
Example project to demonstrate how to implement an activity and a service which are using AIDL IPC to communicate

This example demonstrates the use of Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) / Inter Process Communication (IPC) in Android. It consists of four apps:

  • AIDLMessageService and AIDLDisplayRemoteMessage: These projects contain a Service and an Activity. The Activity will connect to the Service using the Android RPC mechanism and will query a String from that Service.

  • AIDLRemoteClientUsingParcelableObject and AIDLRemoteMessageServiceUsingParcelableObject: These projects are slightly modified versions of the first example. They also contain a Service and an Activity. The Activity will connect to the Service using the Android RPC mechanism and will query a self-defined Parcelable object.

See for a detailed AIDL tutorial.

And for the corresponding blog post on how to define and use Parcelables.

Project Information

The project was created on Apr 26, 2011.

Android Apps Example RPC IPC AIDL Parcelable