to this issue and now I have to pay my developers even more to try to make our app work. This is part of the standards for the URI spec and Android is non compliant. Google is not responsive. It sure makes that new iPad look good. Now my customers are ditching Android based tablets and moving to I pads, and now I am having to tell them our app only runs on iPads. This is not the way for Google to gain tablet market share. This is not the way to reward companies that took a risk in spending scarce funds to develop for Android. I am really angry about this issue being ignored. <> #63
Android sucks anymore turning evil <> #64
same issue. But when doing same thing with phonegap 1.4 and Jquery Mobile it works. Now using latest Cordova... <> #65
Having the same problem with Android 14. Can't believe this has been around since June 2011?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #66 <> #67
Please fix this. You are not helping the web with this. <> <> #72
To clarify, this issue has been fixed in the internal Android source, and this will be reflected in a future Android release and AOSP update. <> #73
Thanks. Will this be in a minor update of ICS, or will this be in the next major release? <> #74
The fix has been made very recently, so I'm afraid we can't specify exactly which release it will be included in.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #75
I am getting network error while sending data via query string. how to fix that issue? can any one help me shoot this error.Thanks in advance. <> #76
After all the comments and issues posted here, all you write is that it is fixed? - No excuses, no apologies or no clear time on when we all can expect the updates to come? - What are we supposed to do in the mean time? <> #77
Google needs 9 months to fix this??? Unbelievable! <> #78
If it was only that, but its also totaly unclear when that fix will actually get out, and to what versions. Will it come with android 5? android 4.x? when? its a total nightmare for our support. <> #79
What is needed is a workaround for older versions. This issue should
remain open until such a workaround is found.
remain open until such a workaround is found. <> #80
You guys are too funny. A bit of searching will reveal some workarounds that work 100% and have been around for months. I came up with my own and its been on stackoverflow for a while now. This bug was a cool way to keep all you hoople-headed programmers behind though!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #81
You're not that clever Solutions in stackoverflow doesn't fit any project.
I can't afford re-writing of bookmarking and history management just to workaround such an idiotic issue. The only thing I could do was detecting if android version is 3.x+ and redirecting to my mobile site. So that it'll work through http protocol not file.
I can't afford re-writing of bookmarking and history management just to workaround such an idiotic issue. The only thing I could do was detecting if android version is 3.x+ and redirecting to my mobile site. So that it'll work through http protocol not file. <> #82
I have searched exhaustively, and all the "workarounds" I found
require extensive changes to code. Not using url parameters is not a
workaround. A workaround is changing something in the webview, either
in java for your app, or in the document object, so that they work
transparently. If you have found one of those, please post it. It
does no one any good to make posts saying that something exists
without pointing to a URL.
require extensive changes to code. Not using url parameters is not a
workaround. A workaround is changing something in the webview, either
in java for your app, or in the document object, so that they work
transparently. If you have found one of those, please post it. It
does no one any good to make posts saying that something exists
without pointing to a URL. <> #83
I didn't want to point to a URL so that some of these programmers would stop whining and go do their homework. I'm definitely no programming god but did find a transparent workaround to this issue, at least for the issue described in the original post.
This code overrides parts of the webview and does not require extensive code... My code was specifically designed for the '#' character but can work with '?' etc. too. Since then, someone else posted what is quite possibly a better solution.
Hope this helps complete your exhaustive search.
This code overrides parts of the webview and does not require extensive code... My code was specifically designed for the '#' character but can work with '?' etc. too. Since then, someone else posted what is quite possibly a better solution.
Hope this helps complete your exhaustive search. <> #84
That post is little more than a suppression of the error message. It
does nothing to save the query parameters and then re-set them. It's
a start, but that's all. It should be possible to save them all, load
the local file, and then set them all, but it would require a lot more
code to handle all the possible combinations of things that might come
in as URL parameters.
If you can post something more than an error handler, please do.
Otherwise, I don't see any need for further posts on this issue.
Google is fixing the bug, and unless there are workarounds that allow
apps for older versions to work seamlessly, then we're done.
does nothing to save the query parameters and then re-set them. It's
a start, but that's all. It should be possible to save them all, load
the local file, and then set them all, but it would require a lot more
code to handle all the possible combinations of things that might come
in as URL parameters.
If you can post something more than an error handler, please do.
Otherwise, I don't see any need for further posts on this issue.
