Status Update
vs...@google.com <vs...@google.com> #2
Are you using gradle?
Have you tried clicking on "Rebuild Project"?
Have you tried doing "./gradlew assembleDebug" from the command line? If so, what is the output?
Have you tried clicking on "Rebuild Project"?
Have you tried doing "./gradlew assembleDebug" from the command line? If so, what is the output?
lc...@gmail.com <lc...@gmail.com> #3
I'm not using gradle
Rebuild works!
Rebuild works!
co...@gmail.com <co...@gmail.com> #4
I had the same problem, previously, when I would run, it would auto generate R.java, now I have to click rebuild every time prior to running on the AVR or through ADB.
Rebuilding does work, just really annoying.
Rebuilding does work, just really annoying.
pe...@gmail.com <pe...@gmail.com> #5
I also have the same problem. Everytime I need rebuild to make R file update.
vs...@google.com <vs...@google.com> #6
Please provide more info:
- are you using gradle?
- Run a clean build, then do some modification, reproduce the issue, and then attach the files idea.log and build.log. If you click on "Help | Show log in finder", it'll take you to the idea.log file. There'll be a build folder in the same place which should have the build.log
Please don't add useless comments that just say "I have the same problem".
- are you using gradle?
- Run a clean build, then do some modification, reproduce the issue, and then attach the files idea.log and build.log. If you click on "Help | Show log in finder", it'll take you to the idea.log file. There'll be a build folder in the same place which should have the build.log
Please don't add useless comments that just say "I have the same problem".
pe...@gmail.com <pe...@gmail.com> #7
I'm not use gradle.
sa...@altralogica.it <sa...@altralogica.it> #8
Since I'm experiencing the same issue, here's my log of what's happening
al...@google.com <al...@google.com> #20
I looked at the log provided in comment #7 . This bug is a duplicate of issue 36949180
al...@google.com <al...@google.com> #21
OK, Issue 36949180 has been already marked as duplicate of this one :-)
tn...@google.com <tn...@google.com> #22
FYI: This bug seems to be specific to non-Gradle projects. If you are seeing a similar bug with Gradle, that should go into issue 36949180 .
For this issue (with non-Gradle projects), we can reproduce it now. Trying to track down the problem.
For this issue (with non-Gradle projects), we can reproduce it now. Trying to track down the problem.
tn...@google.com <tn...@google.com> #24
As a temporary workaround, try turning off Preferences > Compiler > Use External Build.
so...@gmail.com <so...@gmail.com> #25
The above workaround seems to work for me.
ro...@gmail.com <ro...@gmail.com> #27
The workaround also works for me. What are the potential negative side effects of this workaround?
ew...@gmail.com <ew...@gmail.com> #28
It seems to work for me as well, it feels a tad slower, but that's quite acceptable.
gr...@gmail.com <gr...@gmail.com> #29
spend five minutes instead of one
tn...@google.com <tn...@google.com> #30
The downside is that builds are now done inside the same process as the IDE, so the IDE process gets larger and shares GC pauses with builds etc. But this is how all builds worked in IntelliJ until version 12 when the external build architecture was added.
ro...@gmail.com <ro...@gmail.com> #32
tnor if it helps, someone else has stated that deleting the out folder solves the problem: http://stackoverflow.com/a/17243981/1438339
tn...@google.com <tn...@google.com> #33
Removing the out folder isn't necessary; all you have to do is a full Rebuild (Build > Rebuild Project). That will of course remove the out folder behind the scenes.
But that doesn't really solve it. The next time you make a small edit and rebuild the error comes back, because what is broken is incremental builds in the external builder.
Turning off the external builder works around that, though it makes builds slightly slower and of course bloats the IDE process more.
I'm still digging to figure out what the problem is. I've looked at the 90 or so CLs we merged in from the IntelliJ Android plugin into 0.1.6 and just reverting those doesn't work so there's some sort of interaction between the changes we've made and the changes they've made. I'm totally unfamiliar with that code so it's hard to make progress.
But that doesn't really solve it. The next time you make a small edit and rebuild the error comes back, because what is broken is incremental builds in the external builder.
Turning off the external builder works around that, though it makes builds slightly slower and of course bloats the IDE process more.
I'm still digging to figure out what the problem is. I've looked at the 90 or so CLs we merged in from the IntelliJ Android plugin into 0.1.6 and just reverting those doesn't work so there's some sort of interaction between the changes we've made and the changes they've made. I'm totally unfamiliar with that code so it's hard to make progress.
be...@upactivity.com <be...@upactivity.com> #35
[Comment deleted]
be...@upactivity.com <be...@upactivity.com> #36
OK, something interesting:
- done a rebuild all, worked
- made a modification to the code --> problems with R.java
normally, at this step with the bug and without the workaround, I'd have to rebuild all.
- I didn't do a rebuild all
- I opened one of my layouts, and added a `android:id="@+id/foobar"` to a view that didn't have any id
- hit Ctrl-R that triggers make + run on target
it worked!!
So apparently, modifying java only breaks the R.java generation, but modifying resources fixes that issue without having to rebuild all.
As far as I understand this, when doing incremental build, R.java doesn't get generated. For some reason, it gets also cleared. If cleared, it should be regenerated; but it shouldn't be cleared in the first place.
- done a rebuild all, worked
- made a modification to the code --> problems with R.java
normally, at this step with the bug and without the workaround, I'd have to rebuild all.
