
Android component that plays videos from YouTube

LATEST: Thanks to Rajesh R., this project has been recently updated to work with the latest YouTube API changes. I've also added a sample activity that demonstrates how to use the player.

This project is focused on creating an Android activity that allows developers to play videos that are hosted on YouTube. The original code was created by KeyesLabs ( as part of the Screebl project. The developers wanted the ability to play YouTube-hosted help videos, and wanted those videos to be able to play on any device, even those that didn't have the stock YouTube player app.

Feel free to use this code however you want (as long as it's in line with the Apache 2.0 license). We also welcome enhancements, bug fixes (at last inspection, there are some issues with interacting with YouTube), etc.

To use the Activity, follow these OpenYouTubePlayerActiviyInstructions.

Project Information

android youtube player component