Google is fixing the bug, and unless there are workarounds that allow
apps for older versions to work seamlessly, then we're done. <> #85
[Comment deleted] <> #86
Thanks for (finally) fixing the bug, it'll be good to see the fix released. Shame that because of such poor turnaround time that the developer community are going to have to work with hacks for a significant period of time.
Maybe you guys should write some more regression tests... It's a pretty major feature.
Maybe you guys should write some more regression tests... It's a pretty major feature. <> #87
Actually, you should try it, it's more than just the error handling bit, it reloads the original URL so whatever parameters failed get reloaded. The code to make it work with ? and other characters is not extensive. The key is to let the page load, then load it again 0.4 seconds later. Older versions do work seamlessly! <> #88
Well I will try it. It appeared to be simply ignoring the character, but if it does successfully reload the page with the parameters intact, then that would be a workaround.
Sent from my mobile device
Sent from my mobile device <> #89
Problem still exists for 4.0.3. Please fix it. <> #90
Problem still exists in 4.0.4 emulator. Can you please specify WHICH future release instead of just setting it to "Future Release"? This code review that I sent in ( ) says the next release, but it's clearly wrong since the bug is still there. <> #91
[Comment deleted] <> #92
I faced this problem 4.0 and 4.0.3 emulators and everything is fine at 3.x.
It is a very big problem and we have to restrict installation on 4.x version until it will fix.
It is a very big problem and we have to restrict installation on 4.x version until it will fix. <> #93
Android documentation says "Warning: Declaring this attribute is not recommended. First, there is no need to set the attribute as means of blocking deployment of your application onto new versions of the Android platform as they are released. By design, new versions of the platform are fully backward-compatible. Your application should work properly on new versions, provided it uses only standard APIs and follows development best practices. Second, note that in some cases, declaring the attribute can result in your application being removed from users' devices after a system update to a higher API Level. Most devices on which your application is likely to be installed will receive periodic system updates over the air, so you should consider their effect on your application before setting this attribute."
But if we don't restrict our applications that uses webview and parameters for Android 4.x (or 3.x), users will see broken pages.
What do you suggest?
But if we don't restrict our applications that uses webview and parameters for Android 4.x (or 3.x), users will see broken pages.
What do you suggest? <> #94
Still waiting for a fix... can't work anymore on the development of the app until it is! Please, at least, as mentioned before, let us know when. <> #95
use sessions storage or local storage to pass parameters, it really works
<a href="item.html" onClick="">Item 1898432</a>
<a href="item.html" onClick="">Item 1898432</a> <> #96
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #97
I fail to see how clinet-side HTML5 session storage would help us given that we are integrating purchased Joomla Components that we cannot change, and we are integrating Joomla and Non-Joomla PHP components. It is the purchased Joomla components that pass the data. Server-side session variables are difficult to manage across Joomla / Non-Joomla, and we cannot modify the purchased components to read and write HTML5 session data.
We REALLY need to know if the fix is going to go to production soon, as if it is not, we have to modify all our marketing collateral to say the apps will only run on Apple devices.
Can't anyone just give a planned release date - even an estimate like "2'nd Quarter" would give us something we could share with customers. This is extremely frustrating!
We REALLY need to know if the fix is going to go to production soon, as if it is not, we have to modify all our marketing collateral to say the apps will only run on Apple devices.
Can't anyone just give a planned release date - even an estimate like "2'nd Quarter" would give us something we could share with customers. This is extremely frustrating! <> #98
Android developers need an official example with a workaround.
Google, please share this.
Google, please share this. <> #99
Attached you will find a simple workaround for the problem. Simply have your WebViewClient extend from AssetIncludeWorkaround. Your app will need to build against at least API 11, but it should run just fine on older devices as they simply won't call the new code. I tested this on a Galaxy Nexus running 4.0.4 and a Nexus S running Gingerbread 2.3.6. <> #100
Above workaround works for me so far. Tested with on Galaxy Nexus 4.0.2 and also Android 2.2 phone. Building with API 12. <> #101
What the hell is wrong with Google???!!!
This is a serious issue that has been hanging for more than a year!!!!
This is a serious issue that has been hanging for more than a year!!!! <> #102
I will try the workaround on the stackoverflow website. However, Google should provide an official work around for this. Bugs happen, I understand, but good developer support doesn't just mean rapid bug fixes, but also helping devs with workarounds to common problems and issues.
