Status Update
Comments <> #2
Building with eclipse also fails for me since upgrading to r21. <> #3
Do some of your libraries and/or the app share the same package name? this could trigger this bug I think. <> #4
Oh btw, building with eclipse now also fails for me. Seems i hadn't fully upgraded the Plugin to v21 by the time.
Yes, our library projects all share the same package name and we use the manifest merger.
Yes, our library projects all share the same package name and we use the manifest merger. <> #5
It happens when not using manifest merger too. <> #6
We have made a fix to better support setup when libraries share package name.
Note that it will only work if *all* libraries share the same package name. If only some do, then the build will fail.
We will be releasing this shortly.
Note that it will only work if *all* libraries share the same package name. If only some do, then the build will fail.
We will be releasing this shortly.
1. Create a layout that refers to an attr style
<TextView xmlns:android="
style="?android:attr/listSeparatorTextViewStyle" />
2. Run lint
Actual: Lint reports that layout_width and layout_height are missing.
Expected: Lint shouldn't report that layout_width and layout_height are missing, as these are provided by the style.
Reproduced with Eclipse 4.2.1, ADT 21 preview 10, tools 21 preview 10