
AndEngine - SVGTextureRegion Extension

AndEngine - SVGTextureRegion Extension

This project is an extension to AndEngine, the free Android 2D OpenGL Game Engine.

It allows you to render SVG files to Textures/Bitmaps during runtime.



SVG Features not (yet) supported: * Filters (like blur) * Text (Simply convert text obejects to path objects!)

SVG Features supported: * Groups * Inheritance of group-transformations and attributes/properties * Colors * Opacity * Formats: * rgb(rrr,ggg,bbb) * #RRGGBB * #RGB * Gradients * Inheritance (lazy initialization, including transform/stop-inheritance) * Types: * LinearGradients * RadialGradients * Rectangles * RoundedRectangles * Circles * Ellipses * Polygons * Polylines * Paths * SubPaths * Fillrule * even-odd * Commands: * M/m - Move to * Z/z - Close path * L/l - Line to * H/h - Horizontal ine to * V/v - Vertical line to * C/c - Cubic bezier to * S/s - Smooth cubic bezier to * Q/q - Quadratic bezier to * T/t - Smooth quadratic bezier to * A/a - Arc to

Supported formats

  • Optimized Inkscape-SVG (Recommended Format)
  • Inkscape SVG
  • Adobe Illustrator SVG


This extension was inspired by the svg-android project which was released under the Apache License 2.0. By now this project has advanced so far, that there is actually no source-code shared with the original project anymore. Sourcecode files where the initial idea is still somewhat present are marked with the relevant @author annotation.

Project Information

The project was created on May 25, 2011.

andengine android game engine framework 2d opengl free extension svg vector graphics inkscape