Now that ICS is being pushed out to a number of phones that originally shipped with 2.X, this bug will affect a lot more people. We really need a way to address all those users using 3.X and the initial ICS versions. This is important.
Now that ICS is being pushed out to a number of phones that originally shipped with 2.X, this bug will affect a lot more people. We really need a way to address all those users using 3.X and the initial ICS versions. This is important.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #103
Error reproduced on Samsung Galaxy S2 (phone, not tablet) with Android 4.0.3) on a Phonegap / jQuery Mobile application. Any workaround requires a really huge effort since our app size... <> #104
@jechever - I also had this same issue and a simple workaround is using HTML local storage something like this - localStorage.setItem()/getItem(), Hope this helps. <> #105
Hey Google, just a tip.
This problem will come down on you like a ton of bricks as ICS is being forced out.
First a couple of bricks at a time, ok... then booom!!
Why not fix this issue before it really starts to piss of a whole lot of people?
This problem will come down on you like a ton of bricks as ICS is being forced out.
First a couple of bricks at a time, ok... then booom!!
Why not fix this issue before it really starts to piss of a whole lot of people?
Yeah lets start a face book group. Thatl teach em.. :)
GOOGLE!!!! <> #106
BTW.. Windows Mobiles have an issue with local storage not working on
websites that are located on the file system.
Thus applying the local storage workaround would just leave double maintenance work.
Anyways query strings are here to stay right?
Take a look at the address field on this page. uhmm.
websites that are located on the file system.
Thus applying the local storage workaround would just leave double maintenance work.
Anyways query strings are here to stay right?
Take a look at the address field on this page. uhmm. <> #107
Google, it is simply egregious and befuddling that you haven't fixed this bug yet. Please fix it. Sincerely, everyone. <> #108
For those of us using PhoneGap, an easy way to pass variables from page-to-page would be to user "localStorage" and instead of using <a href>, simple call java script to transfer to your desired page.
localStorage.variablename = 'value';
window.location = desiredpage.html;
On your desiredpage.html, place
Problem Solved :)
All Android have HTML5 browser as default for WebView. This works like a charm and leaves for cleaner code.
localStorage.variablename = 'value';
window.location = desiredpage.html;
On your desiredpage.html, place
Problem Solved :)
All Android have HTML5 browser as default for WebView. This works like a charm and leaves for cleaner code. <> #109
[Comment deleted] <> #110
>Problem Solved :)
>All Android have HTML5 browser as default for WebView. This works like a charm and
>leaves for cleaner code.
Problem not solved :(
This won't work on Windows Mobiles.
The whole idea about Phone Gap, is using HTML5 to achieve cross platform compatibility.
HTML5 should not only work consistently across devices but also across web browsers in general.
Using cookies, localstorage, webdb or a JavaScript interface as workaround is not a solution to this problem. Remember that there is a lot installations out there that will be affected as ICS is being pushed.
Google needs to fix this problem ASAP.
>All Android have HTML5 browser as default for WebView. This works like a charm and
>leaves for cleaner code.
Problem not solved :(
This won't work on Windows Mobiles.
The whole idea about Phone Gap, is using HTML5 to achieve cross platform compatibility.
HTML5 should not only work consistently across devices but also across web browsers in general.
Using cookies, localstorage, webdb or a JavaScript interface as workaround is not a solution to this problem. Remember that there is a lot installations out there that will be affected as ICS is being pushed.
Google needs to fix this problem ASAP. <> #111
I just spent $7.000 getting an app created using PhoneGap.
Then I spent another $800 to buy an Android phone so I could test the app.
It works fine with the developers, because they are using Android 2.x.
But my phone is using Android 4.x.
Does anyone know if Google has said anything about this?
Then I spent another $800 to buy an Android phone so I could test the app.
It works fine with the developers, because they are using Android 2.x.
But my phone is using Android 4.x.
Does anyone know if Google has said anything about this? <> #112
Ha, I was almost excited when I saw that the issue was reported June of last year. Thought it might have been fixed. Was going crazy trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. Finally decided to use the "The Google" to see if others had the same issue and came across this issue thread...
Guess local/sessionStorage it is... At least I know Google's search is still A-OK.
Guess local/sessionStorage it is... At least I know Google's search is still A-OK. <> #113
[Comment deleted] <> #114
Now I know the meaning of Android's Logo: it's a bug and it can't be anything else...
