a-simple-lastfm-scrobbler - issue #25
SLS doesn't work properly with motorola cliq/dext
Now, since I don't know anyone who owns a phone like this, it seems very difficult to test why it doesn't work. It is very hard to get real data through the web on what music apps are installed, or what info they broadcast.
If you has a cliq/dext phone, please email me and tell me more specifically what doesn't work.
(This article ( http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=301&p=2205 ) about the cliq as a picture of a music widget that is similar but not the same as the one for the default android music app
Comment #1
Posted on Jan 30, 2010 by Helpful Elephant(No comment was entered for this change.)
Comment #2
Posted on Feb 4, 2010 by Grumpy PandaI've had the phone working with SLS for a while now and it's only been since recent updates that SLS is now dropping a growing number of scrobbles.
I'll be glad to help out in anyway I can.
Comment #3
Posted on Feb 4, 2010 by Helpful ElephantThat would be much appreciated.
Is there a sure way to reproduce this behaviour?, Like can you describe step-by-step a way to make SLS lose scrobbles?
Comment #4
Posted on Feb 24, 2010 by Grumpy PandaI have all mine stored up and manually scrobble when I'm done listening. I rarely let it fill up to 50 and auto-submit. I will start an album from track one and play thru (sometimes not to the very end). When I submit and check my last.fm, I see that sometimes, the first two or three tracks didn't make it, yet the rest do and it just seems to drop a couple here and there, no real patterns.
I'm using a DEXT on Orange in the U.K.
Comment #5
Posted on Feb 24, 2010 by Helpful ElephantWhat music player are you using? And do the lost tracks get cached on the phone before you send them?
According to the scrobbling api, you have to play at least half the song or 240 seconds, whichever is smaller. (Also, no tracks that has a duration < 30s is allowed to be scrobbled). What is your scrobble point settings?
What version of Android is your phone running?
Thank you for helping me.
Comment #6
Posted on Feb 25, 2010 by Grumpy PandaI'm using the standard Android player with no others installed and SLS, again, with no others (scrobblers) installed. It seems to be caching without issue so I'm guessing something happens pre/during/post transmission to last.fm.
Scrobble point is at 50% as per default.
Android version is 1.5 sadly (Motorola haven't given a firm date for 2.1 in Europe) :-(
Helping is my pleasure! I too am a programmer and know how important feedback is :-)
Comment #7
Posted on Feb 25, 2010 by Helpful ElephantThis seems weird. Is it always the same tracks that don't get scrobbled? (Can you tell me which?). Sometimes Last.fm rejects scrobbles, or at least I've encountered such tracks in the past.
Comment #8
Posted on Feb 26, 2010 by Grumpy PandaOk, just this morning for instance, I listened to 1984 by Van Halen. I started another album during its last track (House of Pain). After the second album (Ruination by Job for a Cowboy) ended, I checked the local cahce (which had everything I'd listened to in it) and then hit scrobble. I then checked my last.fm (http://last.fm/user/rustinpeace1990) to see that only two tracks from 1984 had made it to last.fm even though I'd listened to 7 tracks of the album.
It's not always the same tracks no; I rarely play anything really short (occasionally, I'll lsiten to some grindcore which has some tracks under 30 seconds and I accept that they won't scrobble). It's random :s
Comment #9
Posted on Feb 26, 2010 by Helpful ElephantOkay, I'll look into it. Hmm.
I'll release a new version of SLS in the next few days which will fix some other problems (epecially this: http://code.google.com/p/a-simple-lastfm-scrobbler/issues/detail?id=26), which might fix the scrobbling issues as well. Or not.
Comment #10
Posted on Feb 28, 2010 by Helpful ElephantI've released v1.2.7 now, with very minor bug fixes. Perhaps this might fix this issue. If it does, plese tell me.
Comment #11
Posted on Mar 5, 2010 by Grumpy PandaI have 1.2.7 and this is still happening; I'm wondering if some third party apps could be affecting it. I'm not sure that I full trust Startup Auditor for a start...
Comment #12
Posted on Mar 5, 2010 by Helpful ElephantIf it gets into the scrobble, I don't think any third party could prevent it from getting scrobbled. This is so weird, could you perhaps send me a logcat of when it happens?
Comment #13
Posted on Mar 5, 2010 by Helpful ElephantI meant "If it gets into the cache"...
Comment #14
Posted on Mar 11, 2010 by Grumpy PandaIt seems to be working alright since the latest update; I will continue to monitor it to make sure (^_^)
Comment #15
Posted on Mar 11, 2010 by Helpful ElephantWow, that would be awesome. Although I haven't really changed anything regarding that part. But if it works....
Comment #16
Posted on Mar 12, 2010 by Grumpy Pandabad news: today 11 scrobble were dropped from Atreyu's Congregation of the Damned album: http://www.last.fm/user/RustInPeace1990, but everything else seemed to go thru fine. This really is an odd issue...
Comment #17
Posted on Mar 16, 2010 by Grumpy PandaI've switched to scrobbling every 10 tracks, just to see what happens. Will keep you updated as always.
Comment #18
Posted on Mar 16, 2010 by Helpful ElephantIf you want to get into developing android apps yourself, you could set up the development environment: http://developer.android.com/index.html
If you do that, I'd greatly appreciate if you could connect your phone and see what log messages that gets printed whenever scrobbles get lost.
Comment #19
Posted on Mar 18, 2010 by Grumpy PandaIt's funny that you say that; I've just actually fired it up after downloading it months ago. I've built the tutorials Hello, Android app and I now have some books on the way to me, to learn the rest.
Is it possible to view these messaging via a Terminal? I'm pretty well versed in Linux commands...
Comment #20
Posted on Mar 18, 2010 by Helpful ElephantYep, use the tool called ddms.sh, which lies in android-sdk/tools/. This should open a window where you can see the current log, and SLS should print some messages there whenever you pause/play and scrobble etc.
You can also use the omnipotent adb tool (in the same folder), which is pure terminal
but more tricky. adb logcat
should get you the log, somehow.
Comment #21
Posted on Aug 31, 2011 by Quick BirdI have a Moto Cliq which is stuck at android 1.5 (they don't have an update for this phone, sucks.) and I'm having issues as well. :( I signed it with my last.fm credentials and everything, and I'm using the android music player and it doesn't show up in the enabled apps.
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