The simplest way to install Ampacheberry is over-the-air using the built-in BlackBerry browser.
- Point your BlackBerry browser to http://ampacheberry.googlecode.com/files/ampacheberry.jad
- The BlackBerry will bring up its installation screen
- Select 'Download'
- The BlackBerry will install the application and you'll be prompted with a selection box to say 'OK' to the installation or 'Run' the installation.
- Either run the application at this point or select it from the 'Downloads' folder on the BlackBerry to run.
- When Ampacheberry is first run, it will say "Not Connected!" Press the BlackBerry menu key and select 'Options' to input the Ampache server data.
- Once the server data is input correctly, Ampacheberry will connect.
- Ampache must be version 3.5 or higher
- Be aware if your Ampache installation requires an http or https connection
- The Ampache server must have the API/RPC ACL enabled. See the Ampache ACL Guide.
- Albums and Artists can be cached so that the complete catalog doesn't have to be downloaded at each call for all artists and albums.
- See the various cache settings on the Options screen. I believe they're fairly self explanatory.
- Remember, this is just a playlist generator. It's a go-between for Ampache and the built-in BlackBerry media player. Once you generate a playlist, it will be saved to the BlackBerry and accessible via the BlackBerry's media player.
- Consult the Ampache forums and website for information about transcoding. You might want to consider setting up Ampache to downsample the music stream in order to save bandwidth.