...this bug is a totally stupid serious and shameful bug.... unbelievable....ridiculous...nerve-racking...
It is as if Ford build a car without wheel and all driver must be forced to go straight on....they would not say "Sorry, we are working to solve this problem"....
It would be unacceptable...
you have no excuses...
we are in 2012, wake up silly google-men....
...this bug is a totally stupid serious and shameful bug.... unbelievable....ridiculous...nerve-racking...
It is as if Ford build a car without wheel and all driver must be forced to go straight on....they would not say "Sorry, we are working to solve this problem"....
It would be unacceptable...
you have no excuses...
we are in 2012, wake up silly google-men.... <> #115
I can't believe this isn't fixed. I wanted to use Google maps in my phone app (using an HTML webview) but I now can't because it requires ?sensor=true/false!
Someone needs to officially reply to this thread if nothing else just to acknowledge they recognise the problem.
Someone needs to officially reply to this thread if nothing else just to acknowledge they recognise the problem.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #116
Hi all, for Phonegap 1.7 (Apache Cordova) we have developed a patch that make it work without any changes in the webapp code... We are going to send the patch as contribution, but we are not sure if they will include it in some future releases... <> #117
Hi There, could you please provide us asap, with the Phonegap 1.7 patch to fix this bug.
Thanks <> #118
Hi !
Too cool for the Phonegap 1.7 patch !
I would be really happy if you could send the patch !
Thanks in advance
Too cool for the Phonegap 1.7 patch !
I would be really happy if you could send the patch !
Thanks in advance <> #119
As developers of Android apps, we have also been bitten hard by this bug. So we have developed a workaround for this issue which takes care of both the anchors and parameters problems. The patch is distributed as a JAR and was tested on both Honeycomb and ICS and confirmed to work. You can get more details on this workaround plus links to the JAR and a demo app here:
As developers of Android apps, we have also been bitten hard by this bug. So we have developed a workaround for this issue which takes care of both the anchors and parameters problems. The patch is distributed as a JAR and was tested on both Honeycomb and ICS and confirmed to work. You can get more details on this workaround plus links to the JAR and a demo app here:
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #120
Hi, our patch has been published as pull request in Github, in order to be tested by Cordova developers...
Here you are:
Here you are: <> #121
Attached is the jar build from incubator-cordova-android, I tried it and its working fine. <> #122
The Bing Maps Android SDK is also broken because of this bug on HC and ICS:
I tried to get it working with the bricolsoftconsulting jar, but no change (for better on HC/ICS or worse Eclair/Froyo).
BMAS uses the Bing Maps v7 AJAX control hosted by an in-app browser, so its a pretty complicated case. Maybe not everything is being precached (that is the workaround as I understand it)?
I wish Google would have fixed this before carriers force rolled out ICS...
I tried to get it working with the bricolsoftconsulting jar, but no change (for better on HC/ICS or worse Eclair/Froyo).
BMAS uses the Bing Maps v7 AJAX control hosted by an in-app browser, so its a pretty complicated case. Maybe not everything is being precached (that is the workaround as I understand it)?
I wish Google would have fixed this before carriers force rolled out ICS... <> #123
With lack on comment from owners about this stupid bug... I wonder if this was intentional. It seems obscene to have allowed this into the codebase unless it was by design. Anyway, using local storage, writing meta tags... there are several works arounds for the issue. Keep in mind it also affects any assets within the document as well. <> #124
[Comment deleted] <> #125
Unfortunately in the case of Bing Maps, you can't modify Microsoft's javascript code without breaking their terms of service. So most of the 17535 workarounds that involve modifying the source can't be (legally) used to fix things. It needs something a bit slicker, unfortunately. <> #126
[Comment deleted] <> #127
When will this be fixed by Google? <> #128
I can confirm phonegap patch fixes this. The jar posted works. 2.X,3.X,4.X
My apps can use url paramters properly now. They made very light use of them in the first place but critical use.
My apps can use url paramters properly now. They made very light use of them in the first place but critical use.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #129
[Comment deleted] <> #130
This is a Show Stopper for My App. <> #131
i have a div which don't contain email as hyperlink ,even though its clicked and redirect me to mail application is it bug or there is any setting to prevent this issue in my android application webveiw <> #132
response appreciated <> #133
There is a work around.
