Status Update
99...@gmail.com <99...@gmail.com> #2
These changes would be really nice! Being able to change the text colour is really important as it now doesn't match the rest of our app either.
Stack overflow posting -http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32533069/how-to-change-a-title-color-in-chrome-custom-tabs
Stack overflow posting -
99...@gmail.com <99...@gmail.com> #3
Changing text color and the overflow icon color is important to us too! Awesome work on the feature though.
99...@gmail.com <99...@gmail.com> #4
The ability of customize the status bar color is very important!
mm...@gmail.com <mm...@gmail.com> #5
It is in the essence of a "custom" UI component to have a custom color. Please add this feature!
19...@gmail.com <19...@gmail.com> #6
I have noted that the status bar automatically generated from the toolbar color is a bit darker than needed. The status bar color of the chrome activity is different to the one of the rest of my app. It doesn't strictly follow Material guidelines.
99...@gmail.com <99...@gmail.com> #7
The same issue I met. And is there a way to customize the title? using my own title rather than the url's. Thanks
xa...@android.com <xa...@android.com> #8
Would very appreciate this enhancement!
99...@gmail.com <99...@gmail.com> #9
I'd love to have the possibility to change title text color, I'll be a very important graphic consistency inside my app
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #10
Voting +1 for this feature.
xa...@android.com <xa...@android.com> #11
It has been more than a year. Please add this!
xa...@android.com <xa...@android.com> #12
[Comment deleted]
po...@gmail.com <po...@gmail.com> #13
It will certainly be a nice feature and have a nice title for the chrome tab. Please fix this.
vo...@gmail.com <vo...@gmail.com> #14
Customize the status bar color is a real need. Voting +1
be...@gmail.com <be...@gmail.com> #15
Yes, it's needed definitely. Please!! Voting+1.
br...@16cards.com <br...@16cards.com> #16
Any date to the release of this feature? Working with VectorDrawables is awesome and let us have an IconKit but this little impediment make it not perfect
- Steps to reproduce the problem (including sample code if appropriate).
(1) The attachment bug_android_sdk_21.zip contains 2 sample projects: y and ylib.
(2) Project y depends on project ylib. These 2 projects use the same package name "com.y" in their AndroidManifest.xml.
(3) Define a string in project y/res/values/strings.xml: str_y.
(4) Define an Activity in project y/src/com/y/HomeActivity.java and this activity reference the string stry_y.
- What happened.
(1) In command line, run "ant debug" and will get the error messages as below:
[javac] Compiling 3 source files to /home/somewhere/y/bin/classes
[javac] /home/somewhere/y/src/com/y/HomeActivity.java:12: cannot find symbol
[javac] symbol : variable str_y
[javac] location: class com.y.R.string
[javac] setTitle(R.string.str_y);
[javac] ^
[javac] 1 error
(2) While check the y/gen/com/y/R.java, I found the str_y is not generated. All the resources id in y/gen/com/y/R.java actually reference the resources in the library project ylib/res.
(3) The Eclipse ADT can successfully build the attached project with no problem.
- What you think the correct behavior should be.
The ant build should treat the project the same way as the Eclipse.
It's true if I change the library project with a different package name in the AndroidManifest.xml, then I can build it successfully. But this is painful for some big projects rather than the sample projects because we have to tweak all the xxx.R import in the library projects and some of the feature we implemented rely on the "resource override" behavior: e.g. lib project is shared by several app projects and lib define some layout layout_abc.xml, A and B projects all have defined their own layout_abc.xml. And the java code in lib project reference the layout_abc. For this use case, all the related source code will have to be refactored.
This subtle bug is bad. Please fix this as soon as possible.
And it would be great if you can give us some advice or workaround (e.g. turn on some option using some properties so we can use the same way to build by ant).