eyes-free - issue #375
[TalkBack] Explore By Touch event does not pass through SeekBar's AccessibiltyEvent handling methods
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Create an app (attached) with a custom SeekBar and set ContentDescription to 'Helpful text' in code (Activity.onCreate) 2. (Deliberately) set the ContentDescription to 'null' in onInitializeAccessibilityEvent, onPopulateAccessibilityEvent and dispatchAccessibilityEvent. 3. Enable Menu->Settings->Accessibility->TalkBack with TalkBack->Settings->Explore By Touch enabled. 4. Run the app and click on the custom SeekBar to trigger an Explore By Touch event.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expected result: The event should be handled as an AccessibilityEvent by the custom SeekBar. Hence, the text spoken should not include the original wording of the ContentDescription, as it is modified (removed) by the custom AccessibilityEvent handlers. Actual result: TalkBack says 'Helpful text seek bar 0 per cent', incorrectly including the ContentDescription (and adding some extra words).
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? TalkBack: com.google.android.marvin.talkback-v3.5.0_r105.apk Android: API 16 (same result on emulator and Samsung Galaxy Young)
Please provide any additional information below.
I discovered this issue while trying to add Accessibility support to my custom control which is based on SeekBar, but has quite different functionality. I am trying to remove the extra words being added, i.e. '...seek bar 0 per cent', which are meaningless in my implementation. Is this a bug, or there another way I can override it in code? Please advise.
I have attached a demo app, which illustrates the issue, and also raised a question on StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25001069/android-how-to-eliminate-spoken-text-from-accessibilityevents-when-extending-se
- HelloSeekBarAccessibility.tgz 36.87KB
Status: New