In the source page use LOCAL STORAGE to store the variables, and in the target page Read them back.
I am using this technique in my APPs.
In the source page use LOCAL STORAGE to store the variables, and in the target page Read them back.
I am using this technique in my APPs. <> #134
Comment No 122 works fine for me on Android-Phonegap 4.0.
Nandakishore P
Comment No 122 works fine for me on Android-Phonegap 4.0.
Nandakishore P <> #135
Confirm that the solution at #122 work fine on Android 4.0.4
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #136
Trying to implement the cordova jar from comment 122 - but including it has broken all references to com.phonegap.api.PluginResult.Status
Trying to implement the cordova jar from comment 122 - but including it has broken all references to com.phonegap.api.PluginResult.Status
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #137
Jumped into the jar and simply removed the replacement PluginResult class - this fixed the compile errors so I could use status again, but broke the fix. I'm using Android 3.0. I think I'll need to find a fix that supports PluginResult.Status
Thanks anyway,
Thanks anyway,
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #138
I attempted commenting out the code using .Status, but now it compiles, it just results in a JAR conflict (Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1) between cordova-1.7.0.jar and phonegap-1.4.1.jar
I guess this just isn't the fix for me =/
I guess this just isn't the fix for me =/ <> #139
I have a workaround about this bug.
If you can, copy your local HTML's to a web server and call them from it, than you will see there will be no problem to use parameters.
But still i couldn't believe that Google haven't solved this bug yet.
If you can, copy your local HTML's to a web server and call them from it, than you will see there will be no problem to use parameters.
But still i couldn't believe that Google haven't solved this bug yet. <> #140
This is a horrendous bug -- it affects 4.0+ devices and 404s any dynamic JS request, including XHR data rqs. Has anyone developed a patch for 1.4.1? <> #141
Sheesh, just encountered this issue... I can't for the life of me understand how this issue can be still be open and Google simply not care about fixing it, definitely not the service level I'm use to receiving from Google...
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #142
To those who got comment 122 to work.I get an error with:
Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1
Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 <> #143
This is like having a bug on printing hello world on android...
Why there is still many people using PhoneGap if this bug has been around for like a year or so?
This is like having a bug on printing hello world on android...
Why there is still many people using PhoneGap if this bug has been around for like a year or so?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #144
Whoever gets this "Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" even after adding
cordova 1.7 jar on comment 122.then follow these steps.
1)Create a new Android Project and follow what they say except download 1.7 rather than the latest version.
2)Import your (earlier) assets folder to the current project
2)make sure you only have cordova 1.7.jar in your libs folder.This conversion error occurs due to clashes in build paths.
This is how i ported my 1.4 to 1.7 and make it work.Smartly placed the 1.7 js file to the directory and renamed it to 1.4 so that i dont have to update the references every where.
Alhumdulillah,this made it work on ICS.
cordova 1.7 jar on comment 122.then follow these steps.
1)Create a new Android Project and follow what they say @
2)Import your (earlier) assets folder to the current project
2)make sure you only have cordova 1.7.jar in your libs folder.This conversion error occurs due to clashes in build paths.
This is how i ported my 1.4 to 1.7 and make it work.Smartly placed the 1.7 js file to the directory and renamed it to 1.4 so that i dont have to update the references every where.
