
Migration Guide: Moving from v2.3 APIs to v2.4 & v3.0

This article provides a set of guidelines to migrate from v2.3 to v2.4 of the Management and/or Core Reporting API. It also includes considerations for moving to v3.0.

Web Tracking (ga.js) Articles

Troubleshooting the Tracking Code

This article covers how you can use troubleshooting tools to help identify and correct basic issues with the Google Analytics tracking code.

Data Export API Version 2.3 Articles

Retrieving Time Series Data For Individual Dimensions - Part 1

This article explains how you can save time by automating the process of exporting times series data for individual dimensions using the Data Export API.

Retrieving Time Series Data For Individual Dimensions - Part 2

This article builds on part one of the series, and describes how to use filter expressions to dramatically reduce the amount of quota required to retrieve time series data for individual dimensions.

Filling In Missing Values In Date Requests August 2010

If you want to request data displayed over a time series, you will find that there might be missing dates in your series requests. When requesting multiple dimensions, the Data Export API only returns entries for dates that have collected data. This can lead to missing dates in a time series, but this article describes how to fill in these missing dates.

Outputting Data from the Data Export API to CSV Format August 2010

If you use Google Analytics, chances are that your data eventually makes its way into a spreadsheet. This article shows you how to automate all the manual work by printing data from the Data Export API in CSV, the most ubiquitious file format for table data.

Visualizing Google Analytics Data with Google Chart Tools August 2010

This article describes how you can use JavaScript to pull data from the Export API to dynamically create and embed chart images in a web page. To do this, it shows you how to use the Data Export API and Google Chart Tools to create visualizations of your Google Analytics Data. The sample code in this article use JavaScript to pull data from the Export API, and dynamically create and embed chart images in a web page.

Google Analytics on App Engine in Java October 2009

This article describes how to make Authenticated Google Data API requests using the App Engine Java SDK. The example in this article supports AuthSub and OAuth, uses the Model-View-Controller pattern, and serves as a model that you can use to build your own applications. Try the live example here.