stopwatch is a very simple python timer. I have found it very useful when I want to monitor how long specific parts of a program or specific processes/threads take to run. Other great utilties already exist, such as, but stopwatch is designed to be dead simple.
Sample Usage
import stopwatch t = stopwatch.Timer() # immediately starts the clock t.elapsed # elapsed time in seconds 0.2 t.elapsed 1.6 str(t) # pretty print 1.8 sec for i in xrange(0, 10000) pass t.elapsed # still going 10.4 t.stop() # stop the timer t.elapsed 10.6 t.elapsed # it will not go any more 10.6 ```
There is also a decorator for measuring how long a function takes to execute: ```
from stopwatch import clockit @clockit def multiply(a, b): return a * b r = multiple(4, 5) multiple in 1.38282775879e-05 sec print r 20 ```