Alhumdulillah,this made it work on ICS. <> #145
I'm a noob on these forums, what does Status:Released mean? Has this issue been repaired? <> #146
The fix has been released as part of JB. <> #147
[Comment deleted] <> #148
has the bug window.location ="page.html?"+value ; has been fixed ? <> #149
Is this issue fixed ? if yes in which version? <> #150
I guess the bug was been fixed in API Level 16 (JELLY_BEAN). But, can someone tell me how can i apply this on ICS 4.0.3 <> #151
I have found another situation where the same issue arises; when using JQuery ajax-method to scrape the contents from a webpage where there are URL-parameters in anchor-tags, the same issue occurs. The problem occurs on the first occasion an anchor-tag with URL-param is read using contentType: "html". <> #152
This was fixed in changes 658dcd87db14935275d5cbabdd63662c41062ed2 in frameworks/base and 0927546d815284c21672db126b40c4f1e891f76b in external/webkit and released in Jelly Bean.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #153
I am working on Jelly bean and have the same issues .. is this release actually released or is it that we shall have to release (our frustration)? <> #154
If you're still having problems, this is perhaps a different bug, so please file a separate issue with precise repro steps.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #155
Someone else please confirm its working or not? So many dev should be getting mails. <> #156
i can confirm that passing a query string like index.html?name=value does work for me in jelly bean. <> #157
[Comment deleted] <> #158
Please fix this bug, still effects all Androids. <> #159
Does it mean that this android bug, known for more than a year now (14 months), affecting all 4.x version, will only be fixed for new JB update ? <> #160
I also wondaring for solution .Please fix this bug, still effects all Androids. <> #161
We're seeing this same bug in ICS. Is this fix applicable to Jelly Bean only? Thanks <> #162
I see this bug is officially closed. It seems that it's still a big problem for many of us. I have been trying the AssetIncludeWorkaround (comment 100) but it doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm running 4.0.3 on a Samsung Galaxy 2 and I've tried API level 11, 14 and 15. Upgrading to Jelly Bean is not an option. Would appreciate instructions as to how to get the fix from external/webkit and include it in my app <> #163
Forgot to add the AssetIncludeWorkaround does something, since I no longer get any error reported but I don't get the file loaded either <> #164
cannot believe this bug is still here!!!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #165
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #166
[Comment deleted] <> #167
Are there any plans to resolve this? Over a year of this bug being in production is unacceptable <> #168
I can believable >_< <> #169
"I CAN BELIEVABLE!" How can you not support query string parameters. I used local storage for the workaround but can someone look at this? <> #170
well any news?
this is a major issue. my phonegap app wont run on half of android users because of this bug!
does someone have a _REASONABLE_ workaround that wont make me delete my code and re-write it?
this is a major issue. my phonegap app wont run on half of android users because of this bug!
does someone have a _REASONABLE_ workaround that wont make me delete my code and re-write it? <> #171
at least google should tell the developers
the webview is not a full featured web browser.
it can not use anchor and pass parameter
and please do not relay on any javascript behavior
we can avoid to be in the huge risk of release such a headache app with webview
the webview is not a full featured web browser.
it can not use anchor and pass parameter
and please do not relay on any javascript behavior
we can avoid to be in the huge risk of release such a headache app with webview <> #172
I uses sessionStorage of HTML5, to workaround passing parameter in querystring. It works fine. <> #173
Fuck this bug and fuck Android. Fix your shit, Google.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #174
WebView passed parameters correctly for 2.1-2.3.*. And it's stopped working since 3.0. Is there some reason not to support such functionality? I mean it's just get query parameters. <> #175
Please fix this! <> #176
As i was trying resolve it for the past 2 days its seems it doesn't allow parameters in the URL.. Please fix this issue. <> #177
Google: Please reopen this issue! <> #178
jstorage.js is the solution for this. instead of passing parameters as query string in a URL dysnamically set and get the parameters using $.jStorage.get("param1", "value") and $.jStorage.get("param1").
This is working fine for me.
This is working fine for me. <> #179
If this is expected behavior, I'd like to see it clearly documented. This "bug/feature" has caused too much frustration for a lot of people.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #180
Your workarounds may work for you, but they won't work from environments where you are not in the webview when you call the webview that has the url parameters.
You can't set localstorage then - it doesn't exist yet.
Looks like someone at google is on a holy war of some sort - they could have fixed it, they aren't going to.
You can't set localstorage then - it doesn't exist yet.
Looks like someone at google is on a holy war of some sort - they could have fixed it, they aren't going to. <> #181
Please fix this ASAP. We want the dream to continue alive!!! KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE, FIX ANDROID <> #182
oh,this bug is disappointment!! <> #183
Pls fix this asap
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #184
Very disappointing! I guess we'll have to use local storage. <> #185
[Comment deleted] <> #186
Will this issue be fixed in the next version android os ? Is there any workaround for this apart from HTML local storage ? Please share the workaround if you have any.
Thank you
Thank you <> #187
I have this trouble because I use the method $.getScript() of jquery. This method automatically adds a parameter to the URL, this parameter is a timestamp that is used to avoid to take a cache version from server.
I followed the instructions on:
to solve this problem, and it works perfectly on my app, I hope to help you
I followed the instructions on:
to solve this problem, and it works perfectly on my app, I hope to help you <> #188
This isn't a bug/defect and should be closed.