- I didn't do a rebuild all
- I opened one of my layouts, and added a `android:id="@+id/foobar"` to a view that didn't have any id
- hit Ctrl-R that triggers make + run on target
it worked!!
So apparently, modifying java only breaks the R.java generation, but modifying resources fixes that issue without having to rebuild all.
As far as I understand this, when doing incremental build, R.java doesn't get generated. For some reason, it gets also cleared. If cleared, it should be regenerated; but it shouldn't be cleared in the first place.
kw...@gmail.com <kw...@gmail.com> #37
Same issue here, to avoid rebuild EACH TIME, i'm going to my module project settings -> Dependencies and up or down one of my library item -> Apply -> Ok -> Make regenerating R.java.
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #43
I solved this problem!
1. Go to file>ProjectStructure>Modules
2. Choose in the list your module then go down to see wich files are excluded, click on "build/source" and change from excluded to sources.
No more rebuilds!
1. Go to file>ProjectStructure>Modules
2. Choose in the list your module then go down to see wich files are excluded, click on "build/source" and change from excluded to sources.
No more rebuilds!
s....@stetel.com <s....@stetel.com> #46
Only my Out folder is excluded and if I add it to the sources, obviousely I got an error while building the dex file
Only my Out folder is excluded and if I add it to the sources, obviousely I got an error while building the dex file
we...@gmail.com <we...@gmail.com> #52
If theres no workaround, is the old version for download anywhere?
vs...@google.com <vs...@google.com> #53
See comment #24 for workaround.
al...@google.com <al...@google.com> #54
This CL: https://android-review.googlesource.com/61325 automatically disables "External Build" for non-Gradle Android projects. It is a workaround until we find the cause of the bug.
je...@gmail.com <je...@gmail.com> #59
we have a project with 8 modules. rebuilding the project each time is not an option as it takes around 5 minutes. we have to move back to eclipse in the mean time.
tn...@google.com <tn...@google.com> #60
You don't have to rebuild; just turn off external build, that makes incremental build work.
We just released 0.1.7 which does this automatically.
We just released 0.1.7 which does this automatically.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #61
I still get the issue with 0.1.7. Does 0.1.7 do anything to resolve this problem, or does it jus toggle that option automatically?
kw...@gmail.com <kw...@gmail.com> #62
tn...@google.com <tn...@google.com> #63
If you are still seeing this with 0.1.7: Can you open the preferences and see whether in the Compiler panel, Use External Build is turned off? If it is, and you're still seeing this, it is likely some other bug; please file a new issue with as much detail as possible. (Note that this bug is specific to non-Gradle projects. There is a separate fix, similar to missing R fields, for Gradle projects, with a different solution; that fix didn't go into 0.1.7.)
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #64
I have a non-gradle project and I am still seeing this issue after the patch? Is the fix to have "Use External Build" turned off? I thought that was a temporary solution.
tn...@google.com <tn...@google.com> #65
This issue isn't marked fixed yet because the root cause isn't fixed. In 0.1.7 we've automated automatically turning off external build since that's a working workaround, and by doing it automatically users who aren't reading this issue report or the Google+ community posts with the workaround will get the fix.
kw...@gmail.com <kw...@gmail.com> #66
It is resolved in 0.1.8 release without turning off external build ?
la...@gmail.com <la...@gmail.com> #67
No I still get it in 0.1.8.
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #69
do you plan to auto enable external build once the bug is fixed?
kw...@gmail.com <kw...@gmail.com> #71
It is fixed in 0.2.0 Android Studio App ?
sm...@smite.ca <sm...@smite.ca> #72
Please note that as described in 56882, this is still present in 0.2.0!
This is worrysome with the warning in 0.2.0 that the internal build will be removed.
This is worrysome with the warning in 0.2.0 that the internal build will be removed.
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #73
Any updates on this, are there any plans for fixing this? This is the only reason I am not using Android Studio...
ch...@gmail.com <ch...@gmail.com> #74
Oddly it seems to be fixed for me in 0.2.0. My build time has dropped from over a minute to 20-30 seconds. I have turn the external build option on and do a rebuild every time I open studio to get it to work. I'm using Maven to build.
sm...@smite.ca <sm...@smite.ca> #75
I believe https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=56882 was incorrectly merged into this one. 56882 is NOT fixed, while the R.* issue this describes may be.
sb...@google.com <sb...@google.com> #76
We think that most resource problems have been fixed in 0.2.1. If there are problems, please re-file. In particular, this bug has had so many updates with so many different problems that it's really hard to track things here, so I'd like to keep this bug closed instead of re-opening it for regressions.
la...@gmail.com <la...@gmail.com> #77
I have this similar problem and I have tried rebuilding but it is not working. I don't seem to understand what to do next.
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #78
I am facing same issue, each time I need to rebuild the project to generated R.java
fa...@gmail.com <fa...@gmail.com> #79
I am using android studio v 1.1.0 still facing the same issue.. :/
cz...@gmail.com <cz...@gmail.com> #80
Same issue here
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #81
Same issue here too with android studio 2.1.2 and gradle 2.10 and gradle plugin 2.1.2, i miss eclipse :(
am...@gmail.com <am...@gmail.com> #82
any solution ?!
R.java is clean, and nothing regenerates it.
I tried build, compile, close, open, but nothing resolve.
Build: 0.1.6, AI-130.716844, 20130620