If I have a file called '123?456=789.pdf' I can (and should be able!) open/redirect to it with file://123?456=789.pdf. Expecting GET parameters on a file: uri is crazy, its not the same protocol as http/https/spdy and it's a URI not a URL, so stop treating it the same. Would you expect GET parameters to work on other uri's too, like javascript: or tel:? Use localStorage/sessionStorage to pass around variables instead.
If I have a file called '123?456=789.pdf' I can (and should be able!) open/redirect to it with file://123?456=789.pdf. Expecting GET parameters on a file: uri is crazy, its not the same protocol as http/https/spdy and it's a URI not a URL, so stop treating it the same. Would you expect GET parameters to work on other uri's too, like javascript: or tel:? Use localStorage/sessionStorage to pass around variables instead. <> #190
It's a really serious issue. Our lot of time wasted because of this issue. <> #191
This made me waste so much time. I'm sick of Android's broken WebView. <> #192
My webView loads properly but javascript doesn't
I found why it was ..
It is due to broken url in android webview loading content also
if the html contains the javascript path with "?" it doesn't load properly in android
<title>MathJax AsciiMath Test Page</title>
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The MathJax Consortium
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../MathJax.js?config=AM_HTMLorMML-full"></script>
When `a != 0`, there are two solutions to `ax^2 + bx + c = 0` and they are
<p style="text-align:center">
`x = (-b +- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a) .`
In the above code the webview unable to parse it good ya
<script type="text/javascript" src="../MathJax.js?config=AM_HTMLorMML-full"></script>
the path that is unable to parse in android webview 3.x,4.0.x versions
I dont think why the google is so silly to be in this things in android webview ....
waste of time in rectifying this error by GOOGLE
I found why it was ..
It is due to broken url in android webview loading content also
if the html contains the javascript path with "?" it doesn't load properly in android
<title>MathJax AsciiMath Test Page</title>
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The MathJax Consortium
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../MathJax.js?config=AM_HTMLorMML-full"></script>
When `a != 0`, there are two solutions to `ax^2 + bx + c = 0` and they are
<p style="text-align:center">
`x = (-b +- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a) .`
In the above code the webview unable to parse it good ya
<script type="text/javascript" src="../MathJax.js?config=AM_HTMLorMML-full"></script>
the path that is unable to parse in android webview 3.x,4.0.x versions
I dont think why the google is so silly to be in this things in android webview ....
waste of time in rectifying this error by GOOGLE <> #194
Hi Team,
Can you please confirm if the bug is fixed now. Because when my HTML Page is trying to do a with parameters) its not working where as same URL without parameter is working fine inside a webview.
Example :
Say My is loaded inside a webview.
Case 1 :
In this page on a click of a button if I am doing a' '). -- This works fine inside webview.
Case 2 :
In same page on click of a button if i am doing a'¶m2=y ') this is not working inside webview.
Request you to please suggest how to achieve case 2 inside a webview.
Can you please confirm if the bug is fixed now. Because when my HTML Page is trying to do a with parameters) its not working where as same URL without parameter is working fine inside a webview.
Example :
Case 1 :
In this page on a click of a button if I am doing a'
Case 2 :
In same page on click of a button if i am doing a'
Request you to please suggest how to achieve case 2 inside a webview.
Anurag <> #195
Hi Team,
Please fix this issue.
Farid Hidayat
Please fix this issue.
Farid Hidayat <> #196
which release? If it is 4.4, open a new bug and assign to me. please add a demo program. thanks, <> #197
you likely can't assign it. just opening the bug is good enough.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #198
I need this urgently please anyone solve this issue.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #200
Hello everyone,
Does anyone have solution of this issue? its not working on android 3.1 version.
Please help me.
Does anyone have solution of this issue? its not working on android 3.1 version.
Please help me. <> #201
this might be a phonegap/cordova issue. I'm able to pass query strings on the chrome browser on galaxy s5 <> #202
is this issue resolved ? <> #203
It's 2020. It is still there. <> #204
It's 2021, still here. <> #205
well, I assume most engineers switched to state management or some reactive framework which means there are better ways to send parameters to screens <> #206
same error 2021 <> #207
same error 2023 <> #208
try file://..........#?arg=value
have been using this for long.
have been using this for long.
<a href="file:///android_assets/test.html>test</a> // this is working
<a href="file:///android_assets/test.html?para=one>test</a> // this is not working with error message "web page contains error"
It working in Android 2.2. I did not test Honeycomb 3.0.